
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

DAY 28
 Blackthorn City has tons of people and houses. I talk to everyone in town and find the heart scale guy. I use him to teach Ice fang to Valyrian for the upcoming gym. I finish talking to everyone and checking the town then head to Route 45.

Machop LV24, Graveler LV27, Machop LV27 vs Loras LV34, petal dance kills all.

Afterwards my first encounter is... Graveler. I catch it and name it Gerion.

It transfers to the PC and I beat up a few mon and Loras gets to LV35.

Ace Trainer:
Marill LV27, Wartortle LV24, Wartortle LV24 vs Dondarrion LV 34 spark kills all.

Machoke LV 28 vs Dondarrion LV 34 surf twice kills.

Diglett LV27, Dugtrio LV27 vs Dondarrion LV34, surf kills both. After one wild mon he gets to LV35.

Mankey LV17 vs Valyrian LV 34, strength kills.

Ponyta LV17, Oddish LV14 vs Valyrian LV34, strength kills.

Fly back to Blackthorn City. I heal and head to the gym.

Ace Trainer:
Dratini LV35 vs Valyrian LV34, ice fang kills.
Seadra LV35 vs Valyrian LV34, strength, bubblebeam puts me down to 10HP. I switch to Loras. poison powder, bublebeam, synthesis, bubblebeam, petal dance kills.
Dratini LV35 vs Loras LV35, petal dance, dragon rage, headbutt kills.

That was rough for the first trainer so I go heal and visit Route 45 again to train and explore more. while exploring I find a plethora of items. elixir, full heal, nugget, revive, and pp up.

Onix LV30 vs Dondarrion LV35, surf kills that and wild mon help get him to LV36.

Geodude LV13(x5) vs Valyrian LV34, uses rock smash on each to take them out. Then he gets to LV35.

Ace Trainer:
Pidgeot LV25, Electrobuzz LV27, vs Loras LV35, headbutt, flinch, headbutt, petal dance, swift, petal dance and Loras gets to LV36.

Geodude LV25, Graveler LV25 vs Arya LV35, extra sensory kills the first one, then self destruct from the graveler put me down to 3HP!
Golem LV27 vs Valyrian LV35, iron tail misses, magnitude 7, and then iron tail hits and kills.

I train Valyrian to LV36 in the grass. I fly back to heal and then switch Selmy in front to face off against the gym again.

Ace Trainer:
Dratini LV35, Dragonair LV37 vs Selmy Lv35, brick break kills them both eventually.

Ace Trainer:
Horsea LV35, Seadra LV37 vs Selmy LV35, ( these levels are sooo high) two brick breaks take out horsea, then agaility, brick break, brine hits hard, counter doesn't work, I switch to Loras, brine, petal dance kills.

I heal Selmy and move on.

Ace Trainer:
Seadra LV38 vs Selmy LV35, brick break hits, crits and kills. Then Selmy hits LV36.

Ace Trainer:
Dragonair LV38 vs Arya LV35, dragon breath, fly, dragon breath, fly, dragon breath, fly crits and then she gets to LV36.

That's the last trainer in the gym and I head back and heal. I definitely still need to do a little training on my mon. If the trainers are out leveling me then I know Clair will out level me as well. She most likely has one or more mon at LV40. I get Dondarrion to LV37 and the LV38. Loras to LV37, Shaggy Dog to LV36. Valyrian to LV37, Selmay to LV37 and he learns close combat! Next Arya to LV37. and lastly back to Loras to LV38. I head back to town and heal and walk into the gym and puzzle my way to the back for my final gym badge...

Monday, March 30, 2020

DAY 27

I head to Route 44 and find a red apricorn. I surf in the first place on the route and get my first encounter. Its Poliwag LV27, I catch it and name it Pyke.

It gets sent to the PC.

Natu LV27, Kadabra LV29 vs Loras LV33, headbutts kill natu and petal dance kills kadabra.

Remoraid LV28, Remoraid LV28, vs Loras LV33, petal dance kills.

