
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Monday, December 14, 2020

 DAY 10

I continue on in the Relic Passage. Next my first encounter is Woobat LV27. I catch and name it Quina (short for quinacradone) 


Baltoy LV32 vs Titanium LV33, return kills.

Yanmask LV32, dig, wil-o-wisp, dig hits, switch to oxide, curse, hit by fear, crunch kills.

I find a red shard. Next I arrive at Relic Castle and use a repel, I find an ultra ball and then my first encounter is Volcarona!!!! (while healing twice and using 18 balls Titanium dies!) NOOOO! (FUDGE) I call out Ivory and the next ball is a catch. (suprise! f.....) I name it Crimson.

I walk back to the center. I lay poor Titanium to rest (so long little friend).

Then for all the hard work I add Crimson to the team and go to the move tutor and teach it signal beam. Next we go back to Relic Passage.


Sandslash LV32 vs Cerulean LV33, bubblebeam, slash crit down to 3 HP, bubble beam kills. (JEEZ CLOSE)


Raticate LV32 vs Cerulean LV33, assurance, bubblebeam, crunch, bubblebeam kills.


Drilbur LV31 vs Oxide LV33, dig, dig, dig miss, dig hits, crunch kills.

Roggenrola LV31, crunch, stealth rock, crunch kills.


Roggenrola LV31 vs Oxide LV33, dig, smack down miss, dig, smack down, crunch kills.

Timburr LV31, switch to Payne, wake up slap, psychic kills.

I find blue shard, max repel, and two green shards.


Swoobat LV33 vs Oxide LV33, calm mind, crunch and gets to LV34.

I find an ultra ball, rare candy, another rocky helmet and a yellow shard.


Watchog LV32 vs Payne LV33, super fang, psychic, hyper fang crits and kills! (NOOOOOOO! F#^%#) I call out Viridian and use giga drain to kill.

I go lay her to rest and I'm crushed caused I used her in the last run all the way to elite 4. I select Quina to assist the team.


Herdier LV18 vs Oxide LV34, crunch kills.


Grimer LV18 vs Oxide LV34, x-defend, dig, dig kills.


Venipede LV17 vs Quina LV27, x-defend, air cutter kills.

Koffing LV17, heart stamp, smokescreen, air cutter kills.

I go back and heal then go back to Route 6 and Cheren gives me HM Surf. Cobalion shows up and talks to me. Rood comes by and talks to me about the justice trio. I continue on...

Sunday, November 29, 2020


Clay vs Sienna

Krokorok LV31 vs Viridian LV33, giga drain kills.

Sandslash LV31, giga drain kills and gets to LV34.

Excadrill LV33, slash, giga drain, sitrus berry, metal claw, giga drain kills.

I win and get the Quake Badge, TM Bulldoze and my level limit goes to 39.

Clay talks to Umber and me about a World Tournament in town. I heal up and head there. I find the heart scale guy and teach ice fang to Ivory. I get a rocky helmet, zinc and pp up. Next I join the Driftveil Tournament and pick the team of Ivory, Viridian, and Oxide for the battles.

Battle 1:

Umber vs Sienna

Pignite LV25 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.

Simipour LV25, leer, return crit kills.

Tranquil LV25, return kills.

Battle 2:

Cheren vs Sienna

Stoutland LV25 vs Ivory LV33, return, work up, return kills.

Cinccino LV25, return, sing, sleep, wake up slap, return kills.

Watchog LV25, strength crit kills.


Colress vs Sienna

Magneton LV25 vs Ivory LV33, switch to Oxide, screech, dig, supersonic, dig hits but sturdy, mirror shot, crunch kills.

Elgyen LV25, crunch kills.

Klink LV25, dig, charge, dig kills.

I win the tournament. We exit and Team Plasma runs by. Umber Cheren and I go to run after and Colress tells us to stop. But we ignore him. We chase the grunt onto the big ship in the harbor. Plasma grunts come out of the wood work to face us and battle us.


Koffing LV30 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.


Trubbish LV30 vs Ivory LV33, return kills.

Grunts vs Sienna & Cheren

Grimer LV29, Golbet LV29 vs Ivory LV33, Stoutland LV33, double Intimidate, return kills, strength, sludge bomb, liepard called out, return kills, strength kills. and gets to LV34.

Grunts vs Sienna & Umber

Koffing LV29, Grimer LV29 vs Titanium LV33, Pignite LV33, dig, jump kick, sludge bomb miss, dig kills, call out watchog, dig kills, take down, call out raticate, return kills, bite, take down, sucker punch, jump kick kills.

Then the Shadow Triad and Zinzoulin show up. Then they toss us off the ship and they take off. I heal up and go to the Relic Passage...

Thursday, November 26, 2020

 DAY 9

I go to the previous Team Plasma Hideout and they ask for a battle to test me.

Rood vs Sienna

Herdier LV27 vs Viridian LV30, giga drain, work up, pin missile kills.

Swoobat LV27, switch to Titanium, imprison, air cutter crit, return, quick attack kills.

He thanks me for the battle. Umber shows up afterwards. Umber demands Purrloin and Rood apologies but they dont have it. He storms out and rood feels sad for  him but the good team plasma have no way of assisting. Likely those remaining team member have it. I head over to battle Charles again for a Triple battle.

