
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, November 22, 2019

DAY 20

Dunsparce LV19 , Dunsparce LV19, Dunsparce LV19 vs Dondarrion LV28... spark kills.

Skiploom LV21 vs Dondarrion LV28... two sparks kill and she reaches LV29.(now caught up to the team)
Marril LV21 vs Loras LV29... magic leaf kills.

I find revive (which I cant use) and I see a cave and a waterfall. I enter the cave and go down the ladder and out the cave. I surf on the water and have my first encounter of Route 47. Seel pops up and I catch it. I name it Manderly.
She gets sent to the PC and then I find a pearl. I battle a few wild mon and Loras gets to LV30.
 I enter the Cliff Cave and have another first encounter. Machop pops up. I catch and name it Wun Wun.

It's sent to the PC and then I exit the cave on the top floor and see trainers.

Double Team:
Magmar Lv25, Electrobuzz LV25 vs Clegane LV29, Selmy Lv29... brick break and dig kill each mon.

I find a lagging tail on the trail.

Young Couple:
Cloyster LV22, Onix LV22 vs Clegane LV29, Valyrian LV29... rock throw and aura beam nearly kill Clegane but double kick and strength takes those dudes down. Clegane reaches LV30.

I reach the safari zone. I find a nugget and 3 nest balls. I then heal my mon and then head to the safari zone. Once I reach the back of the zone I enter the grass and try for my first encounter. The first thing that pops up is sentret. I catch it with the help of bait. Sentret is named Frey and sent to the PC.
Next I do a tiny bit of training against some of the wild mon back outside the zone. Selmy gets to LV30, Dondarrion gets to LV30 and learns bubblbeam, Arya gets to LV30, Valyrian gets to LV30. Now that all my mon are LV30, I fly to Olivine City, heal my mon and enter the gym. Standing in front of Jasmine I prepare for battle by putting Clegane out front...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Please expect a delay on future posts for a week  while I play Pokémon Sword and Shield.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

DAY 19

I land in Cherrygrove City and use Loras to begin head-butting trees. First encounter is Pineco LV3. I use poison powder to weaken it and then I catch it with a premier ball. I name pineco, Liddle and I put it into The PC.

I surf over the lake a minute and get a mystic water from a random dude. Next I fly to new bark town and can either headbutt, surf, or fish with a good rod. I decide to start with fishing. First encounter is a tentacool which I run (no doubles rule). Next encounter is magikarp which I also already have so I run. Next encounter is... chinchou LV20! (sweet!) I poison powder and then synthesis until its below half health. I toss a lure ball out and it catches it right away. I name chinchou, Dondarrion.
I fly back to Olivine City. I debate my choices again, now that I have more mon to choose from.

  • Shaggy Dog (growlithe) would fill a new type coverage with fire and the damage output and speed is sweet but he will be hard to evolve.
  • Celtigar (krabby) would be sweet as a water type and high attack but not super fast or defensive.
  • Dondarrion (chinchou) would also be great coverage with both water and electric and I know once he gets to Lanturn the special defense will be great.
  • Liddle (pineco) the bug/steel combo is cool and defensively the best choice. But I already have a steel type and finding another metal coat will be annoying. 

I go with Dondarrion for the best type coverage and special defense options. Also it is the highest level at the moment and the easiest/quickest to train. We battle some wild pokes by the docks in Olivine and Dondarrion reaches LV21 then LV22. While training I also stumble upon a back route behind the lighthouse and pick up TM57 Charge Beam. I make sure Dondarrion has a magnet as its item. Next we train in Route 40/41 and its geats all the way up to LV24 with alot of spark attacks and the occasional confuse ray. Also it learns take down. We heal back at Olivine and head back into the lighthouse to talk to the gym leader taking care of the sick mon in the lighthouse. I go thoroughout the lighthouse but im forgetting how to get to the top to talk to her. I search and eventully find a side door I forgot about. I fall throught that and find a rare candy and an ether. But I see trainers ahead that I did not face. We battle;

Krabby LV18, Krabby LV20 vs Dondarrion LV24... spark kills and Dondarrion reaches LV25.

Bird Keeper:
Spearow LV18, Fearow LV20, Spearow LV18 vs Dondarrion LV25 ... spark destroys them.

Poliwhirl LV20 vs Dondarrion LV25.. spark kills again.

Machop LV18, Machop LV18, Poliwhirl LV18 vs Dondarrion LV25... a mix of confuse ray and spark takes them all out but my HP is in the low twenties. Dondarrion reaches LV26.

I find Jasmine the gym leader at the top of the lighthouse. She is taking care of a sick Ampharos. She asks me to back to Cinawood City to get special medicine. I elevator down the light house and heal at the center.  I choose to surf to Cinawood City so that I can train. I beat up 5 wild mon and then make it to Cinawood. I pick up the medicine, heal, and head back. I battle and beat a tentacruel with Dondarrion. After the battle she reaches LV27. What? Dondarrion evolves into Lanturn! (o hell yes)
I get back to Olivine City and I run to the lighthouse and give medicine to the sick ampharos. Jasmine is super excited and heads back to the gym. As I leave the lighthouse the safari dude, Boboa calls me and let me know that the safari zone by Cinawood City is open. I surf over there and train as I go. Dondarrion gets to LV28. I heal when I get to Cinawood City and head through the tunnel to the west of the city. I exit the tunnel and enter Route 47... trainers ahead...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Chuck vs Albert
Primeape LV29 vs Mertyns LV29... double team by primeape- pluck-tighting focus- pluck crit nearly kills primeape- lose focus- hyper potion on primeape- pluck- tight focus- pluck- lose focus- pluck- tighting focus- pluck misses- (crap) focus punch with crit OHKO's Mertyns-(NOOOOOOOO, seriously sad) I call out Selmy- tightening focus- aerial ace kills.
Poliwrath LV31 vs Selmy LV29... aerial ace- surf- aerial ace- surf- hypnosis on heracross (speed tie?)sleep- switch to Loras- focusing- magic leaf- lost focus- surf- magic leaf- body slam paralysis (jeez)- switch to Arya surf- wish- switch to Loras- surf- wish heal- tighten focus- poison powder- focus punch down to 14HP- switch to Clegane- focus up- dig- focus punch misses- dig- surf- dig kills.