Goldeen, LV26, Goldeen LV26 vs Loras LV33, petal dance kills both and the Loras reaches LV34.
Seaking LV28 vs Selmy LV33, brick break twice kills.

Rhyhorn LV 30 vs Shaggy Dog LV33, switch to Selmy, rock blast hits 5 times and does a lot but brick break kills.

I beat up some wild mon and Shaggy Dog hits LV34. Its learns flamethrower. I also find ultra ball and elixir.

Ace Trainer:
Charmeleon Lv29, Magnemite LV29 vs Selmy LV33, brick break crits and kills both then he gets to LV34.

Ace Trainer:
Mareep LV29, Bellossom LV29 vs Valyrian LV33, strength, charge, strength takes out mareep. Then dragonbreath does nothing, followed by stun spore, magic leaf, strength, leaf, strength again finally kills.

Bird Keeper:
Hoothoot LV28 vs Valyrian LV33, two strengths kill.
Pidegeotto LV28 vs Valyrian LV33, feather dance, strength, quick attack, iron tail, feather dance, dragon breath causes paralysis then strength, twister, strength kills and Valyrian gets to LV34.

After the battle I enter the cave known as Ice Path. I put Shaggy dog in front. My first encounter is a  Swinub. I catch it and name it Crakehall. It gets transferred to the PC.
Next I fond HM Waterfall, full heal, max potion and a never melt ice. while exploring and knocking out mon, Shaggy Dog gets to LV35. Then I find TM Avalanche. I train Arya to LV35. I save a Kimono lady that is stuck on some ice. Next I find a PP up. Selmy quickly gets to LV35. I find the end of the path and exit the cave. Next I enter Blackthorn City...
DAY 26

Raticate LV24, Koffing LV26 vs Dondarrion LV33, surf kills all.

Rocket Executive Proton:
Golbat LV28, Weezing LV33 vs Dondarrion Lv33, spark, bite, spark on golbat. Then confuse ray, weezing hits itself, spark, hit itself, surf, then it kills itself. Dondarrion reaches LV34.

Then I go upstairs.

Rocket Executive Arianna:
Arbok  LV32 vs Selmy LV33, take down, glare, crunch which lowers my defense. aerial ace, crunch, aerial ace kills while I get put below half health.
Murkrow LV32 vs Valyrian LV33, pursuit, iron tail kills.
Vileplume LV32 vs Shaggy Dog LV32, fire fang, sweet scent, fire fang kills.

Mom calls and says I have an item at the shop. I heal up Selmy and put Arya in front. I hop into the elevator and go to the observation platform

Rocket Executive Archer:
Houndour LV35 vs Arya LV33, fire fang, ancient power (all stats boosted), ancient power kills.
Koffing LV35 vs Arya LV33, extrasensory kills.
Hondoom LV38 vs Arya LV 33, fire fang, ancient power, fire fang, ancient power, fire fang and one final ancient power kills. Arya gets to LV34.

I defeat him and Archer clls off the invasion and disbands Team Rocket. Archer leaves and the director arrives. He gives me the Rainbow Wing. I can take it to the Bell Tower in Ecruteak City. Mom calls again and says I have more items. As I exit the tower I get TM Sunny Day, bright powder from two people and then a lot of Tanga Berries from mom at the store. I heal up and then fly to Mahogany Town...

Sunday, March 29, 2020

DAY 25

I enter the underground of Goldenrod City. Shaggy Dog is in front to fight.

Rattata LV27 vs Shaggy Dog LV37, fire fang kills.

Then I head down the hall and Swarley appears. He is itching to battle Lance but decides to take his frustrations out on me.