Charles vs Sienna:

Archen/ Sigilyph/Tirtouga LV26 vs Viridian/Payne/ Titanium LV30, wide guard, return, light screen, giga drain kills archen, faint attack kills sigilyph, wide guard miss, jump kick, psybeam kills tirtouga. Viridian to LV31.

I go to the gym to clear out the trainers.


Baltoy LV31 vs Payne LV30, faint attack, cosmic power, faint attack, cosmic power, ancient power, faint attack kills.


Drilbur LV29: vs Payne LV30, slash, psybeam, rock lide down to 4 HP, switch to Ivory, hone claws, return kills.

Baltoy LV29, crunch kills.

Sandile LV29, return kills.

I go heal up.


Baltoy LV30 vs Payne LV30, extrasensory, faint attack, ancient power, faint attack, extrasensory, faint attack kills.

Sandile LV30, switch to Ivory, mud slap, return crit kills.


Sandile LV30 vs Payne LV30, embargo, double slap, swagger, double slap, mud slap, double slap kills. and gets to LV31.

Drilbur LV30, switch to Ivory, hone claws, return kills.


Sandile LV31 vs Ivory LV31, return kills

Baltoy LV30, crunch, power trick, crunch kills.

I finish the trainers and go east after healing. In the grass training Ivory gets to LV32. What!?! Ivory evolves into Stoutland!


Minccino LV27 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick kills.

Deerling LV27, jump kick kills

Parasol Lady:

Castform LV28 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick, water gun, quick attack kills.

School Kid:

Deerling LV27 vs Titanium LV31, jump kick kills.

Shelmet LV27, return, curse, return kills.


Deerling LV28 vs Titanium LV31, x-attack, jump kick kills.

I get a moonstone and tiny mushroom.


Shelmet LV27 vs Titanium LV31, x-special, jump kick, dig, curse, dig hits, mega drain, jump kick, struggle bug, dig, curse, dig kills.

Karrablast LV27, return kills and gets to LV32.


Foongus LV27 vs Payne LV31, psyshock kills kills.

Karrablast LV27, fury attack, double slap, fury cutter, future sight, false swipe, psyshock kills.

I find an ultra ball and shiny stone.

Parasol Lady:

Castfrom LV28 vs Payne LV31, psyshock, weather ball, hail, psyshock kills.

I find a rest home and rest.

Poke Ranger:

Whirlepede LV28 vs Payne LV31, psyshock, bug bite crit down to 5HP, psyshock kills.

Foongus LV28, psyshock kills.

I get a pecha berry. I battle some mon in the grass and Payne gets to LV32. What!?! Payne evolves into Gothorita!

I enter the Charge stone cave and talk to Bianca. I find and full heal and then my first encounter is Ferroseed LV27 I catch and name her Emerald.

I train up the team and while doing so find a hidden grotto and my encounter is Foongus LV24. I catch and name it Napthol.

I keep training and get the whole team to level 33. I go back to town and heal up then head to the gym...

Friday, November 20, 2020


Elesa vs Sienna

Emolga LV28 vs Oxide LV30, quick attack, rock tomb, quick attack, rock tomb kills.

Flaffy LV28, switch to Titanium, take down, heal up Oxide for later, volt switch to...

Zebstrika LV30, quick attack, dig, volt switch miss, dig hits, sitrus berry heals, switch back to Oxide, volt switch immune, flame charge, dig, flame charge miss, dig kills.


back to Flaffy LV28, dig, take down, dig crit kills! and gets to LV31.

I win! We get the Bolt Badge, TM Volt Switch, level limit to LV33.

I go heal up and head to the Hidden grotto in Forelorn Forest. My encounter is Leavanny LV24. I catch and name it Chartreuse.

I go back and add it to the team for now. Then I head over and Umber needs help against Team Plasma.


Trubbish LV27 vs Ivory LV30, return kills.


Watchog LV27 vs Ivory LV30, swagger, hits-self, super fang, hitself, switch to Viridian, hypnosis, super fang, sleep, confuse ray, sleep, lemonade on Viridian, super fang miss, hitself, hypnosis miss, super fang, hitself, super fang miss, giga drain kills.

We win and they leave. Umber tells me about how he wants to save his sister's stolen Purrloin. He heals me up then we go east and run into Charles the Heartbreaker.


Sigilyph LV26, Archen LV26, Tirtouga LV26 vs Titanium LV30, Viridian LV30, Payne LV30, needle arm kills tirtouga, return, light screen, return kills archen, return kills sigilyph.

Driftveil Drawbridge is reached and my first encounter is a Ducklett. I catch it and name her Cerulean.

I go back and add it to the team yet again. I come back and find a clever wing, genius wing, and health wing. Next we get to Driftveil City. Two team Plasma peeps are arguing and fighting. One a former follower of N and the other a current Team Plasma member. Then I get a shell bell, everstone, expert belt, x12 moomoo milk, TM Embargo, air balloon, calcium, and big root. Lastly I head to Route 6 and my first encounter is Tranquil LV26 I catch and name it Silver.

I head back and heal up and continue on...

Thursday, November 19, 2020



Maractus LV25 vs Oxide LV26, switch to Ivory, needle arm, return, acupressure, needle arm, strength kills.


Minccino LV24, Minccino LV24 vs Oxide LV26, Ivory LV27, (double intimidate) bite, return kills, swift, bite kills.

