
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, November 1, 2019


Whitney vs Albert
Clefairy LV17 vs Clegane LV19... double kick- double slap- dig- attracht- love- double slap- focus energy- love- double slap-- love- metronome: mega kick- down to 12HP- super potion- double slap- double kick-
Miltank LV19 vs Clegane LV19... stomp- double kick- stomp- double kick- down to 8HP- switch to Valyrian- stomp- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- super potion on miltank- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- super potion on miltank- stomp flinch on me- stomp- smash- down to 5HP- switch to ghost- stomp hits me??????!!!!- crit down to 6HP- switch to Loras, rollout (O hell no!) rollout, razor leaf kills,...… (finally jeeez)

I receive the Plain Badge, I can use strength outside battle TM45 Attracht, and the Pokemarathon Dome is open. Mom calls and bought me an item with my money. I go to the store and get Kebia Berries I heal and head to the dome. I talk with a lot of peeps but only get an Apri-blender and a jersey. I head back and stop in to the flower shop and get a Squirtle-bottle. I head to Route 36 and go for an encounter. I run into Nidoran (girl) Loras uses razor leaf and I catch it. Nidoran (girl) I name Yara.
She is sent to the PC. I squirtle-bottle against sudowoodo tree. I beat it up quick. I'm given berry pots and oran berries, pecha berries, and I find a hyper potion. I enter Route 37. I start walking in the grass for the first encounter but run into a trainer.

Drowzee LV17 vs Loras LV19... I beat it up and reach LV20, switch to Arya. I find Red, black, blue apricorn.

First encounter Growlithe! (Noice) First Extrasensory and then ultra ball. I catch it and name it Shaggy Dog. He is sent to PC

I continue battling.

Mareep LV16, Marril LV16 vs Arya LV19, Valyrian LV19... extrasensory kills marril, rock throw misses, extrasensory kills mareep.

Wigglytuff LV16, Clefable LV16 vs Arya LV19, Valyrian LV19... they team up and take out wigglytuff then take out 1st clefable then they take out 2nd wigglytuff. Valyrian reaches LV20 and then second clefable down. Arya climbs to LV20.

Mom calls for items. I enter Ecruteak City, I meet Bill, then heal pokes, shuca berries from Mom, passho berries, buy two great balls, two super potions, given dowsing machine. I enter the kimono girls theater. Team Rocket is there being dum dancing. I battle them.

Team Rocket:
Koffing LV12 vs Ghost LV20... 2 night shades later I kill.

I'm given HM03 Surf, I head east to Rout 42. I find TM Shadow Claw, I keep walking. A dude runs into me and apologies. He gives me HM04 Strength. I teach strength to Valyrian. I can't go any further except a cave or surf. I decide to use headbutt again for my encounter. After 6 headbutts I run into a spearow and run (no doubles rule) then 5 headbutts  later an aipom (no doubles) and I switch Ghost to Clegane, then beat it up and both level up to LV20. I switch Mertyns out front and keep headbutting. Three headbutts later a HERRACROSS! (dang) hypnosis- ghost- 2 night shade x2- hypnosis again I throw 4 great balls, 1 premier ball, and 6 poke balls but I catch it! I name herracross, Selmy. It's sent to the PC.
I decide to keep my team as is for now but I've got great back ups.

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