I receive the Storm Badge, I can use HM Fly outside battle, TM01 Focus Punch. But the loss of Mertyns is a blow to the team. I leave the gym and the gym leaders wife rushes over and gives me HM Fly. I solemnly head to the center and gently set Metyns in the PC. R.I.P. my friend.

 This loss hurts the worse because of all the gyms and key battles she won me.

(I take a break from the game.)

Once I come back I have a hard choice of who to add to the team. I feel like I need better type coverage and something that has decent special defense. Also the next gym is a steel gym which I need to take into account. Now that I have a new HM Fly I teach it to Arya instead of metronome. I decide to fly back to a couple places I didn't get an encounter yet. After I pick up these encounters I will decide who to put on the team. As it stands my top two choices are Shaggy Dog (growlithe) and Certigar (krabby) because both have type coverage but they are not specifically special defensive mon....

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

DAY 18

Swimmer Boy:
Shellder LV21, Tentacool LV19, Tentacruel LV20 vs Loras LV26... magic leaf kills all. Loras reaches LV27 and I put Selmy first.

Swimmer Girl:
Goldeen LV20, Goldeen LV20, Seaking LV20 vs Selmy LV26... brick break crushes them all and Selmy reaches LV27. I switch to Valyrian to train.

Swimmer Boy:
Gyarados LV20, Gyarados LV20 vs Valyrian LV26... bite- rock tomb (speed down)- thrash- strength takes out the first one. thrash- rock tomb (speed down)- strength- thrash- rock tomb crit kills. Valyrian gets to LV27.

I switch to Mertyns.

Swimmer Girl:
Staryu LV20, Starmie LV20 vs Mertyns LV27... pluck kills. I take a wild tentacool and Mertyns gets to LV28.

Swimmer Boy:
Krabby LV23 vs Loras LV27... magic leaf kils.

Swimmer Boy:
Qwilfish LV23 vs Loras LV27... two magic leafs kill and then I beat a wild tentacool, Loras reaches LV28.

Swimmer Girl:
Horsea LV21, Horsea LV21 vs Arya LV27... extrasensory kills.

Two wild tenetacool later Arya gets to LV28 and learns wish. I head back to Cinawood City and heal my mon then head over to the gym. I put Selmy in the front of the team.

Black Belt:
Mankey LV23, Mankey LV23, Primeape LV25 vs Selmy Lv27... aerial ace destroys them. (heracross freaking rocks!)

Black Belt:
Hitmonlee LV27 vs Selmy LV27... aerial ace kills. then I go battle a wild tentacool and Selmy gets to LV28.

Black Belt:
Machop LV27, Machoke LV25 vs Clegane LV27... I use a combination of dig and surf to beat them.

That's it for the gym trainers. I heal and go back to Route 41 for more trainers.

Swimmer Girl:
Seel LV22 vs Clegane LV27... double kick beats it up and Clegane gains LV28.

I decide to do a little of training before my big gym match. I battle several tentacool and one mantine and Valyrian reaches LV28. I go back and heal then continue the grind. Mertyns gets to LV29, then Arya, Loras, Clegane, Selmy and lastly Valyrian again. I head back to Cinawood City. I heal my team. I put Mertyns in front in preparation for the fighting gym leader. I walk into the gym. I go to the back and turn off the water fall and then walk over to the gym leader...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

DAY 17

 I need my Valyrian to evolve as part of my team training. (Through some helpful advice from my friend Dragon.) I find out that the only way I can get Metal Coat to evolve Valyrian is to catch magnemite in the wild. I go back to Olivine through Route 38 and 39.

While traveling I beat up tenetcool and Mertyns to LV27. I stop by the store and mom bought me a moon stone. (sweet) I buy 11 poke balls, 1 free premier, 4 great balls, I find a thunderstone... I catch 18 magnemite (EIGHTEEN) and then get a metal coat. I walk back to the center to trade. (A good friend of mine Greg helps me trade and then trade back Valyrian and now I have a Steelix! The rules for trading pokemon in nuzlocke says its illegal, except it's considered a gray area for trading mon back and forth for evolution.)
I continue back into Route 40. I battle a wild tentacool and Arya got to LV26. I keep going to prep for my next big step...
DAY 16

I head through Route 38 and 39 to Olivine City. I head southwest to Route 40 and have my first encounter. It's a LV19 tentacool that I name Euron after I catch it. Then it's sent to the PC.
I continue on.

Swimmer Boy:
Tentacool LV20, Tentacool LV20 vs Clegane LV24... dig kills both. Then I kill a wild tenta and Clegane reaches LV25.

Swimmer Girl:
Staryu LV21 vs Mertyns LV25... uproar take sit out.

I find TM33 Pluck and teach it to Mertyns for better flying damage.

Swimmer Girl:
Staryu LV21, Shellder LV19 ve Mertyns LV25... pluck kills both after two kills.

Swimmer Boy:
Shellder LV18, Shellder LV18 vs Mertyns LV25... pluck takes out both then reaches LV26.
Wartortle LV20 vs Selmy LV25... brick break and then aerial ace kills

I make it to Route 41.

Swimer Boy:
Tentacool LV16, Remoraid LV19, Staryu LV19, Tentacool LV17 vs Selmy LV25... aerial ace kills and then he reaches LV26.
Tentacool LV16, Tentacool LV17 vs Arya LV25... extrasensory kills both quickly. Next Arya reaches LV26.