I find a big mushroom, then go to the center to heal. I run into a trainer at the Ferris wheel.


Boldore LV24 vs Viridian LV26, needle arm, mud slap, needle arm miss, mud slap, needle arm miss again, rock blast (x2), giga drain kills.

I go to the gym and get a fresh water.


Elekid LV27 vs Viridian LV26, T-wave, needle arm, electro ball, pin missle kills.

Flaffy LV27, switch to Oxide, charge, dig, cotton spore miss, dig, take down, kill-self and gets to LV27.


Flaffy LV27 vs Oxide LV27, dig, change, dig kills.

Blitzle LV27, dig, pursuit, dig kills and gets to LV28 and learns Crunch.


BLitzle LV27 vs Titanium LV27, return kills.

Elekid LV27, return kills.

I go heal up then head to the train station. ( last time I had two deaths in this battle, SO FEAR) myself and nate team up for a double battle.

Ingo and Emmet:

Boldore LV26, Gurdurr LV26 vs Titanium LV27, Dewott LV27, switch to Viridian, water pulse, wake up slap, iron defense, giga drain, water pulse kill Boldore, wake up slap crit down to 15HP (!) but razor shell kills.

We win! I get a VS recorder, I travel to Anville Town. I get a rare candy and then save a Pansage to get a bright powder. Then I go back to Forlorn Forest.


Tranquil LV24 vs Ivory LV27, detect blocks return, return kills.

Liepard LV24, fake out, torment, strength, fury swipes (x5), return kills and gets to LV28.

Poke Ranger:

Trubbish LV20 vs Payne LV27, psybeam, pound, sludge, psybeam kills.

Poke Ranger:

Emolga LV26 vs Payne LV27, double team, psybeam miss, double team, psybeam, shock wave down to 15HP (!), psybeam switch to Viridian, shock wave, pursuit, needle arm kills.

I begin training my team to LV30. I get Oxide to LV29 and...

What!?! It evolves into Krokorok!

I continue on and have a couple close calls while training: Titanium nearly dies from audino down to 11HP, Payne nearly dies from a Tranquil down to 12HP. I go heal after the team hits LV30. We walk into the gym ready to crush...


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Day 7

At the stadiums:


Marill LV26 vs Oxide LV25, switch to Viridian, aqua tail, needle arm, flinch, pin missle kills and Oxide to LV26.


Darumaka LV25 vs Pyrrole LV25, faint attack, work up, faint attack, façade down to 2HP (!) switch to ivory to use intimidate, work up again (!) but return kills.

Timburr LV25, switch to Payne, wake up slap, psybea,, wake up slap down to 10HP but psybeam kills.

I run back to the center and heal up the team. next I head back to the stadium.

Line backer:

Timburr LV25 vs Pyrrole LV25, flame burst down to red, rock throw crits and kills... (NOOOOO! F@#$%^K!) I call out Viridian, needle arm kills.

Timburr LV25, needle arm, flinch, needle arm kills.

Before I can go back another triner challenges.


Dwebble LV26 vs Payne LV24, bug bite, faint attack, switch to Titanium, bug bite, jump kick, rock polish, stealth rock, dig, bug bite miss, dig hits, bug bite, jump kick finally kills.

I slowly walk back and lay Pyrrole to rest and grieve hardcore. (stopped playing for 2 days)

I take Terraverte out to fill the open slot for now. I get TM Echoed Voice. I find a random dropped item and paralyze heal.

Rich Boy:

Blitzle LV24 vs Viridian LV25, needle arm, stomp, needle arm kills.


Flaffy LV24 vs Viridian LV25, needle arm, thundershock, needle arm kills.

I get a paralyze heal. Then I go heal and train Viridan to LV26 and it learns giga drain!


Tranquil LV25 vs Payne LV25, air cutter, psybeam, detect, psybeam blocked, detect, psybeam blocked again quick attack, psybeam kills.


Scraggy LV24, Scraggy LV 24 vs Payne LV25, Titanium LV26, switch to Viridian, return, payback, payback, return kills, giga drain kills.


Liepard LV 25 vs Payne LV25, switch to Titanium, torment, fury swipes, jump kick kills and gets to LV26.

I get TM Payback and tiny mushroom.


Whirlepede LV25 vs Payne LV26, psybeam causes confusion and it hits-self, psybeam kills.

I get a fresh water and kelpsy berries.


Sigilyph LV25 vs Payne LV26, faint attack, whirlwind to Ivory, psybeam, crunch, psybeam, confuse ray, crunch kills. Payne to LV27.

I find a super repel, hyper potion and cherri berries.

Pokémon Ranger:

Budew LV25 vs Oxide LV26, switch to Titanium, stun spore, worry seed, return kills.

Roselia LV25, giga drain, return crit kills and gets to LV27.


Sunkern LV24 vs Oxide LV26, switch to Ivory, mega drain, return kills.

Combee LV24, return kills.


Scraggy LV25 vs Oxide LV26, dig, headbutt miss, dig, swagger, dig, brick break miss, dig kills.

I heal up and continue on...



Thursday, November 12, 2020

 DAY 6

Back at the desert resort.


Cleffa LV22 vs Oxide LV24, dig, metronome growl miss, dig kills.

Poke Ranger:

Magby LV23, flame burst, dig, flame burst miss, dig kills.

