
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Monday, December 14, 2020

 DAY 10

I continue on in the Relic Passage. Next my first encounter is Woobat LV27. I catch and name it Quina (short for quinacradone) 


Baltoy LV32 vs Titanium LV33, return kills.

Yanmask LV32, dig, wil-o-wisp, dig hits, switch to oxide, curse, hit by fear, crunch kills.

I find a red shard. Next I arrive at Relic Castle and use a repel, I find an ultra ball and then my first encounter is Volcarona!!!! (while healing twice and using 18 balls Titanium dies!) NOOOO! (FUDGE) I call out Ivory and the next ball is a catch. (suprise! f.....) I name it Crimson.

I walk back to the center. I lay poor Titanium to rest (so long little friend).

Then for all the hard work I add Crimson to the team and go to the move tutor and teach it signal beam. Next we go back to Relic Passage.


Sandslash LV32 vs Cerulean LV33, bubblebeam, slash crit down to 3 HP, bubble beam kills. (JEEZ CLOSE)


Raticate LV32 vs Cerulean LV33, assurance, bubblebeam, crunch, bubblebeam kills.


Drilbur LV31 vs Oxide LV33, dig, dig, dig miss, dig hits, crunch kills.

Roggenrola LV31, crunch, stealth rock, crunch kills.


Roggenrola LV31 vs Oxide LV33, dig, smack down miss, dig, smack down, crunch kills.

Timburr LV31, switch to Payne, wake up slap, psychic kills.

I find blue shard, max repel, and two green shards.


Swoobat LV33 vs Oxide LV33, calm mind, crunch and gets to LV34.

I find an ultra ball, rare candy, another rocky helmet and a yellow shard.


Watchog LV32 vs Payne LV33, super fang, psychic, hyper fang crits and kills! (NOOOOOOO! F#^%#) I call out Viridian and use giga drain to kill.

I go lay her to rest and I'm crushed caused I used her in the last run all the way to elite 4. I select Quina to assist the team.


Herdier LV18 vs Oxide LV34, crunch kills.


Grimer LV18 vs Oxide LV34, x-defend, dig, dig kills.


Venipede LV17 vs Quina LV27, x-defend, air cutter kills.

Koffing LV17, heart stamp, smokescreen, air cutter kills.

I go back and heal then go back to Route 6 and Cheren gives me HM Surf. Cobalion shows up and talks to me. Rood comes by and talks to me about the justice trio. I continue on...

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Clay vs Sienna

Krokorok LV31 vs Viridian LV33, giga drain kills.

Sandslash LV31, giga drain kills and gets to LV34.

Excadrill LV33, slash, giga drain, sitrus berry, metal claw, giga drain kills.

I win and get the Quake Badge, TM Bulldoze and my level limit goes to 39.

Clay talks to Umber and me about a World Tournament in town. I heal up and head there. I find the heart scale guy and teach ice fang to Ivory. I get a rocky helmet, zinc and pp up. Next I join the Driftveil Tournament and pick the team of Ivory, Viridian, and Oxide for the battles.

Battle 1:

Umber vs Sienna

Pignite LV25 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.

Simipour LV25, leer, return crit kills.

Tranquil LV25, return kills.

Battle 2:

Cheren vs Sienna

Stoutland LV25 vs Ivory LV33, return, work up, return kills.

Cinccino LV25, return, sing, sleep, wake up slap, return kills.

Watchog LV25, strength crit kills.


Colress vs Sienna

Magneton LV25 vs Ivory LV33, switch to Oxide, screech, dig, supersonic, dig hits but sturdy, mirror shot, crunch kills.

Elgyen LV25, crunch kills.

Klink LV25, dig, charge, dig kills.

I win the tournament. We exit and Team Plasma runs by. Umber Cheren and I go to run after and Colress tells us to stop. But we ignore him. We chase the grunt onto the big ship in the harbor. Plasma grunts come out of the wood work to face us and battle us.


Koffing LV30 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.


Trubbish LV30 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.

Grunts vs Sienna & Cheren

Grimer LV29, Golbet LV29 vs Ivory LV33, Stoutland LV33, double Intimidate, return kills, strength, sludge bomb, liepard called out, return kills, strength kills. and gets to LV34.