Mom calls and tells me there is stuff for me at the store.

Swimmer Girl:
Psyduck LV20 vs Clegane LV25... switch to Loras, magic leaf kills.
Goldeen LV20 vs Loras LV26... magic leaf kills.

I defeat a wild tentacool during the first encounter (which doesn't count cause of doubles) and Clegane reaches LV26. I fish and find Magikarp LV20 I use poison powder from Loras and then caught it. I name it Tully and its sent to the PC.
I reach Cinawood City. I heal and in the north of the city spot suicune but before I can encounter it, it flees. Then Eucine walks up all upset (the dude hunting Suicune). We battle it out.

Drowzee LV25 vs Valyrian LV25... two rock throws, then two confusion and valyrian is knocked down to 3 HP I switch to Mertyns LV25 uproar kills.
Electrode LV27, Haunter LV25 vs Clegane LV26... I dig down but he switches to haunter to use levitate ability to be immune to ground. It uses curse and I surf and kill it. He uses electrode and I use dig and kill. The second curse damage puts Clegane down to 12HP.

I heal and then begin to battle the gym. I put Selmy in front for the fighting gym because he knows aerial ace.

Hitmonchan LV27 vs Selmy LV26... it uses fire punch, I use aerial ace but it put damage down low- I switch to Mertyns- it uses fire punch- pluck- thunderpunch- Mertyns low- switch to Clegane- thunderpunch does nothing- poison sting kills.

I heal and I battle a wild tentacool. Clegane reaches LV27. After such a rough battle I realize I need to train more. So brace for battles in the hopes to strengthen my team...

Thursday, November 7, 2019

DAY 15

I take the stairs up in the top of the cave. I follow the hall up to the next stairs. Then up those stairs and out of the cave. I arrive at the Ruins of Alph.

Girafarig LV20 vs Clegane LV23... switch away from Clegane expecting psybeam. I switch to Valyrian- psybeam crits and outs me down to 7HP. (fudge) I switch to Arya. I take stomp then use yawn- asleep- extrasensory- asleep- metronome: sucker punch- asleep- asleep- stomp down to 4 HP metronome: double team- super potion on Arya- stomp- stomp crit down to teens- sweet kiss- heal with super potion on Arya..... (this is taking forever)… hurt in confusion- metro: giga impact, misses- hurt from confusion- metro: sunny day- confusion hits hard and I switch to selmy- stomp- aerial ace- stomp- down to 1HP- switch to Loras- stomp- psybeam crits! Loras down to 14HP but magical leaf kills.

Hell of a battle and I lose nobody. I go to the next ruins and find a puzzle of Ho-oh and the hidden back wall says Ho-oh. I solve the puzzle and fall into the underground ruins. I land next to the ladder and escape. I pass some ruins that I need surf for and I go to the center and heal. I come back to the Ruins of Alph. I surf across and fins an aerodactyl puzzle and the word light on the back wall. I go back to the center and get Margaery (bellsprout), teach her flash and then come back to the puzzle. I use flash on the wall and a secret door opens. I collect some items; Sitrus berry, heal powder, energy root, and A MOON STONE! I go back out the puzzle Clegane is about to reach LV24 so train him by beating a nearby stantler and then he reaches LV24. I use the Moon stone! Clegane evolves into Nidoking.
I teach him HM Surf instead of using an HM slave like Hodor. I put Margaery and Hodor back in the PC and have my full compliment of team members. I travel back down to Union cave. I enter back to the fork in the tunnel and take the southern tunnel. It leads to the ruins again I find a big mushroom and a nugget. the next ruins have an omanyte puzzle and the words water on the back I try to use surf on the wall but it doesn't work. I go back into the Union cave to the next surf zone in the south, I find a big pearl. I go down some stairs. I see a trainer.

Poke Maniac:
Marowak LV24 vs Valyrian LV23... Boneberang down to 10HP, I use a strength then switch to Selmy, brick break kills.
Marowak LV24 vs Selmy LV24... brick break times two kills.

I heal Valyrian then continue.

Kangaskhan LV 26 vs Valyrian LV23... mega punch- rock smash- mega punch- rock tomb- strength- bite- strength crit- drain punch- strength-

I take out a wild golbat and Valyrian hits LV24. I go down some more stairs. I find an elixir and beat up two quagsire. Then Loras gets to LV25.

Ace Trainer:
Charmander LV26 vs Arya LV24... dragon rage on togetic down to 20HP, I use extrasensory- I switch to Clegane and dig kills.
Squirtle LV26, Bulbasuar LV26 vs Selmy LV24... brick break kills Squirtle and aerial ace kills Bulbasaur.

Then I take out a raticate and then Selmy gets to LV25. I take out a quagsire and Loras gets to LV25.
I find a calcium and ultra ball.

Ace Trainer:
Eevee LV26 vs Mertyns LV26... Confusion hypnosis kills
Vaporeon LV22 vs Arya LV25... sweet kiss- hurts- extrasensory- sand attack- extrasensory miss- sand attack- switch to Loras- magical leaf kills.
Flareon LV22 vs Valyrian LV24... rock throw kills twice.
Jolteon LV22 vs Valyrian LV24... strength kills after 4.