I get rawst berries, yellow shard, and soft sand.


Woobat LV22 vs Oxide LV24, assurance, imprison, sand kills.

Yanmask LV22, assurance, wil-o-wisp, bite kills and gets to LV25.

I get a heart scale.


Sandile LV22 vs Ivory LV24, return, bite, crunch kills.

I find a nugget.


Munna LV23 vs Ivory LV24, crunch, zen headbutt, crunch kills.


Sandshrew LV22 vs Viridian LV22, needle arm, tackle, pin missile kills.

Poke Ranger:

Darumaka LV23 vs Viridian LV22, switch to Hansa, fire punch and sand down to 17 HP, heal up, soda pop, headbutt, hyper fang, fire punch crit kills Hansa... (wait... what... NOOOOOOO!) I call out Titanium LV25, quick attack kills.

I run back and lay Hansa to rest. 

Dammit again after I finally get a full team. I go back to the desert Resot and get a blue shard, green shard, and red shard.


Dwebble LV22 vs Viridian LV22, mega drain, faint attack, needle arm kills.


Drilbur LV22 vs Viridian LV22, needle arm kills and gets to LV23.

I get max ether, fire stone, red shard, super repel, and ground gem.

I finish training up to LV25 for all mon. Then I get to Joint Ave and then 20 mins later I get to Nimbasa City. I run over to the west at Route 5. My first encounter is Gothita and name her Payne (after payne grey pigment)

Bianca then gives me HM Fly. Then I go east and get a macho brace on Route 16.

Police man:

Drilbur LV25 vs Ivory LV25 return kills and I get to LV26.

Then my first encounter is Minccino and I catch and name it zinc (after zinc white).

Back packer:

Watchog LV25 vs Oxide LV25, sand tomb miss, confuse ray, hitself, super fang, dig, confuse ray miss, dig, super fang miss, dig kills.

I get to Lostlorn Forest, TM Snarl, net ball, and ultra ball. First encounter is Roselia. I catch and name her Terraverte.

I get a soothe bell. I head up to the stadium.


Cottonee LV25 vs Oxide LV25, switch to Payne, mega drain, mega drain, psybeam, mega drain, double slap (x3), mega drain, psybeam, mega drain down to 5HP but psybeam kills.

Petilil LV25, switch to Pyrrole, magical leaf, flame burst kills.

I continue on...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Burgh vs Sienna

Swadloon LV22 vs Pyrrole LV24, flame burst kills.

Dwebble LV22, switch to Titanium, smack down, jump kick, rock polish, smack down, jump kick, smack down, jump kick kills.

Levanny LV24, switch to Pyrrole, razor leaf, flame burst kills and gets to LV25.

I switch to Insect Badge, TM Struggle Bug and the level limit is up to 30.

I heal up and go back north and run into Colress. He wants to show me something and battle me on Route 4. We battle.

Colress vs Sienna

Magnemite LV21 vs Hansa LV24, T-wave, hyper fang miss, spark, hyper fang crit, spark, hyper fang kills.

Klink LV23, switch to Pyrrole, gear grind, flame burst kills.

I'm given a protein. I go back and heal and get Titanium a massage again. I come back and dodge people to get my next encounter at Desert resort. It is Maractus LV19. I catch and name it Viridian.

I find stardust I go back and explore. I get wide lens, sitrus berry, and a poke toy.


Riolu LV21 vs Hansa LV24, switch to Pyrrole, face palm, fire spin, fresh water, force palm, fire, force palm, flame burst.

Growlithe LV21, switch to Hansa, fire fang, hyper fang, fire fang, sucker punch kills.

I go to a rest house.


Herdier LV22 vs Hansa LV24, hyper fang, tackle, hyper fang, crunch kills.

I find a red shard, hyper potion, and TM Dig.


Darumaka LV22 vs Titanium LV24, dig, fire punch miss, dig kills.


Zubat LV21 vs Titanium LV24, return kills.

Timburr LV21, switch to Pyrrole, low sweep crit, I use fresh water on Pyrrole, rock throw, flame burst crit kills.


Venipede LV21 vs Titanium LV24, dig, screech, protect, dig blocked, dig tackle, dig kills.

Sandile LV21, jump kick kills and gets to LV25.

What?!! Titanium evolves into Lopunny!

I find stardust and grip claw.


Pidove LV22 vs Oxide LV24, quick attack, assurance, assurance, roost, quick attack, assurance, bite kills.

I find yellow shard and green shard.

Biker and Roughneck:

Cottonee LV21, Petilil LV21 vs Oxide LV24, Ivory LV24 (double intimidate) switch to Pyrrole for Oxide, return kills, razor leaf, flame burst kills.

We go back to rest house, then on to Desert resort...

 DAY 5

I battle on.


Timbur LV17 vs Oxide LV19, switch to Pyrrole, focus energy, bide, ember, fire spin, fire kills.

I find a pearl, oxide and Titanium to LV20 against wild mon.

I head to the gym and get a fresh water.


Sewaddle LV20 vs Ivory LV20, return, razor leaf, return kills.

Sewaddle LV20, return, string shot, return kills.


Combe LV20 vs Ivory LV20, return, sweet scent, return kills and gets to LV21.

Swadloon LV20, switch to Pyrrole, razor leaf, ember kills.