Swarley vs Albert
Golbat LV32 vs Shaggy Dog LV32, confuse ray, hit myself, bite (HP down to 12), fire blast, switch to Valyrian, bite confuse ray, hit myself, air cutter, finally rock tomb which kills. Shaggy Dog gets to LV33.
Quilava LV34 vs Dondarrian LV32, smokescreen, surf, flame wheel, and a second surf kills.
Haunter LV32 vs Arya LV32, meanlook, extrasensory, he retreats to Sneasel LV34... extrasensory does nothing, I then switch to Valyrian. It faint attacks twice, iron tail misses, faint attack, iron tail misses, fury swipes, iron tial hits and crushes sneasel. He goes back to Haunter, mean look, rock tomb take it out too. 
Magnemite LV30 vs Selmy LV30, brick break kills with an OHKO.

He says he still doesn't understand how he lost but will keep fighting despite his loss. He will be the greatest. Then he turns around and leaves. I go back to heal after a nasty fight with the whole team still intact. I enter the underground again.

Murkrow LV23, Koffing LV23 vs Arya LV32, extrasensory, flinch, extrasensory kills murkrow and one extrasensory kills grimer. Arya reaches LV33 and learns Ancient Power.
Rattata LV25 vs Loras LV32, headbutt kills.

I find a full heal.

Koffing LV23, Koffing LV23, Magmar LV25 vs Dondarrion LV32, surf kills everything.

Growlithe LV26, Koffing LV24 vs Dondarrion LV32, surf destroys all.

Koffing LV24 vs Dondarrion LV32, surf takes it out then he reaches LV33.
Muk LV 24 vs Valyrian LV32, strength disable, iron tail kill crit kills.

Gloom LV25 vs Valyrian LV32, strength, sleep powder, sleep acid does nothing, awake strength kills.
He reaches LV33 and learns Dragon Breath.
Gloom LV25 vs Loras LV32, headbutt, acid with poison, headbutt, acid, headbutt kills.

I find and ultra ball and max ether and heal Loras from poison.

Raticate LV24 vs Loras LV32, petal dance kills.
Golbat LV24 vs Loras LV32, I still use petal dance, bite, petal dance,  wing attack puts me down to 8HP. I switch to Dondarrion and he bites me then spark kills. I heal Loras with a hyper potion after the battle.

Grimer LV 26 vs Loras LV32, headbutt, disable, petal dance kills.
Weezing LV23 vs Loras LV32, petal dance, smokescreen, then I retreat to Shaggy Dog, sludge, fire blast misses, sludge poisons me, fire blast connects and kills.

I find an amulet coin and TM Sleep Talk.

Koffing LV25 vs Loras LV32, headbutt, smokescreen, headbutt kills. Finally Loras reaches LV33
Koffing LV25 vs Arya LV33, extrasensory kills.

I find the director. I help him get free and he thanks me. He gives me a special key to the last part of the radio tower. I leave the underground and heal and then head back into the radio tower...

Saturday, March 28, 2020

DAY 24

I land in Goldenrod City. They don't let me enter the radio tower and I go find a Team rocket suit in the underground by the photographer. I put the suit on and head back. I get into the tower but then Swarley shows up and says that I'm a fake. a grunt challenges me.

Raticate LV24, Raticate LV24 vs Loras LV31, magic leaf twice kills both mon.

Swarley calls me pathetic and I switch back to regular clothes. I continue upstairs.

Arbok LV26 vs Loras LV31, headbutt, acid, headbutt, acid, switch to Arya, glare gets Arya paralyzed, screech, extrasensory kills.

Rattata LV21, Rattata LV21, Rattata LV23, Rattata LV23 vs Loras LV31, magic leaves takes out each one and Loras gets to LV32!
Rattata LV23 vs Arya LV23, two secrat power moves knock it out.

What?... Loras evolves into Meganium and learns Petal Dance. YES!
I switch to Arya in front and heal paralysis.

Zubat LV26, Zubat LV26 vs Arya LV31, each wing attacks me but with a return fire of extrasensory they fall.

Grimer LV23, Grimer LV23 vs Arya LV23, extra sensory takes them out and then she reaches LV32.
Muk LV25 vs Valyrian LV31, two strength attacks knock it out.

Koffing LV23, Grimer LV23 vs Valyrian, strength takes them out and he reaches LV32.
Rattata LV23, Zubat LV23 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang wins.