Grunts vs Sienna & Umber

Koffing LV29, Grimer LV29 vs Titanium LV33, Pignite LV33, dig, jump kick, sludge bomb miss, dig kills, call out watchog, dig kills, take down, call out raticate, return kills, bite, take down, sucker punch, jump kick kills.

Then the Shadow Triad and Zinzoulin show up. Then they toss us off the ship and they take off. I heal up and go to the Relic Passage...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

 DAY 9

I go to the previous Team Plasma Hideout and they ask for a battle to test me.

Rood vs Sienna

Herdier LV27 vs Viridian LV30, giga drain, work up, pin missile kills.

Swoobat LV27, switch to Titanium, imprison, air cutter crit, return, quick attack kills.

He thanks me for the battle. Umber shows up afterwards. Umber demands Purrloin and Rood apologies but they dont have it. He storms out and rood feels sad for  him but the good team plasma have no way of assisting. Likely those remaining team member have it. I head over to battle Charles again for a Triple battle.

Charles vs Sienna:

Archen/ Sigilyph/Tirtouga LV26 vs Viridian/Payne/ Titanium LV30, wide guard, return, light screen, giga drain kills archen, faint attack kills sigilyph, wide guard miss, jump kick, psybeam kills tirtouga. Viridian to LV31.

I go to the gym to clear out the trainers.


Baltoy LV31 vs Payne LV30, faint attack, cosmic power, faint attack, cosmic power, ancient power, faint attack kills.


Drilbur LV29: vs Payne LV30, slash, psybeam, rock lide down to 4 HP, switch to Ivory, hone claws, return kills.

Baltoy LV29, crunch kills.

Sandile LV29, return kills.

I go heal up.


Baltoy LV30 vs Payne LV30, extrasensory, faint attack, ancient power, faint attack, extrasensory, faint attack kills.

Sandile LV30, switch to Ivory, mud slap, return crit kills.


Sandile LV30 vs Payne LV30, embargo, double slap, swagger, double slap, mud slap, double slap kills. and gets to LV31.

Drilbur LV30, switch to Ivory, hone claws, return kills.


Sandile LV31 vs Ivory LV31, return kills

Baltoy LV30, crunch, power trick, crunch kills.

I finish the trainers and go east after healing. In the grass training Ivory gets to LV32. What!?! Ivory evolves into Stoutland!


Minccino LV27 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick kills.

Deerling LV27, jump kick kills

Parasol Lady:

Castform LV28 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick, water gun, quick attack kills.

School Kid:

Deerling LV27 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick kills.

Shelmet LV27, return, curse, return kills.


Deerling LV28 vs Titanium LV31, x-attack, jump kick kills.

I get a moonstone and tiny mushroom.


Shelmet LV27 vs Titanium LV31, x-special, jump kick, dig, curse, dig hits, mega drain, jump kick, struggle bug, dig, curse, dig kills.

Karrablast LV27, return kills and gets to LV32.


Foongus LV27 vs Payne LV31, psyshock kills kills.

Karrablast LV27, fury attack, double slap, fury cutter, future sight, false swipe, psyshock kills.

I find an ultra ball and shiny stone.

Parasol Lady:

Castfrom LV28 vs Payne LV31, psyshock, weather ball, hail, psyshock kills.

I find a rest home and rest.

Poke Ranger:

Whirlepede LV28 vs Payne LV31, psyshock, bug bite crit down to 5HP, psyshock kills.

Foongus LV28, psyshock kills.

I get a pecha berry. I battle some mon in the grass and Payne gets to LV32. What!?! Payne evolves into Gothorita!

I enter the Charge stone cave and talk to Bianca. I find and full heal and then my first encounter is Ferroseed LV27 I catch and name her Emerald.

I train up the team and while doing so find a hidden grotto and my encounter is Foongus LV24. I catch and name it Napthol.

I keep training and get the whole team to level 33. I go back to town and heal up then head to the gym...

Friday, November 20, 2020


Elesa vs Sienna

Emolga LV28 vs Oxide LV30, quick attack, rock tomb, quick attack, rock tomb kills.

Flaffy LV28, switch to Titanium, take down, heal up Oxide for later, volt switch to...