Sewaddle LV19 vs Pyrrole LV20, ember kills.

Dewaddle LV19, fire spin, faint attack, fire, ember kills.

Combee LV19, switch to Titanium, gust, return, gust, quick attack kills and gets to LV21.


Dewaddle LV20 vs Titanium LV20, quick attack, faint attack switch to Oxide, sand attack, sand tomb, sand, assurance, rock polish, sand, rock polish, sand tomb, sand, faint attack, bite kills.

Swadloon LV20, switch to Titanium, string shot, quick attack, string shot, protect, quick attack block, protect, quick attack block, quick attack, bug bite down to 5HP! switch to Hansa, bug bite, hyper fang miss, bug bite, hyper fang miss, string shot miss, hyper fang miss, razor leaf to 1HP but hyper fang kills. Titanium up to LV21.

I go heal up.


Growlithe LV16 vs Hansa LV20, hyper fang kills.

Herdier LV16, hyper fang, work up, hyper fang kills.


Basculin LV17 vs Titanium LV21, quick attack, bite, quick attack, bite, aqua jet, quick attack, quick attack kills.

I find mystic water.


Psyduck LV16 vs Titanium LV21, quick attack, disable, return kills.

Basculin LV16, return, bite return, bite, switch to Ivory, chip away, aqua jet, return, Titanium to LV22.

I go heal and train the team to LV24. Titanium learns jump kick, Pyrrole learns flame burst, Ivory learns crunch and Hansa learns crunch too. I heal up and enter the gym...

Saturday, November 7, 2020

 DAY 4

I get the TM Flash. I have a couple other places to go and get mon.  So I go talk near the gym and run into Iris. She is looking for Burgh as well. She recommends going to the sewers. Umber and I enter the sewers and I get my first encounter. It's Rattata. I catch and name it Hansa.

Then I leave to go train a little bit. I come back with all LV18 mon and team up with Umber. I find a twisted spoon. Then we find Team Plasma.


Sandile LV16, Scraggy LV16 vs Pyrrole LV18, Pignite LV22, ember, burns scraggy, flame charge kills sandile, headbutt, flame charge, ember kills scraggy and gets LV19.

The thugs run off. Burgh shows up and thanks us. I get HM Strength. Umber walks off. Then Colress shows off and rambles on. I find the relic Passage but I'm saving my encounter for later. I find a miracle seed in a secret small park in Castelia City. First encounter is Rattata but it is doupes. I go to the next encounter. My next encounter is Buneary. I catch and name it Titanium.

I go back to the sewers. I talk with Iris and she wishes me luck on my gym battle. I train Titanium to LV18. I check the docks and get a destiny knot. I get a quick claw. I find one of the clowns and then start going into buildings in the city.

Game Freak:

Clefairy LV16 vs Titanium LV18, return, double slap (x5 with two crits), switch to Hansa, double slap miss, thief steal leftovers, growl, hyper fang kills. But I can't keep the item sadly. 

I heal up my mon.

Game Freak:

Pansage LV14 vs Titanium LV18, quick attack, scratch, quick attack, vine whip, quick attack kills.

Panpour LV14, quick attack, oran berry, water gun, quick attack, water gun, quick attack, super potion on Panpour, quick attack crit kills.

Pansear LV14, switch to Oxide, Incinerate, sand tomb kills and gets to LV19

I go to another building and get TM Rest, two fresh water, 12 castelicomes and the exp. share. 


Growlithe LV16 vs Oxide LV18, sand tomb, ember, bite kills and gets to LV19 and learns mud slap.

I get quick balls.


Pidove LV17 vs Hansa LV18, hyper fang, leer, bite, air cutter, bite kills.


Marill LV16 vs Hansa LV18, hyper fang, flinch, hyper fang, rollout, hyper fang miss, bite kills and gets to LV19 and learns sucker punch.

I get timer balls and find a guard spec.


Budew LV16 vs Hansa LV19, hyper fang, water sport, bite kills.

I get a scope lens and ether.

School Kid:

Eevee LV17 vs Hansa LV19, quick attack, hyper fang, quick attack down to 3HP but hyper fang kills.

Herdier LV17, switch to Ivory, tackle, take down, leer, return kills.

I heal then continue on and get moomoo milk. I get the TM Attract, amulet coin, and charcoal. I finish finding the clowns and get a rare candy. I head to the sewers to train. While in the sewers Hansa gets to LV20 and evolves into Raticate!

Next I find a sp-def.


Grimer LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, x-special on grimer, ember, fire spin, harden, fire, ember, mud slap, fire kills.

I find leftovers and give it to Oxide. I get a super potion.


Sewaddle LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, ember kills.


Drilbur LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, fire spin, rapid spin, fire, ember, mud slap, fire, ember kills.


Lillipup LV16 vs Oxide LV19, sand tomb, take down, assurance kills.

Trubbish LV16, sand tomb, toxic spikes, mud slap kills.

Next I continue on in the dark sewers...


Roxie vs Sienna:

Koffing LV16 vs Ivory LV18, take down, assurance, tackle kills.

Whirlepede LV18, tackle crit (!) (WOOO) venoshock, tackle, venoshock gets me to 5HP, switch to Pyrrole, super potion on whirlepede, fire spin, venoshock, fire, protect, ember blocked, fire, ember, venoshock down to 11HP but fire kills.