Magnemite LV27, Magnemite LV27, Magnemite LV27 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang down each one consecutively.

Weezing LV26 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire blast kills.

Zubat LV22 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang kills then he reaches LV32.
Grimer LV22, Golbat LV24 vs Dondarrion LV31, surf and then spark takes them out.

I leave the tower and go back and heal my mon from that gauntlet of fighting. Then I come back and resume battles.

Ekans LV21, Oddish LV23, GLoom LV24, Ekans LV21, vs Dondarrion LV31, in order surf, blizzard, blizzard, and surf takes each one down. Then Dondarrion reaches LV32. The grunt reminds me that I will never save the director of the tower.

Porygon LV30 vs Selmy LV32, brick break crushes it.

I get to the top floor and there is a dude dressed as the director but again I see past the disguise. I call him out on it and Petrel challenges me again.

Rocket Executive Petrel:
Koffing LV30 vs Selmy LV32, take down, sludge, aerial ace, sludge then poisons me, aerial ace kills.
Weezing LV32 vs Semy LV32, I switch because Selmy is below half health and poisoned. out comes Arya LV32, sludge, smokescreen, extrasensory, sludge, extrasensory misses, sludge poisons me, extrasensory kills. Selmy reaches LV33.
Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30 vs Shaggy Dog LV 32, one fire blast takes each one down without missing once.

After I win Petrel tells me where to find the director in the underground of the city. He scoffs at me but hands me the basement key. I escape rope out the build and fly to the center to avoid much poison damage as I walk.  I heal my mon and put Shaggy Dog in front of the team. I walk over and enter the underground. I run into one of the Kimono ladies that mentions something about worthy of the legendary Pokémon. She wishes me luck against team rocket and I open the locked door. I enter the room and go down the stairs...

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Pryce vs Albert:
Seel LV30 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, hail, reversal, aqua ring, fire fang, (screw this) switch to Dondarrion, spark kills as hail hits.
Piloswine LV34 vs Dondarrion LV31, surf, mud bomb, hail hits, switch to Arya mud bomb cant hit, hail hits, fly, blizzard misses, hail hits, fly misses, switch to Selmy. Blizzard hits  but brick break takes it out.
Dewgong LV32 vs Selmy LV32 brick break, aroura beam take me down to HP22, hyper potion on dewgong, brick break, full restore on dewgong, brick break, and then one more brick break wins!

I receive the Glacier Badge.

I also get TM Hail and can use whirlpool outside battle. I leave the gym and Professor Elm calls me and apparently Team Rocket had taken over the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City. I heal up and put Loras in the front of the team. We fly to Goldenrod City...
DAY 23

I head to the boss's office. I round the corner, and some one calls to me … my rival Swarley! He complains about lance and me being a bunch of bleeding hearts. All we are good for is beating the pathetic team rocket. He shoves me and then walks away. I walk over to the bosses door and enter the two passwords. the door opens and I walk over to the boss. He says he is Giavonni but I don't buy it. He switches his look and its Petrel the Executive I was looking to fight.

Rocket Executive Petrel:
Zubat LV22, Koffing LV22, Raticate LV24 vs Shaggy Dog LV29, I use fire fang to demolish the first two mon  no problem. Then hyper fang nearly kills my mon leaving me to 22HP and I switch to Valyrian, hyper fang, hyper fang once more and then strength knocks it down. Shaggy Dog reaches LV30 and now I can focus on training other pokemon.

I move Selmy to the front of the team. Petrel runs away but the murkrow in the corner mimics the sound and password from Petrel. Next I follow the murkrow to the generator doors to stop the signal. It says the password and runs off. the door open and as I start to walk underneath the door way I hear screaming.  Another grunt and Executive Arianna stop me fromentering the room. Lance runs in from nowhere and we do a double battle as a team up duo.