Ace Trainer:
Poliwhirl LV28 vs Mertyns LV24... switch to Ayra- it uses rain dance- sweet kiss- body slam- extrasensory- bubblebeam crit down to 1HP- switch to Selmy- brick break kills

I use escape rope, I go heal at the center and then head to my new spot slowpoke well. I find a full heal, TM Rain Dance and then I beat up two slowpokes. Mertyns reaches LV25. I beat up three more and then Loras reaches LV26. I go back to Route 36 and find a new dude Arthur of Thursday. He gives me a hard stone and I give it to Valyrian. I give King's Rock to Nidoking. I heal in Ecruteak City and prepare for the next leg in my journey...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Morty vs Albert:
Gastly LV20 vs Mertyns LV23... (I picked him first so that I could damage with confusion and normal immunity to ghost) confusion- hypnosis against me doesn't work cause of insomnia ability- confusion again kills
Haunter LV21 vs Mertyns LV23... it tries to hypnotize me but insomnia- confusion- curse- confusion- hurt by curse
Gengar LV25 vs Arya LV23...mean look (O NO)- I yawn- hypnosis on me then gengar falls asleep- I use Awakening- sleep- extrasensory puts it at half health- then a sitrus berry activates- sleep- extrasensory- he wakes up and hypnosis misses- extrasensory kills
Haunter LV23 vs Mertyns LV23... curse- confusion- curse hurt- hyperpotion on haunter- confusion- curse hurt down to 11HP I switch to Arya- sucker punch- extrasensory kills. Arya reaches LV24.
Up to LV50 will obey me and I can use surf outside battle. I get TM30 shadow ball but only ARYA can learn it atm. Mom calls and said she bought an item. I go to the store and get Chople berries. I train in Route 38 for a moment and get Mertyns up to LV24. So now that I have surf ability I like to go back in the journey and visit areas I haven't been able to get to. I give Mertyns a break and switch him out for Hodor (slowpoke) and teach it surf. I go back to Violet City. I surf and find, PP UP, Rare Candy, and then head back down Route 32. I find a super potion and TM05 Roar.

I walk by the center and head into union cave. I head down some stairs and surf I run into a quagsire and beat it with Loras. He levels up to LV24. I switch to Selmy and see trainers ahead.

Geodude LV23, Machop LV25 vs Selmy LV23 ... brick break kills geodude quick. Aerial ace hurts then it uses revenge and I'm down to 5HP(jeez) but I'm faster and ace doesn't miss so I use that for the win.

After I beat him I heal and face a wild onix. Selmy beats it and gets to LV24. There is a fork in the cave and I take the top route.

Geodude LV23 vs Clegane LV23... it uses self-destruct and I survive by 2 HP! (jeez)
Graveler LV25 vs Valyrian LV23... (to survive a self-destruct) It uses magnitude and gets % so that puts me down to 12HP and rock smash does very little. I risk a switch to Loras and it gets magnitude 3 then Loras kills with magical leaf.

I use a repel and run back to the center. I heal then repel and run back and pick up where I left off...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Day 14

With a newly minted Selmy (heracross) ready to fight, I continue on my journey.

Poke Fan:
Pickachu LV15 vs Selmy LV21... brick break kills.

Poke Fan:
Pickachu LV17 vs Selmy LV21... brick break kills.

Route 39, first encounter is farfetch'd LV15 I switch to valyrian and rock smash once then 5 poke balls later he is caught. I name it Rolly and he is transferred to the PC.

Next I enter Olivine City. As I walk in Swarley pops out of the gym and comes at me. (crap I wasn't ready for this) He complains about the gym leader giving a crap about pokemon and not battleing. Then mentions me being weak (come on dude I've smacked you down repatedly) and how I should train in the lighthouse. He walks off. I continue in the town. I get a good rod and heal at the poke center. As I'm talking to people in the center a girl challenges me.

Bellossom L16 vs Selmy LV21... aerial ace OHKO's her mon.

Next I buy 6 great balls and 3 net balls for fishing. I fish on the dock for my encounter in this city. My first encounter pops up, its krabby LV20. I horn attack once and then net ball once for an easy catch. I name her Celtigar and she is transferred to the PC.
Train in route 38 and Selmy gets to LV22. I head back to Ecruteak City to begin taking out the gym trainers.

Haunter LV20 vs Arya LV21... extrasensory killed and Arya grew to LV22
Haunter LV20 vs Mertyns LV22... confusion kills

Haunter LV22 vs Mertyns LV22... confusion kills.

Ghastly LV18 vs Mertyns LV22... confusion kills and Mertyns reaches LV23
Haunter LV20, Ghastly LV20 vs Arya LV22... extra sensory kills.

I go train at burned tower really quick and Arya reaches LV23. I go back through Route 38 and train Clegane reaches LV23 and learns horn attack. Next I reach Olivine City and then go to Route 40. I meet Monica of Monday and she gives me a sharp beak item. But that's it on the route because I need HM surf or for the battle frontier to open. I head back and reach the Lighthouse. I go in and find a super potion. After that I battle trainers.

Noctowl LV22 vs Valyrian LV22... rock throw twice kills.

Poliwag LV20, Poliwhirl LV20 vs Loras LV22... magical leaf destroys.

Then mom calls and says she bought something. I go to the shop and pick up a silk scarf item. I train Loras in the wild and it reaches LV23. I head back into the lighthouse.

Bird Keeper:
Pidgey LV17 vs Selmy LV22... I kill with horn attack but switch to Valyrian to play it safe.
Pidgey Lv15, Pidgey LV19, Pidgey LV15 vs Valyrian... rock throw takes them out and it reaches LV 23
Pidgey LV15 vs Clegane LV23... horn attack kills

Growlithe LV18 vs Selmy LV22... brick break kills.

Marrill LV21 vs Selmy LV22... brick break kills.

I find TM78 swagger in the lighthouse. I leave then train in the wild some. I head to Route 38. Selmy reaches LV 23. So now all mon are LV23 so I heal at the center and walk through the Ecruteak City gym and prepare to battle...

DAY 13

Route 38 continued...

Bird Keeper:
Doduo LV16, Doduo LV17, Doduo LV18 vs Ghost LV21... mix of payback and confuse ray to beat them up and the Ghost reaches LV21.

Switch to Loras for battles and find a white apricorn.

Hoppip LV16, Skiploom LV18 vs Loras LV21... headbutts and poison powder take them out.