I win barely with both mon near death. I get the Toxic Badge, TM Venoshock, and level limit goes up to 24.

A dude tells me to go to poke studios. I go there and the guide walks me around. then the Sea Captain shows me their movie but is jealous with attention that I'm getting. I go film a new movie. I finish up and move on. I go back towards the dock and team Plasma is fighting with Roxie and Umber. So I help them out.


Patrat LV14 vs Ivory LV18, tackle, bite kills and gets to LV19.

They push past me and run. Roxie tells us to run after them and gives us HM Cut. I find a super potion which reminds me to stock up on potions really quick. I go to Route 20 to help tracker down Team Plasma.


Purrloin LV14 vs Pyrrole LV18, ember, fury swipes, ember kills.

They run away for good and mentions leaving from the docks. I go back and find Roxie and the sea captain again. The captain drives us to Castelia City on the boat. I find a heart scale. I get the bicycle from the clown. He tells me to find his buddies and then come back and get a prize. I immediately head north to get another encounter. I run into Bianca who gives me a Dowsing Machine. Next I arrive at Route 4.


Drilbur LV16 vs Pyrrole LV18, I switch to Ivory, mudslap, tackle miss, fury swipes, tackle, mud slap, tackle kills.

Marill LV16, tackle, rollout, (O HELL NOOO) tackle rollout, tackle kills.

I enter the sand area and my first encounter is Sandile! I catch and name her Oxide (short for Transparent Earth Oxide).

I heal up from the sand damage and continue on...

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 DAY 3

I scoot over to Virbank Complex to try and get my encounter. My first encounter is a Magby. I catch and name it Pyrrole.

I go heal and head back to the previous route to train.


Sunkern LV9, Sunkern LV9 vs Ivory LV14, Pyrrole LV10, ember kills, tackle, grass whistle, ember kills.

I take time to get Pyrrole to LV15 with Ivory. I find a poke toy, pearl, poke ball, burn heal and antidote. I get Ivory to LV16 against an Audino and he evolves into Herdier. 

Then I find a silk scarf and give it to Ivory. I visit the gym and get a fresh water.


Grimer LV14 vs Pyrrole LV15, fire spin, pound, fire, faint attack, pound, fire, faint attack kills and to LV16.

Koffing LV14, fire spin, poison gas miss, frie, faint attack, assurance, fire, ember kills.


Venipede LV14 vs Ivory LV16, tackle, screech, tackle kills.

Koffing LV14, tackle, assurance, tackle, tackle, tackle kills.


Lillipup LV13 vs Ivory LV16, tackle, odor seluth, tackle kills and gets to LV17.


Woobat LV13 vs Pyrrole LV16, faint attack, odor seluth, ember kills.


Patrat LV12 vs Pyrrole LV16, ember, scratch, .faint attack kills.

Elekid LV12, ember, thundershock, ember, ember kills.


Patrat LV13 vs Ivory LV17, tackle, bide, tackle kills.


Riolu LV12 vs Ivory LV17, switch to Pyrrole, feint, fire spin, endure, ember, fire, quick attack, ember, fire kills.

Lillipup LV12, swicth back to Ivory, growl, tackle, bite, tackle kills.

I go heal and find a great ball. Next I find a tiny mushroom and I get the TM Thief.


Magby LV12 vs Ivory LV17, tackle crit kills.

Koffing LV12, tackle, tackle, switch to Pyrrole, ember, tackle, ember, tackle, ember kills.

I go heal and finish getting my mon to LV18. I heal up and walk on stage to battle for my next badge...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Cheren vs Sienna

Patrat LV11 vs Mars LV13, tackle crit kills.

Lillipup LV13, work up, sand attack, work up, sand attack, work up, tackle, tackle miss, tackle, potion on lillipup, tackle, tackle crit kills lillipup.

I WIN! I get the Basic Badge, TM Work Up and my level limit goes up to LV18.

I meet Bianca outside. She is excited for me and gives me TM Return. Then they give me a c-gear. I make my way to the next town. We get to the Hiker blocking my path and he checks my badge counts then battles me.


Riolu LV11 vs Mars LV13, endure, sand attack, quick attack, tackle, quick attack, tackle kills.

I get pecha berries and great balls.


Psyduck LV10 vs Chromium LV13, vine whip, water sport.


Lillipup LV10 vs Chromium LV13, vine whip, leer, vine whip, tackle, tackle kills.

I find a dire hit.

On my way through the new chunk of route Manganese dies from a tackle against patrat then crit bug bite from a sewaddle double battle. (NOO what jeez!) 

I move forward to hopefully reach the next poke center really quick.

Nursery Aid:

Dunsparce LV11 vs Ivory LV13, bite, rollout, (O NO!) I hurry and switch to Mars, rollout, sand attack, rollout hits and down to 14HP, sand attack...

(fingers crossed for a miss)


rollout hits for a crit and kills Mars! (NOOO!) I take a second to  way my options, I call out Chromium, i can only hope for a miss I guess, vine whip below half health but...

rollout hits and kills Chromium my starter (I can't comprehend this atm.) I call out Ivory, I use bite, FLINCH! (finally!) tackle, rollout still hits but starts from the beginning so doesn tkill, tackle kills Dunsparce and Ivory gets to LV14.