Rocket Executive Arianna and Grunt vs Albert and Lance:
Drowzee LV18, Arbok LV25 vs Selmy LV30, Dragonite Lv40, drag flies up, horn attack, confusion, scary face, horn attack, glare paralysis's Selmy and fly kills drowzee. They call out grimer LV20, thunder kills grimer, aerial ace, scary face, fly up, paraylisis, bite, fly kills arbok, murkrow LV27 is called out and since Selmy is lower in health I switch to Dondarrion. Thunder kills murkrow; they call out Gloom LV25, drag flies up, blizzard, acid, fly misses, surf kills gloom. Dondarrion reaches LV31. We win.

Now we have to clear out the Electrode powering the machine. We stop them and Lance gives me HM whirlpool. I leave and Mom calls saying she bought me things. I go to the store and receive shuca berries and chople berries. I also buy 10 ultra balls, 1 free premier ball, 4 super potions and 2 hyper potions. I do some quick training and get Selmy to LV31.

Ace Trainer:
Mareep LV25 vs Loras LV30, magic leaf kills.
Ninetails LV25 vs Arya LV30, confuse ray on me, fly up, nasty plot, fly misses, nasty plot, extra sensory does little. I switch to Dondarrion, flamethrower does very little but burns, confuse ray misses, surf kills. Loras gets to LV31. I find TM Sludge Bomb. I go back to town, heal and put Shaggy dog in front to face ice mon. then I enter the gym.

Jynx LV29 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, wake up slap but fire fang kills.

Swinub LV27, Swinub LV27, Swinub LV28 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, fire fang wipes them out.

Seel LV25 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, encore, fire fang, rest and four more fire fang, rest then reversal,... then I switch to Selmy and brick break for the win.
Dewgong LV26, Seel LV25 vs Selmy LV31 and brick break cleans house.

Dewgong LV29 vs Shaggy Dog LV 30, switch to Selmy brick break kills after a wasted rest.

Shellder LV25 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, fire fang kills
Seel LV25, Cloyster LV26 vs Selmy LV 31, brick break wrecks them and I barely get touched by an aroura beam. Selmy gets to LV32.

I go back and heal my mon. then go to the wild to train for a minute. Shaggy Dog reaches LV31, and Arya reaches LV31. Next I go back to heal and return to the gym for my next badge...

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

DAY 22

Team Rocket Grunt #1:
Drowzee LV17, Zubat LV19 vs Valyrian LV30, strentgh kills.

Team Rocket Grunt #2:
Zubat LV16, Grimer LV17, Rattata LV18 vs Valyrian LV30, strength kills all. Valyrian reaches LV31.

I switch to Shaggy Dog. Then I trip the alert again and beat up Grunt #1 and #2 again, Shaggy Dog LV26.

Rattata LV16, Rattata LV16, Rattata, LV16, Rattata LV16 vs Shaggy Dog LV26 flame wheel kills.

Shaggy Dog beats #1 and #2 again. Then I find a hyper potion.

Magnemite LV20, Magnemite LV20, Magnemite LV20 vs Shaggy Dog LV26, flame wheel beats them all down and then reaches LV27.

Shaggy dog beats up grunt #1 and #2 again and then again. Shaggy Dog gets to LV28, learns fire fang and then I find a nugget. I go downstairs and run into lance and he heals me.

Venonat LV18, Venonat LV18 vs Shaggy Dog LV28 and kills with fire fang.

Golbat LV18 vs Shaggy Dog LV28, bite or fire fang.

The generator doors are locked, so I head downstairs and find lance. He says I need to find the boss room to get the password and that the boss room needs passwords as well. I find a full heal.

Koffing LV18, Koffing LV22 vs Shaggy Dog LV28, fire fang kills.

Zubat LV20, Gloom LV18 vs Shaggy Dog LV28, fire fang kills and then reaches LV29.

I find TM Snatch, protein, x-special, and x-special def.

Ditto LV24 vs Shaggy Dog LV29, reversal, transform, reversal kills.

Raticate LV19 vs Shaggy Dog LV29, reversal, bite, fire fang and I win.