Zebstrika LV30, quick attack, dig, volt switch miss, dig hits, sitrus berry heals, switch back to Oxide, volt switch immune, flame charge, dig, flame charge miss, dig kills.


back to Flaffy LV28, dig, take down, dig crit kills! and gets to LV31.

I win! We get the Bolt Badge, TM Volt Switch, level limit to LV33.

I go heal up and head to the Hidden grotto in Forelorn Forest. My encounter is Leavanny LV24. I catch and name it Chartreuse.

I go back and add it to the team for now. Then I head over and Umber needs help against Team Plasma.


Trubbish LV27 vs Ivory LV30, return kills.


Watchog LV27 vs Ivory LV30, swagger, hits-self, super fang, hitself, switch to Viridian, hypnosis, super fang, sleep, confuse ray, sleep, lemonade on Viridian, super fang miss, hitself, hypnosis miss, super fang, hitself, super fang miss, giga drain kills.

We win and they leave. Umber tells me about how he wants to save his sister's stolen Purrloin. He heals me up then we go east and run into Charles the Heartbreaker.


Sigilyph LV26, Archen LV26, Tirtouga LV26 vs Titanium LV30, Viridian LV30, Payne LV30, needle arm kills tirtouga, return, light screen, return kills archen, return kills sigilyph.

Driftveil Drawbridge is reached and my first encounter is a Ducklett. I catch it and name her Cerulean.

I go back and add it to the team yet again. I come back and find a clever wing, genius wing, and health wing. Next we get to Driftveil City. Two team Plasma peeps are arguing and fighting. One a former follower of N and the other a current Team Plasma member. Then I get a shell bell, everstone, expert belt, x12 moomoo milk, TM Embargo, air balloon, calcium, and big root. Lastly I head to Route 6 and my first encounter is Tranquil LV26 I catch and name it Silver.

I head back and heal up and continue on...

Thursday, November 19, 2020



Maractus LV25 vs Oxide LV26, switch to Ivory, needle arm, return, acupressure, needle arm, strength kills.


Minccino LV24, Minccino LV24 vs Oxide LV26, Ivory LV27, (double intimidate) bite, return kills, swift, bite kills.

I find a big mushroom, then go to the center to heal. I run into a trainer at the Ferris wheel.


Boldore LV24 vs Viridian LV26, needle arm, mud slap, needle arm miss, mud slap, needle arm miss again, rock blast (x2), giga drain kills.

I go to the gym and get a fresh water.


Elekid LV27 vs Viridian LV26, T-wave, needle arm, electro ball, pin missle kills.

Flaffy LV27, switch to Oxide, charge, dig, cotton spore miss, dig, take down, kill-self and gets to LV27.


Flaffy LV27 vs Oxide LV27, dig, change, dig kills.

Blitzle LV27, dig, pursuit, dig kills and gets to LV28 and learns Crunch.


BLitzle LV27 vs Titanium LV27, return kills.

Elekid LV27, return kills.

I go heal up then head to the train station. ( last time I had two deaths in this battle, SO FEAR) myself and nate team up for a double battle.

Ingo and Emmet:

Boldore LV26, Gurdurr LV26 vs Titanium LV27, Dewott LV27, switch to Viridian, water pulse, wake up slap, iron defense, giga drain, water pulse kill Boldore, wake up slap crit down to 15HP (!) but razor shell kills.

We win! I get a VS recorder, I travel to Anville Town. I get a rare candy and then save a Pansage to get a bright powder. Then I go back to Forlorn Forest.


Tranquil LV24 vs Ivory LV27, detect blocks return, return kills.

Liepard LV24, fake out, torment, strength, fury swipes (x5), return kills and gets to LV28.

Poke Ranger:

Trubbish LV20 vs Payne LV27, psybeam, pound, sludge, psybeam kills.

Poke Ranger:

Emolga LV26 vs Payne LV27, double team, psybeam miss, double team, psybeam, shock wave down to 15HP (!), psybeam switch to Viridian, shock wave, pursuit, needle arm kills.

I begin training my team to LV30. I get Oxide to LV29 and...

What!?! It evolves into Krokorok!

I continue on and have a couple close calls while training: Titanium nearly dies from audino down to 11HP, Payne nearly dies from a Tranquil down to 12HP. I go heal after the team hits LV30. We walk into the gym ready to crush...