Good bye my sweet friends, both Mars and Chromium will be missed. (I'm still shocked)

Losing them this early put me down to one mon. I only have one more encounter for a while.( I thought sand attack would save me. Without the flinch I would have been wiped out too. I slip around some trainers and finally get to a rainy Virbank City. I get great balls. I see Roxie and the Sea Captain ahead. Then mom calls and we talk. I finally enter the pokemon center and lay my fallen friends gently in the graveyard. I heal up and quietly prepare for the next leg...


On my way to Floccesy Town, I run into Alder (the previous champion) then I get to town and heal up. I find a potion. I go over to train with Alder but he says I have to deliver my extra town map to Umber before I can train. I head out.


Patrat LV4 vs Mars LV7, bite, tackle, bite kills.


Purrloin LV4 vs Mars LV7, tackle, growl, tackle, scratch, tackle kills.

I find a paralyze heal. Then my first encounter is Purrloin for Route 20. I catch and name him Manganese.

Next I find two pokeballs and a potion.


Patrat LV4 vs Mars LV7, bite, flinch, bite kills.

I heal back up and then arrive at Floccesy Ranch. I immediately go left into the grass to get my encounter. The encounter is Lillipup LV7 in the process of catching it, it nearly kills Mars with a crit tackle down to 3HP. But I catch it and name it Ivory.

I run back and heal the weakened team. I train the newest members to LV8 and then continue on. My Rival shows up again.

Umber vs Sienna:

Tepig LV8 vs Mars LV8, tackle, bite crit, tackle, bite, tackle, bite, flinch, bite kills.

I give Umber his town map. Then the ranch owner and his wife show up and give us potions and heal our mon. They mentioned they have lost their herdier. So Umber and I head out. Chromium get to LV9 in the grass. I find a poke ball.


Purrloin LV6 vs Mars LV8, tackle, assist uses tackle, but tackle kills.

Sewaddle LV6, tackle, string shot, string shot, tackle crit kills.


Lillipup LV6 vs Ivory LV8, bite, odor sleuth, bite, tackle, bite kills.

Mareep LV6, bite, t-wave, para, growl, bite, tackle, bite kills and gets to LV9.

I find a paralyze heal.


Patrat LV6 vs Maganese LV8, scratch, tackle, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.

Psyduck LV6, scratch, water sport, scratch, tail whip, scratch kills.

I find x-attack and potion. We find team plasma with the herdier. He throws TM Frustration  at me and runs away. We save herdier! I heal up and go back to ALder. He has me train with two kids.

School Kid:

Panpour LV9 vs Chromium LV10, vine whip, scratch, vine whip kills.

Alder heals us up...

School Kid:

Pansear LV9 vs Chromium LV10, switch to Mars, growl misses, scratch crit, bite, scratch, tackle, scratch, tackle kills. Chromiun to LV11. 

I leave and run into the guy that gives me the medal box. Then Alder tells me to go back to the gym that newly opened in my home town. He gives me oran berries. I go back home. I get x-speed, x-defend and some fresh water at the gym.

School Kid:

Patrat LV9 vs Mars LV10, bite, leer, bite, leer, bite kills.

Lillipup LV9, bite, leer, bite kills and gets to LV11

School Kid:

Lillipup LV9 vs Ivory LV10, bite, leer, bite, leer, bite, leer, bite kills.

Patrat LV9, switch to Manganese, leer, scratch, leer, scratch, leer, scratch, bite, scratch to kill and gets to LV11.

Gym trainers are done I go train to the level limit. Chromium almost dies to a LV7 lillipup and a tackle down to 5HP. I run back and heal. While I'm there they let me know my pokes have contracted the POKERUS! Sweet! I go back and finish training all mon to LV13. We heal up then head to the gym...

Monday, November 2, 2020

 DAY 1


I lost the previous Gen 5 run after a rough time throughout the run. I was a boy named Xavier and barely made it to the Champion. But I lost on the steps to the Hall of Fame. Afterwards Xavier left and banished himself from history and further failure. The sun set on that story but rises again.

(For this run I will be playing my revenge nuzlocke as a lady. Level limits 13, 18, 24, 30, 33, 39, 48, 51, 57. Since Warpath (samurott) died during the previous run, oshawott is taken off the table. The starters will be either snivy or tepig. All the standard rules apply and only 3 items used per match at max. Lastly Theme will be paint pigment colors)

A brisk cold day rises and the new lady Sienna (short for the pigment burnt sienna) shows up at Aspertia City to try her luck at a Nuzlocke. Trainer #30871 and rival name is Umber (short for burnt umber).

I walk out my house and meet my Rival Umber and his sis. We head out and find Bianca. My trainer number = Snivy LV5 for my starter. I name him Chromium (named after a green oxide). 

Umber picks Tepig and we face off.

Umber vs Sienna:

Tepig LV5 vs Chromium LV5, tackle, tackle, tackle, tail whip, tackle, tackle kills tepig and gets to LV6.

Next we go to the pokecenter and heal up. Bianca gives me poke balls then tells me to follow her to earn how to catch. I leave and run into Mom and her and Umber's sister give me running shoes and town maps for myself and umber. Then I head to Route 19 and Bianca shows me how to catch mon. My first encounter in this route is Patrat LV3, I catch and name it Mars (after mars yellow earth tone). 

