Cheren vs Sienna
Patrat LV11 vs Mars LV13, tackle crit kills.
Lillipup LV13, work up, sand attack, work up, sand attack, work up, tackle, tackle miss, tackle, potion on lillipup, tackle, tackle crit kills lillipup.
I WIN! I get the Basic Badge, TM Work Up and my level limit goes up to LV18.
I meet Bianca outside. She is excited for me and gives me TM Return. Then they give me a c-gear. I make my way to the next town. We get to the Hiker blocking my path and he checks my badge counts then battles me.
Riolu LV11 vs Mars LV13, endure, sand attack, quick attack, tackle, quick attack, tackle kills.
I get pecha berries and great balls.
Psyduck LV10 vs Chromium LV13, vine whip, water sport.
Lillipup LV10 vs Chromium LV13, vine whip, leer, vine whip, tackle, tackle kills.
I find a dire hit.
On my way through the new chunk of route Manganese dies from a tackle against patrat then crit bug bite from a sewaddle double battle. (NOO what jeez!)
I move forward to hopefully reach the next poke center really quick.
Nursery Aid:
Dunsparce LV11 vs Ivory LV13, bite, rollout, (O NO!) I hurry and switch to Mars, rollout, sand attack, rollout hits and down to 14HP, sand attack...
(fingers crossed for a miss)
rollout hits for a crit and kills Mars! (NOOO!) I take a second to way my options, I call out Chromium, i can only hope for a miss I guess, vine whip below half health but...
rollout hits and kills Chromium my starter (I can't comprehend this atm.) I call out Ivory, I use bite, FLINCH! (finally!) tackle, rollout still hits but starts from the beginning so doesn tkill, tackle kills Dunsparce and Ivory gets to LV14.
Good bye my sweet friends, both Mars and Chromium will be missed. (I'm still shocked)
Losing them this early put me down to one mon. I only have one more encounter for a while.( I thought sand attack would save me. Without the flinch I would have been wiped out too. I slip around some trainers and finally get to a rainy Virbank City. I get great balls. I see Roxie and the Sea Captain ahead. Then mom calls and we talk. I finally enter the pokemon center and lay my fallen friends gently in the graveyard. I heal up and quietly prepare for the next leg...
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