
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Some team rocket dude shoves away an old man by the well. The old guy walks away and the rocket dude stands guard at the well. I head into town and stop at the mart. I buy 2 potions and two super potions. I pick up a white apricorn and then stop into the poke-center to heal. I walk around town and talk to everyone. Team rocket is guarding the gym. At the last house I chat with an old man named Kurt. He's PISSED! He rambles about dudes stealing slowpoke tails and selling them. Then he runs off to confront them at the well. (I wonder where I should go next) I get to well and the guard is gone and I go down. At the initial room Kurt is there complaining about falling down and hurting his back. He asks me to continue on, and I do. I enter the next room and prepare for battle.

Rocket Grunt (boy):
Rattata LV9, Rattata LV9 vs Arya Lv 12... multiple Extrasensory attacks make quick work of both mon and then Arya gets to LV13. I pick up a super potion and then switch Varys in front of the team to train.

Rocket Grunt (girl):

Zubat LV9 vs Varys LV12... I switch to Valyrian and rock throw him down.
Ekans LV11 vs Varys LV12... I poion sting a couple times then switch to Valyrian again and use rock throw to finish him. I check a random rock off by its self and sure enough there is a super potion there as well. I walk further and then first encounter in the well! Its a LV6 Slowpoke and I use a leech life from varys to put it at half health. Then I toss a Lure ball at it and catch it. I name slowpoke Hodor.
It gets sent to the PC and I continue on.

Rocket Grunt (boy):
Rattata LV7 vs Varys LV12... we exchange blows until Varus is down to 7HP and then leech life knocks it out. Varys gets to LV13. I switch to Valyrian after the battle.

Excecutive Proton:
Zubat LV8, Koffing LV12 vs Valyrian LV12... I take out zubat quick and then exchange blows with koffing but it poisons me and I'm down to 10HP so I switch to Ghost. He cant poison me and tackle cant hit ghost types so I lick it a bit and then win. ( I really need some more moves on Ghost) Valyrian reaches LV13.

Proton complains about the disbandment of Team Rocket 3 years ago. I save the slowpokes. Team Rocket leaves and Kurt walks up congratulates me and then take me back to his house. He gives me some fast balls and then I give him a black apricorn to make into a ball. I heal at he center and then go back to the well to train Ghost some more. He beats up to slowpoke and then gets to LV14.(learns nothing) I go back and heal then go to the gym.


Bug Catcher:
Caterpie LV12, Weedle LV12 vs Mertyns LV14... it crushes them.

Bug Catcher:
Weedle LV7, Kakuna LV9, Beedril LV12 vs Mertyns LV14.. I smack down the weedle and kakhuna like no ones business and then after Beedrill gets a crit and and Mertyns hits 9HP I switch. I call out Valyrian and Rock throw it down. Mertyns gets to LV15. I switch Valyrian to first in the team and continue.

(first double battle) Spinarak LV10 and Ledyba LV10 vs Valyrian LV13 and Arya LV13... rock throw takes out ledyba and extrasensory takes our spinarak easy.

Bug Catcher:
Paras LV13 vs Valyrian LV13.. it posion powder's me but two rock throws take it out. Valyrian reaches LV14 and learns Rage.

I go back to the center and heal my mon then I head back to the well and I train several mon up. Arya reaches LV14, Loras reaches LV15, and Varys reaches LV14. I head back to the center and heal again and then I head to the gym. Before I enter the gym, I switch Mertyns out front. I make my way to the back of the gym and stand it front of Bugsy the gym leader...

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