First encounter finally! ...It's... Raikou ... da fudge?????????? I can't use legendary mon but it counts as first encounter, technically. I throw a poke ball and he pops out right away and runs. (wave goodbye to Rout3 38 encounter) I beat up some Rattata and then Loras gets to LV21. I switch to Mertyns.

School Kid:

Mr. Mime LV20 vs Mertyns LV21... I use hypnosis and three pecks and he is down.

I enter Route 39 and meet a guy in charge of the safari zone. He said he is moving one here and will let me know when its ready. I find a green apricorn and TM60 Drain Punch. I help a sick miltank buy giving it my only oran berries. It's still not feeling well but I leave until I find more.

Slowpoke LV17 vs Mertyns LV21... I take down it down with pecks but its 2nd confusion crits me down to 13HP.
Slowpoke LV17 vs Ghost LV21... I use confuse ray and it misses then it uses confusion. I get confused and drop to 4HP. I switch to Loras to finish this buisness and razor leaf cleans house on slowpoke.

I go back and heal my mon then come back to battle.

Poliwhrl LV17 vs Mertyns Lv21... I take it out with some uproar and then reach LV22 and learn confusion!!!! (<--- noiiice)
Raticate Lv17 vs Clegane LV21 ... double kick kills
Krabby LV19 vs Ghost LV21... two night shade and pay back kill, it uses bubble twice with minimal damage.

I head back with Ghost in front to train in prep for ghost gym battle. I kill two rattata. Next a wild raticate appears. I use confuse ray it misses and then raticate uses pusuit and it super effectivly crits. Ghost falls dead on the spot! NOOOOO! R.I.P. Ghost

I gently place him in the PC. I debate which mon to fill the void left by Ghost. My main thoughts are to pick between Selmy (heracross), Shaggy Dog (growlithe), and Lem (drowzee). Lem is helpful for the upcoming gym but no real use after that. Shaggy Dog could help with coverage and bite for the gym but I have no idea when I get a fire stone. So I select Selmy, he doesn't have the initial help with the next gym but is really strong and helpful for later.

I put Selmy in front then begin switch training in Route 37. Selmy up to LV14 then LV15 then LV16. Also Valyrian and Clegane to LV22. Now I can train Selmy by himself. I heal and then go to the store. I buy 10 pokeballs, 1 free premier ball, 2 great balls, and Mom got me a super potion. I continue training and Selmy reaches LV17. there is a different person on the route so I talk to them. It's Sunny from Sundays and he give me a magnet for electric types. Then Selmy gets to LV19 and learns brick break. BOOM! (now we're talking) I heal then switch to training in Route 38. Selmy gets to LV20 and then LV21. now I'm ready to pick back up from where I left off in the story...

Friday, November 1, 2019

DAY 12

I enter the burned tower, I chat with Morty the gym leader and Eusine. First encounter, Koffing LV14.

 I name it Robert and its sent to PC. My rival shows up.

Ghastly LV20 vs Mertyns LV20... curse, hypnosis misses- peck- curse damage- peck kills but curse puts me down HP13.
Magnemte LV18, Quilava LV22 vs Clegane LV20... dig kills both with help from double kick and Clegane reaches LV21.
Zubat LV20 vs Arya LV20.. extrasensory kills OHKO. Swarley complains then leaves.
 I use two potions on ghost and head down the ladder. I scare away Entei, Raikou and Suicune. I find antidote, TM Taunt, and then back upstairs.

Koffing LV16 vs Mertyns LV20... smokescreens and uproar.
Koffing LV16 vs Arya LV20... extrasensory kills
Growlithe LV17 vs Valyrian LV20... rock throw two times kills.

Mom calls about bought stuff, and find an antidote.

Charmeleon LV18 vs Mertyns LV20... hypnosis misses- dragon rage down to 1HP (fudge) I switch to Valyrian. dragon rage down to 10HP I use super potion then it growls- rock tomb- ember- rock tomb... close call I find HP-up. I potion Mertyns and fight a raticate. Mertyns up to LV21. I heal then go to gym.

Ghastly LV16 vs Arya LV20... curse- extrasensory- dead- Arya reaches LV21.
Ghastly LV16 vs Ghost LV20... curse on me, night shade- dead
Ghastly LV16,Ghastly LV16,Ghastly LV16 vs Valyrian LV20... rock tomb kills and then reaches LV21.

I heal and then travel to Route 38.

Wooper LV20 vs Loras LV20... razor leaf is done.

Flaffy LV19, Psyduck LV19 vs Loras LV20... poison powder- t wave- headbutt- two razor leaf later both are dead and Loars reaches LV21.


Whitney vs Albert
Clefairy LV17 vs Clegane LV19... double kick- double slap- dig- attracht- love- double slap- focus energy- love- double slap-- love- metronome: mega kick- down to 12HP- super potion- double slap- double kick-
Miltank LV19 vs Clegane LV19... stomp- double kick- stomp- double kick- down to 8HP- switch to Valyrian- stomp- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- super potion on miltank- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- stomp- rock smash- super potion on miltank- stomp flinch on me- stomp- smash- down to 5HP- switch to ghost- stomp hits me??????!!!!- crit down to 6HP- switch to Loras, rollout (O hell no!) rollout, razor leaf kills,...… (finally jeeez)

I receive the Plain Badge, I can use strength outside battle TM45 Attracht, and the Pokemarathon Dome is open. Mom calls and bought me an item with my money. I go to the store and get Kebia Berries I heal and head to the dome. I talk with a lot of peeps but only get an Apri-blender and a jersey. I head back and stop in to the flower shop and get a Squirtle-bottle. I head to Route 36 and go for an encounter. I run into Nidoran (girl) Loras uses razor leaf and I catch it. Nidoran (girl) I name Yara.
She is sent to the PC. I squirtle-bottle against sudowoodo tree. I beat it up quick. I'm given berry pots and oran berries, pecha berries, and I find a hyper potion. I enter Route 37. I start walking in the grass for the first encounter but run into a trainer.

