
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Thursday, November 7, 2019

DAY 15

I take the stairs up in the top of the cave. I follow the hall up to the next stairs. Then up those stairs and out of the cave. I arrive at the Ruins of Alph.

Girafarig LV20 vs Clegane LV23... switch away from Clegane expecting psybeam. I switch to Valyrian- psybeam crits and outs me down to 7HP. (fudge) I switch to Arya. I take stomp then use yawn- asleep- extrasensory- asleep- metronome: sucker punch- asleep- asleep- stomp down to 4 HP metronome: double team- super potion on Arya- stomp- stomp crit down to teens- sweet kiss- heal with super potion on Arya..... (this is taking forever)… hurt in confusion- metro: giga impact, misses- hurt from confusion- metro: sunny day- confusion hits hard and I switch to selmy- stomp- aerial ace- stomp- down to 1HP- switch to Loras- stomp- psybeam crits! Loras down to 14HP but magical leaf kills.

Hell of a battle and I lose nobody. I go to the next ruins and find a puzzle of Ho-oh and the hidden back wall says Ho-oh. I solve the puzzle and fall into the underground ruins. I land next to the ladder and escape. I pass some ruins that I need surf for and I go to the center and heal. I come back to the Ruins of Alph. I surf across and fins an aerodactyl puzzle and the word light on the back wall. I go back to the center and get Margaery (bellsprout), teach her flash and then come back to the puzzle. I use flash on the wall and a secret door opens. I collect some items; Sitrus berry, heal powder, energy root, and A MOON STONE! I go back out the puzzle Clegane is about to reach LV24 so train him by beating a nearby stantler and then he reaches LV24. I use the Moon stone! Clegane evolves into Nidoking.
I teach him HM Surf instead of using an HM slave like Hodor. I put Margaery and Hodor back in the PC and have my full compliment of team members. I travel back down to Union cave. I enter back to the fork in the tunnel and take the southern tunnel. It leads to the ruins again I find a big mushroom and a nugget. the next ruins have an omanyte puzzle and the words water on the back I try to use surf on the wall but it doesn't work. I go back into the Union cave to the next surf zone in the south, I find a big pearl. I go down some stairs. I see a trainer.

Poke Maniac:
Marowak LV24 vs Valyrian LV23... Boneberang down to 10HP, I use a strength then switch to Selmy, brick break kills.
Marowak LV24 vs Selmy LV24... brick break times two kills.

I heal Valyrian then continue.

Kangaskhan LV 26 vs Valyrian LV23... mega punch- rock smash- mega punch- rock tomb- strength- bite- strength crit- drain punch- strength-

I take out a wild golbat and Valyrian hits LV24. I go down some more stairs. I find an elixir and beat up two quagsire. Then Loras gets to LV25.

Ace Trainer:
Charmander LV26 vs Arya LV24... dragon rage on togetic down to 20HP, I use extrasensory- I switch to Clegane and dig kills.
Squirtle LV26, Bulbasuar LV26 vs Selmy LV24... brick break kills Squirtle and aerial ace kills Bulbasaur.

Then I take out a raticate and then Selmy gets to LV25. I take out a quagsire and Loras gets to LV25.
I find a calcium and ultra ball.

Ace Trainer:
Eevee LV26 vs Mertyns LV26... Confusion hypnosis kills
Vaporeon LV22 vs Arya LV25... sweet kiss- hurts- extrasensory- sand attack- extrasensory miss- sand attack- switch to Loras- magical leaf kills.
Flareon LV22 vs Valyrian LV24... rock throw kills twice.
Jolteon LV22 vs Valyrian LV24... strength kills after 4.

Ace Trainer:
Poliwhirl LV28 vs Mertyns LV24... switch to Ayra- it uses rain dance- sweet kiss- body slam- extrasensory- bubblebeam crit down to 1HP- switch to Selmy- brick break kills

I use escape rope, I go heal at the center and then head to my new spot slowpoke well. I find a full heal, TM Rain Dance and then I beat up two slowpokes. Mertyns reaches LV25. I beat up three more and then Loras reaches LV26. I go back to Route 36 and find a new dude Arthur of Thursday. He gives me a hard stone and I give it to Valyrian. I give King's Rock to Nidoking. I heal in Ecruteak City and prepare for the next leg in my journey...

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