
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Thursday, March 26, 2020

DAY 23

I head to the boss's office. I round the corner, and some one calls to me … my rival Swarley! He complains about lance and me being a bunch of bleeding hearts. All we are good for is beating the pathetic team rocket. He shoves me and then walks away. I walk over to the bosses door and enter the two passwords. the door opens and I walk over to the boss. He says he is Giavonni but I don't buy it. He switches his look and its Petrel the Executive I was looking to fight.

Rocket Executive Petrel:
Zubat LV22, Koffing LV22, Raticate LV24 vs Shaggy Dog LV29, I use fire fang to demolish the first two mon  no problem. Then hyper fang nearly kills my mon leaving me to 22HP and I switch to Valyrian, hyper fang, hyper fang once more and then strength knocks it down. Shaggy Dog reaches LV30 and now I can focus on training other pokemon.

I move Selmy to the front of the team. Petrel runs away but the murkrow in the corner mimics the sound and password from Petrel. Next I follow the murkrow to the generator doors to stop the signal. It says the password and runs off. the door open and as I start to walk underneath the door way I hear screaming.  Another grunt and Executive Arianna stop me fromentering the room. Lance runs in from nowhere and we do a double battle as a team up duo.

Rocket Executive Arianna and Grunt vs Albert and Lance:
Drowzee LV18, Arbok LV25 vs Selmy LV30, Dragonite Lv40, drag flies up, horn attack, confusion, scary face, horn attack, glare paralysis's Selmy and fly kills drowzee. They call out grimer LV20, thunder kills grimer, aerial ace, scary face, fly up, paraylisis, bite, fly kills arbok, murkrow LV27 is called out and since Selmy is lower in health I switch to Dondarrion. Thunder kills murkrow; they call out Gloom LV25, drag flies up, blizzard, acid, fly misses, surf kills gloom. Dondarrion reaches LV31. We win.

Now we have to clear out the Electrode powering the machine. We stop them and Lance gives me HM whirlpool. I leave and Mom calls saying she bought me things. I go to the store and receive shuca berries and chople berries. I also buy 10 ultra balls, 1 free premier ball, 4 super potions and 2 hyper potions. I do some quick training and get Selmy to LV31.

Ace Trainer:
Mareep LV25 vs Loras LV30, magic leaf kills.
Ninetails LV25 vs Arya LV30, confuse ray on me, fly up, nasty plot, fly misses, nasty plot, extra sensory does little. I switch to Dondarrion, flamethrower does very little but burns, confuse ray misses, surf kills. Loras gets to LV31. I find TM Sludge Bomb. I go back to town, heal and put Shaggy dog in front to face ice mon. then I enter the gym.

Jynx LV29 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, wake up slap but fire fang kills.

Swinub LV27, Swinub LV27, Swinub LV28 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, fire fang wipes them out.

Seel LV25 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, encore, fire fang, rest and four more fire fang, rest then reversal,... then I switch to Selmy and brick break for the win.
Dewgong LV26, Seel LV25 vs Selmy LV31 and brick break cleans house.

Dewgong LV29 vs Shaggy Dog LV 30, switch to Selmy brick break kills after a wasted rest.

Shellder LV25 vs Shaggy Dog LV30, fire fang kills
Seel LV25, Cloyster LV26 vs Selmy LV 31, brick break wrecks them and I barely get touched by an aroura beam. Selmy gets to LV32.

I go back and heal my mon. then go to the wild to train for a minute. Shaggy Dog reaches LV31, and Arya reaches LV31. Next I go back to heal and return to the gym for my next badge...

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