Drowzee LV17 vs Loras LV19... I beat it up and reach LV20, switch to Arya. I find Red, black, blue apricorn.

First encounter Growlithe! (Noice) First Extrasensory and then ultra ball. I catch it and name it Shaggy Dog. He is sent to PC

I continue battling.

Mareep LV16, Marril LV16 vs Arya LV19, Valyrian LV19... extrasensory kills marril, rock throw misses, extrasensory kills mareep.

Wigglytuff LV16, Clefable LV16 vs Arya LV19, Valyrian LV19... they team up and take out wigglytuff then take out 1st clefable then they take out 2nd wigglytuff. Valyrian reaches LV20 and then second clefable down. Arya climbs to LV20.

Mom calls for items. I enter Ecruteak City, I meet Bill, then heal pokes, shuca berries from Mom, passho berries, buy two great balls, two super potions, given dowsing machine. I enter the kimono girls theater. Team Rocket is there being dum dancing. I battle them.

Team Rocket:
Koffing LV12 vs Ghost LV20... 2 night shades later I kill.

I'm given HM03 Surf, I head east to Rout 42. I find TM Shadow Claw, I keep walking. A dude runs into me and apologies. He gives me HM04 Strength. I teach strength to Valyrian. I can't go any further except a cave or surf. I decide to use headbutt again for my encounter. After 6 headbutts I run into a spearow and run (no doubles rule) then 5 headbutts  later an aipom (no doubles) and I switch Ghost to Clegane, then beat it up and both level up to LV20. I switch Mertyns out front and keep headbutting. Three headbutts later a HERRACROSS! (dang) hypnosis- ghost- 2 night shade x2- hypnosis again I throw 4 great balls, 1 premier ball, and 6 poke balls but I catch it! I name herracross, Selmy. It's sent to the PC.
I decide to keep my team as is for now but I've got great back ups.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

DAY 11
I head to Route 35 to battle some trainers. Ghost is out front.

Vulpix LV15 vs Ghost LV17... night shade kills

Sandshrew LV13, Marril LV13 vs Ghost LV17... night shade x4 kills. Ghost reaches LV18. I switch to Arya.

Pickachu LV16 vs Arya LV17... sweet kiss and two extrasensory attacks later, he dead.

Voltorb LV2, Voltorb LV6, Voltorb LV10 vs Arya LV17... takes them all out with extrasensory and the she reaches LV18.
Voltorb LV14 vs Clegane LV18... double kick crushes them. He paralyzes me so I heal after the battle and teach Clegane TM Dig instead of peck.

Bug Catcher:
Venonat LV15 vs Loras LV18... three headbutts take it out.

I find a paralysis Heal and TM Payback.

Bird Keeper:
Pidgey LV12 vs Loras LV18... headbutt kills
Pidgeotto LV14 vs Valyrian LV18... rock tomb smacks it down.

Loras beats up a wild drowzee and reaches LV19. Next I head into National Park, I find quick claw and give it to Mertyns. I give Soothe Bell to Ghost and teach TM Payback instead of lick. Finally Ghost has another typed attack.

Poke Fan:
Snubbull LV16 vs Mertyns LV18... uproar times three.

School Kid:
Oddish LV12 vs Mertyns LV18... peck times two take it out.
Voltorb LV15 vs Mertyns LV18... sonic boom puts me down to 9HP so I switch to Clegane and use dig to crush it. I use potion on Valyrian, Loras, Ghost and super potion on Mertyns.

Oddish LV14 vs Mertyns LV18...  I take it out but get poisoned.
Cubone LV17 vs … I switch to Clegane and get it. Next I battle wild mon really quick and Mertyns reaches LV19. Then Celgane reaches LV19 as well. I switch to Arya and continue.

Poke Fan:
Raichu LV16 vs Arya LV18... switch to Valyrian after rock throw raichu is down.

I enter Route 36 and find a blue apricorn.

Psychic Kid:
Abra LV14 vs Arya LV18... because of flash I take it out after five extrasensory.
Kadabara LV6 vs Valyrian LV18... Confusion knocks me down to 13HP so I switch back to Arya and survive the next attack with higher Sp.Def and then I take it out. Arya gets to LV19.
Abra LV14 vs Ghost LV18... and smack it down. I use super potion on Valyrian and put Ghost in front.

School Kid:
Tangela LV17 vs Ghost LV18... I reach to LV19 after I take it down and learn confuse ray.

I save my encounter till after sudowoodo tree. I go back to National park and switch to Valyrian and train to LV19. I switch to Mertyns and then beat up some bugs. I reach LV20! What? It evolves into Noctowl.

I head back to Goldenrod City and heal then I put Clegane in front and head to the gym. I walk through the gym and challenge Whitney...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

DAY 10
We continue on Route 34. I train Clegane and he reaches LV16. What? He evolves into Nidorino.
I switch to Ghost and prepare for battles.

Psyduck LV14 vs Ghost LV16... 3 night shades knock it out.

Mankey LV10, Diglett LV12 vs Ghost LV16... he retreats mankey and then I just keep night shading and take out first diglett then mankey. Ghost gets to LV17 and I switch to Loras.

Poke Fan:
Snubull Lv13, Mareep LV13 vs Loras LV16 I take them out with a mix of poison powder, razor leaf and a crit with headbutt on mareep. Loras reaches LV17. I head back to Goldenrod City. I heal and put Arya out front and then head to the underground city because I need to see the barber to get Arya's happiness up more. I enter the tunnel.

Super Nerd:
Grimer LV11, Grimer LV12 vs Arya LV16... extrasensory crushes both of them

Poke Maniac:
Lickatung LV12 vs Arya LV16... it consues me and my attack misses so I switch to Clegane and he uses two double kicks to kill likatung.