I go and heal in town, and then I come back.

Rattata LV17, Rattata LV17, Zubat LV17 vs Shaggy Dog LV29, fire fang destroys all.

I find TM Thief, Then teach it to Shaggy Dog and TM Secret Power to Ayra. Then I go down the next stairs I see...

DAY 21

Route 42 I find a max potion.

Qwilfish LV19 vs Shaggy Dog LV22, I switch to Dondarrion and use spark to kill.

Nidorina LV17, Nidorino LV17 vs Shaggy Dog LV22, multiple flame wheels wipe the floor with his team. Shaggy Dog reaches LV23.

I take a moment and make sure I use TM's: Fire Blast to Shaggy Dog, Blizzard to Dondarrion, and Iron Tail to Valyrian. I dodge the last trainer and move on to Mahogany Town, I heal then head out to Route 43.

I enter the grass for my first encounter, and its Girafarig! I catch it and name him Reed. he is transferred to the PC.
Sandshrew LV18 vs Shaggy Dog LV23, we exchange rapid spin and flame wheel until death.
Sandslash LV18 vs Shaggy Dog LV23, I switch to Dondarrion, he slashes, then I kill with surf
Zubat LV20 vs Shaggy Dog LV23, fire blast kills and Shaggy Dog reaches LV24.

Clefairy LV21 vs Shaggy Dog LV24, flame wheel, doubleslap, flame wheel kills.

Nidorina LV20, Nidorino LV24 vs Shaggy Dog LV24, nultiple flame wheels crush his team.

I find a max ether, battle three wild mon and then Shaggy Dog reaches LV25 and learns Reversal.

Slowbro LV20 vs Shaggy Dog LV25, switch to Dondarrion who sparks and kills.

Magikarp LV10, Magikarp LV15, Gyarados LV20 vs Shaggy Dog LV25, I destroy the magikarp and then switch out to DOndarrion when gyarados shows up. Spark kills.

I head back to town and heal up. I return to where I left off.

Nidoking LV20 vs Shaggy Dog LV25, I switch to Dondarrion, focus energy, and surf to kill.

I enter Lake of Rage. I find a red flute, TM Secret Power, Hidden Power, and choice specs. I switch to Dondarrion out front.

RED GYARADOS LV30 vs Dondarrion LV30 ( I'm cathing this because the shiny loophole and I don't plan to use it). Dragon rage, surf, twister, flinch, bite, confuse ray, hit himself, surf, hit, surf, bite me and then ultra ball catches shiny gyarados.

I use super potion on Dondarrion and surf back to the shore, Lance is there now. I put Valyrian in front of the team. I talk to lance and he tells me about the conspiracy.  We both head down to town and enter the secret shop. We find the stairs and into team rocket head quarters...

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Jasmine vs Albert
Magnemite LV30 vs Clegane LV30...dig kills.
Steelix LV35 vs Clegane LV30 ... idig- it uses sandstorm- dig hits- it screeches, I double kick, it uses iron tail and I watch as my health slowly falls to 0 ( ARE YOU KIDDING ME) Clegane dies. I select Selmy LV30 in anger and use brick break, iron tail misses, it smacks me with irontail down to 18 health then Selmy destroys with a counter.

I receive the Mineral Badge and TM Iron Tail.

I walk back to the Poke center and lay Clegane to rest, R.I.P Clegane. 

(I take a break and enjoy sword and shield. Then I'm busy with other things and then months later coronavirus hits and I realize that I left my team alone. I return to my game.)

I choose Shaggy Dog, growlithe, LV14. I train it to LV20 and remember that I need a fire stone to evolve.

I enter the bug catching contest and will only catch the first mon I see and then enter it to try to win the fire stone. I stumbled upon a Pinsir LV14 I throw 12 balls and catch it. I imeadiatly end the contest. and surprise I win! but, … I get a sun stone.

SOOOO I accept my results and move on with my boy Shaggy Dog.

I head to route 37 and 38 for training...