I get Chromium to LV7 and learns vine whip. Then nearly dies to a wild Patrat down to 2HP. I go back and heal then train some. Mars gets to LV7 while learning bite. and Chromium to LV8, I continue on...


A huge thank you to the entire Championship Nuzlocke Team. This early / middle run through the game was quite challenging. I had a lot of early deaths. Even when catching Athena I had two mon perish. But as I gained Athena, Satyr and Aphrodite to the team I finally had some luck and that core held the playthrough together. Additionally Poseidon and Tyche really held their ground in key matches and in the Elite Four. Lastly, although Sif was with the team for a short time, she helped get us across the finish line and into the Hall of Fame:

Also I'm taking time to recognize all my lovely mon the past during the run. despite your deaths each one of you had key moments in the run the helped strength my resolve to get to the end.

Rest peacefully my friends.

R.I.P. Hestia (bidoof) - dies from rock throw crit against geodude.

R.I.P. Zeus (luxio) - dies from crit confusion against a meditite.

R.I.P. Hermes (zubat) - dies from night slash against Jupiter's Skuntank

R.I.P. Ceto (shellos) - dies from crit night slash against Jupiter's Skuntank.

R.I.P. Persephone (budew) - dies from dragon rage against gible.

R.I.P. Bia (meditite) - dies from sandstorm against gible.

R.I.P. Ares (monferno) - died from a shadow ball against haunter.

R.I.P. Silvanus (cherrim) - died from a crit aerial ace from heracorss.

R.I.P. Artemis (staravia) - died from a crit metal claw from Maylene's Lucario.

R.I.P Nyx (rotom) - died from a crit crunch from Crasher Wake's Foatzel.

R.I.P. Theseus (rampardos) - died from a night slash from Commander Jupiter's Skunktank.

R.I.P Victory Road encounter (magneton) - died from hail before the catch.

R.I.P. Sif (abomasnow) - died from crit fire fang against Bertha's Gliscor.

R.I.P Poseidon (floatzel) - died from a psycho cut from Lucian's Gallade.

R.I.P. Tyche (rapidash) - died from a crit aurora sphere from Cynthia's Lucario.

That run had some moments where I questioned if i could make it but it feels great to be 6-1 in my Nuzlocke runs.  Next stop... the BLACK 2 REVENGE run

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Cynthia vs Odysseus:

Spiritomb LV58 vs Tyche LV58, fire blast, dark pulse, bounce up, dark pulse miss, bounce hits but it survives, dark pulse, hyper potion on Tyche, full restore on spiritomb, fire blast miss, flamethrower crit, dark pulse, flamethrower, shadow ball, flamethrower kills.

Milotic LV58, switch to Aphrodite, surf, surf, t-bolt, full restore on Aphrodite, surf, t-bolt and para, full para, t-bolt kills.

Lucario LV60, switch to Tyche, shadow ball, (O NO OUT OF FIRE BLAST!)flamethrower but aura sphere crit kills (!WTF NOOOOO COME ON MAN WTF!), call out Athena, full restore on Lucario, eq kills.

Garchomp LV62, d-claw, sitrus berry on her garchomp, dragon rush...




d-claw kills! (YES!)

Togekiss LV60 (but not fairy type yet yay!) stone edge miss, air slash miss, stone edge miss, air slash, stone edge, air slash, d-claw kills.

Rosearade LV58, eq OHKO!

I WIN!!!!!!! YAY!!!! OMG CHAMPION AGAIN!!!! Thank you so much Tyche for your helpful battles throughout the playthrough.

I've succeeded again and the Nuzlocke is complete for Gen 4


Lucian vs Odysseus:

Mr. Mime LV53 vs Aphrodite LV58, shadow ball crit kills.

Espeon LV55, switch to Athena, shadow ball, crunch, psychic, full restore, crunch, crunch kills.

Bronzong LV54, switch to Tyche, calm mind, fire blast, calm mind, fire blast kills (! so lucky) and gets to LV59.

Gallade LV59, bounce up, psycho cut miss, bounce hits, sitrus berry activated, stone edge down to 21 HP!, I switch to Poseidon and psycho cut kills (NNNNOOOOO! WTF) I call out Aphrodite, shadow ball kills.

Alakazam LV56, energy ball, shadow ball, energy ball shadow ball kills.

I win! But so sad that Poseidon one of my key mon died. Good bye my dear friend I will win this for you and the others.

I heal up and continue...


Flint vs Odysseus:

Houndoom LV52 vs Poseidon LV58, surf kills and gets to LV59.

Infernape LV55, surf kills.

Rapidash LV53, surf kills.

Magmortor LV57, surf, sitrus berry, t-bolt down to 11HP(!) I call out Athena, t-bolt immune, eq kills.

Flareon LV55, eq kills.

I win! No deaths, I heal up, and continue on...


Bertha vs Odysseus:

Whiscash LV50 vs Sif LV58, earth power, wood hammer kills.

Gliscor LV53, fire fang crit kills, WHAT! NOOOOOOOOO! I call out Poseidon, ice fang, full restore on gliscor, ice fang, ice fang kills.

Golem LV52, surf kills.

Rhyperior LV55, surf kills.

Hippowdon LV52, surf crit kills.

I WIN! (but sadly Sif has passed away) Good bye my friend.

I heal up and continue...