I walk up to the barber and have him give Arya a haircut to up its happiness. Then I head back to the center and heal. Arya is upper close to the next level, so I walk to the nearest grass patch and battle a drowzee. Arya gets to LV17. What? she evolves into a Togetic. (freaking called it)
I switch to Clegane and continue battling.
Hoppip LV9, Bulbasaur LV12 vs Clegane... poison stings and peck do the job against those mon. He reaches LV17.
Hoppip LV9 vs Mertyns... takes it out quick.
I'm done with trainers on Rout 34. I head back to heal and then since its Tuesday I go up to National Park for the bug catching contest. I'm really hoping for a Scyther or Pinsir. I choose to use Ghost as my companion for the contest because he can put them to sleep and he is immune to a lot of attacks and can't be poisoned. We walk in for the contest and I run a few circles and get my first encounter...a weedle LV16... joy. (o wells) I lick it and put it to sleep then catch it and name it Manticore. Then I walk around and find a Soothe Bell, and TM28 Dig. I end the competition and don't win any places so they give me a shed shell. They also officially give me Manticore and its sent to the PC.

I switch Mertyns up front again and head back to the tunnel.

Super Nerd:
Magnimite LV7 vs Mertyns LV17... I switch to Clegane and demolish it
Magnimite LV7, Magnimite LV9, Voltorb LV11 vs Clegane LV17... he takes them all out.

Poke Maniac:
Slowpoke LV11, Slowpoke LV11 vs Mertyns LV17.. I take out the first one but after some growls I switch to Ghost to finish the second one.

Mom calls with an item she bought, I go to thestore and pick it up, a repel. I'm done with the tunnel trainers now. I heal then train Mertyns to LV18 and Clegane to LV18. Next I put Loras in front and  head to the gym to take out some more trainers.

Meowth L16, Meowth LV16 vs Loras LV17.. I beat them both but a bunch of fury swipes put me down to 14HP. I head to the center really quick then come back.

Snubbul LV17 vs Loras LV17... I make short work of him and Loras reaches LV18. I switch to Valyrian for the next battle.

Jigglypuff LV15, Jigglypuff LV15., Jigglypuff LV15 vs Valyrian LV17... between all the rock smashes and rock throws I make quick work of them. Valyrain reaches LV18. I switch to Ghost. That means I have beat all the trainers before the gym leader. I head back to heal my mon and then head to Route 35...

Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 9

I battle the first trainer I see.

Rattata Lv7, Sandshrew LV10 vs Valyrian LV15 … used multiple rock throws and rock smash to beat them up. Valyrian reaches LV16
Spearow LV8, Spearow LV8 vs Mertyns LV16... I use four uproar to wipe them out.

My first encounter is... Drowzee LV12. I put t down to half health and 3 poke balls later I catch it. I name drowzee, Lem.
(I'm nearly out of balls now) As I walk around a few trainers, I run into Lyra. She takes me to the Daycare to meet her parents. I drop of Marygaery in the PC and pick Varys back up for now. Dodging a few more trainers. I enter Goldenrod City. I heal and then go to the Department Store! (woot woot) Buy 10 pokeballs +free premier ball, 2 great balls. I win a nest ball on a different floor. Taking the elevator to the basement and find a burn heal, ether, and ultra ball. at another building I get a coin case. I get a BIKE, yay! Entering the radio tower I procure a radio card with ease and a blue card then I memorize the password station and get a nest ball. then I head north to Route 35. I dodge most of the trainer on the way to my first encounter. BUt run into a few...

Diglett LV10, Zubat LV10, Diglett LV14 vs Mertyns LV16... pecks and uproar make it a quick battle.

Growlithe LV14 vs Mertyns LV16... peck- hypnosis- and two uproars later he is down. Mertyns reaches LV17 and learns Reflect.
Grohlithe LV14 vs Valyrian Lv16... rock throw and its down.

I head into the grass and first encounter is hoothoot, since I already have one with Mertyns, I run (no doubles rule) next official catchable first encounter in Nidoran (boy) LV12. I send out ghost and 3 licks and paralysis later I catch it in a nest ball. I name Nidoran, Clegane.
 He is transferred to the PC. Since I'm right by the National Park building, I go in talk to people and then walk over to the PC and switch out Varys LV14 for my new Clegane! I put Clegane in front of the team for switch training and head out. I travel south back to Goldenrod City. I dodge a few trainers but one sees me.

Magmar LV11 vs Clegane LV12... I switch to Valyrian and rock throw.
Magmar LV16 vs Clegane LV12... I switch again to Valyrian. Two rock throws finish it off. Clegane reaches LV13 and learns Poison Sting, and Valyrian reaches LV17 learning Rock Tomb naturally.

I scurry down to the center and heal my mon. Next I travel back to Route 34 and train Clegane. I find TM34 Embargo and Clegane reaches LV14 then I go back and heal. Next I enter the normal gym for a quick battle.

Sentret LV9, Sentret LV12, Sentret LV16 vs Clegane LV14... Double kick takes them all out quick and I only go down by 12 health I the process. He reaches LV15.

Then I leave the gym and Mom calls she says I have gifts at the department store. I go there and get two halani berries and a babrani berry. I walk back over and heal, then make my way back down to Route 34 for additional training and soon to be trainer battles.

Bugsy vs Albert

Scyther LV17 vs Mertyns LV15... I hypnotize it and miss, leer- quick attack- then hypnosis works but down to 8HP. So I switch to Valyrian and two rock throws do it.

Metapod LV15 vs Valyrian LV14... rock throw 1 misses, two rock throws take it out.

