
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Saturday, March 28, 2020

DAY 24

I land in Goldenrod City. They don't let me enter the radio tower and I go find a Team rocket suit in the underground by the photographer. I put the suit on and head back. I get into the tower but then Swarley shows up and says that I'm a fake. a grunt challenges me.

Raticate LV24, Raticate LV24 vs Loras LV31, magic leaf twice kills both mon.

Swarley calls me pathetic and I switch back to regular clothes. I continue upstairs.

Arbok LV26 vs Loras LV31, headbutt, acid, headbutt, acid, switch to Arya, glare gets Arya paralyzed, screech, extrasensory kills.

Rattata LV21, Rattata LV21, Rattata LV23, Rattata LV23 vs Loras LV31, magic leaves takes out each one and Loras gets to LV32!
Rattata LV23 vs Arya LV23, two secrat power moves knock it out.

What?... Loras evolves into Meganium and learns Petal Dance. YES!
I switch to Arya in front and heal paralysis.

Zubat LV26, Zubat LV26 vs Arya LV31, each wing attacks me but with a return fire of extrasensory they fall.

Grimer LV23, Grimer LV23 vs Arya LV23, extra sensory takes them out and then she reaches LV32.
Muk LV25 vs Valyrian LV31, two strength attacks knock it out.

Koffing LV23, Grimer LV23 vs Valyrian, strength takes them out and he reaches LV32.
Rattata LV23, Zubat LV23 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang wins.

Magnemite LV27, Magnemite LV27, Magnemite LV27 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang down each one consecutively.

Weezing LV26 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire blast kills.

Zubat LV22 vs Shaggy Dog LV31, fire fang kills then he reaches LV32.
Grimer LV22, Golbat LV24 vs Dondarrion LV31, surf and then spark takes them out.

I leave the tower and go back and heal my mon from that gauntlet of fighting. Then I come back and resume battles.

Ekans LV21, Oddish LV23, GLoom LV24, Ekans LV21, vs Dondarrion LV31, in order surf, blizzard, blizzard, and surf takes each one down. Then Dondarrion reaches LV32. The grunt reminds me that I will never save the director of the tower.

Porygon LV30 vs Selmy LV32, brick break crushes it.

I get to the top floor and there is a dude dressed as the director but again I see past the disguise. I call him out on it and Petrel challenges me again.

Rocket Executive Petrel:
Koffing LV30 vs Selmy LV32, take down, sludge, aerial ace, sludge then poisons me, aerial ace kills.
Weezing LV32 vs Semy LV32, I switch because Selmy is below half health and poisoned. out comes Arya LV32, sludge, smokescreen, extrasensory, sludge, extrasensory misses, sludge poisons me, extrasensory kills. Selmy reaches LV33.
Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30, Koffing LV30 vs Shaggy Dog LV 32, one fire blast takes each one down without missing once.

After I win Petrel tells me where to find the director in the underground of the city. He scoffs at me but hands me the basement key. I escape rope out the build and fly to the center to avoid much poison damage as I walk.  I heal my mon and put Shaggy Dog in front of the team. I walk over and enter the underground. I run into one of the Kimono ladies that mentions something about worthy of the legendary Pokémon. She wishes me luck against team rocket and I open the locked door. I enter the room and go down the stairs...

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