Kakuna LV15 vs Arya LV15... two extrasensory take it out.
I receive the Hive Badge mon up to LV30 obey me, I can use HM Cut, TM89 U-turn. I exit the center and heal I remember I have a rival battle soon and based on the levels of my mon vs Bugsy I have to do a little training.  I go back to the well and level up some mon; Mertyns reaches LV16, Arya reaches LV15 and learns yawn, Valyrian reaches LV15, Loras reaches LV16... and evolves in Bayleef!
I go back and heal. Then I put Ghost in front and head to Ilex Forest to train. I'm about to enter the forest when lo and behold Swarley shows up. We battle, Swarley vs Albert.


Ghastly LV14 vs Ghost LV14... his uses curse which takes half its health then I lick- he mean looks then two licks later his ghastly is down.

Zubat LV16 vs Arya LV15... two extrasensory attacks later zubat falls.

Quilava LV18 vs Valyrian LV15... (man his levels seem higher) 3 rock throws later its taken out. I take him down easy, he is pissed. He leaves and I go back and heal. I go back and go into Ilex Forest firs encounter. First encounter is Metapod LV5. Ghost uses two licks then 5 pokeballs later, (ugg) its caught. I name it Mullendore and its transferred to the PC.
Next I help find two farfetch'd. I beat up some caterpie and Ghost gets to LV15 and learns Night Shade. (finally another damaging move) I find a revive and get both farfetch'd back. The dude is happy and gives me HM Cut. But now the only mon that can use it is Loras but I don't want to use up a move slot with it. So I go back to the center and heal then switch Varys for Margaery. I teach Margaery HM Cut I talk to the farfetch'd dudes house and the other guy gives me a charcoal item. I head back into the forest and use cut on a bush and head north. I find X-attack, Ether, and Repel. Then I beat up 3 Oddish and Ghost reaches LV16. I talk to a dude about headbutting trees and he gives me TM Headbutt I teach it to Loras instead of tackle. I put Arya in front and head back again, lol. (trust me watching me play is annoying too. constant going back and forth.

I heal at the center in Azlea Town and go back for my encounter in Route 33. I headbutt a bunch of trees and get my first encounter... Spearow LV6 I catch it and name it Roose.
I head back to town and sell the revive because I can't use it anyway in nuzlocke rules. Then I headbutt trees in town and get my encounter, Aipom. I put it to half  health and then 3 pokeballs and 1 great ball later I catch it. Aipom is named Tyrion.
I head through the forest beating up caterpie and oddish and Arya gest to LV16. I switch to Valyrian to train andnext run into a person that gives me TM Taunt. Then I leave the forest and enter Route 34...

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Some team rocket dude shoves away an old man by the well. The old guy walks away and the rocket dude stands guard at the well. I head into town and stop at the mart. I buy 2 potions and two super potions. I pick up a white apricorn and then stop into the poke-center to heal. I walk around town and talk to everyone. Team rocket is guarding the gym. At the last house I chat with an old man named Kurt. He's PISSED! He rambles about dudes stealing slowpoke tails and selling them. Then he runs off to confront them at the well. (I wonder where I should go next) I get to well and the guard is gone and I go down. At the initial room Kurt is there complaining about falling down and hurting his back. He asks me to continue on, and I do. I enter the next room and prepare for battle.

Rocket Grunt (boy):
Rattata LV9, Rattata LV9 vs Arya Lv 12... multiple Extrasensory attacks make quick work of both mon and then Arya gets to LV13. I pick up a super potion and then switch Varys in front of the team to train.

Rocket Grunt (girl):

Zubat LV9 vs Varys LV12... I switch to Valyrian and rock throw him down.
Ekans LV11 vs Varys LV12... I poion sting a couple times then switch to Valyrian again and use rock throw to finish him. I check a random rock off by its self and sure enough there is a super potion there as well. I walk further and then first encounter in the well! Its a LV6 Slowpoke and I use a leech life from varys to put it at half health. Then I toss a Lure ball at it and catch it. I name slowpoke Hodor.
It gets sent to the PC and I continue on.

Rocket Grunt (boy):
Rattata LV7 vs Varys LV12... we exchange blows until Varus is down to 7HP and then leech life knocks it out. Varys gets to LV13. I switch to Valyrian after the battle.

Excecutive Proton:
Zubat LV8, Koffing LV12 vs Valyrian LV12... I take out zubat quick and then exchange blows with koffing but it poisons me and I'm down to 10HP so I switch to Ghost. He cant poison me and tackle cant hit ghost types so I lick it a bit and then win. ( I really need some more moves on Ghost) Valyrian reaches LV13.

Proton complains about the disbandment of Team Rocket 3 years ago. I save the slowpokes. Team Rocket leaves and Kurt walks up congratulates me and then take me back to his house. He gives me some fast balls and then I give him a black apricorn to make into a ball. I heal at he center and then go back to the well to train Ghost some more. He beats up to slowpoke and then gets to LV14.(learns nothing) I go back and heal then go to the gym.


Bug Catcher:
Caterpie LV12, Weedle LV12 vs Mertyns LV14... it crushes them.

Bug Catcher:
Weedle LV7, Kakuna LV9, Beedril LV12 vs Mertyns LV14.. I smack down the weedle and kakhuna like no ones business and then after Beedrill gets a crit and and Mertyns hits 9HP I switch. I call out Valyrian and Rock throw it down. Mertyns gets to LV15. I switch Valyrian to first in the team and continue.

(first double battle) Spinarak LV10 and Ledyba LV10 vs Valyrian LV13 and Arya LV13... rock throw takes out ledyba and extrasensory takes our spinarak easy.

Bug Catcher:
Paras LV13 vs Valyrian LV13.. it posion powder's me but two rock throws take it out. Valyrian reaches LV14 and learns Rage.

I go back to the center and heal my mon then I head back to the well and I train several mon up. Arya reaches LV14, Loras reaches LV15, and Varys reaches LV14. I head back to the center and heal again and then I head to the gym. Before I enter the gym, I switch Mertyns out front. I make my way to the back of the gym and stand it front of Bugsy the gym leader...