
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Saturday, November 7, 2020

 DAY 4

I get the TM Flash. I have a couple other places to go and get mon.  So I go talk near the gym and run into Iris. She is looking for Burgh as well. She recommends going to the sewers. Umber and I enter the sewers and I get my first encounter. It's Rattata. I catch and name it Hansa.

Then I leave to go train a little bit. I come back with all LV18 mon and team up with Umber. I find a twisted spoon. Then we find Team Plasma.


Sandile LV16, Scraggy LV16 vs Pyrrole LV18, Pignite LV22, ember, burns scraggy, flame charge kills sandile, headbutt, flame charge, ember kills scraggy and gets LV19.

The thugs run off. Burgh shows up and thanks us. I get HM Strength. Umber walks off. Then Colress shows off and rambles on. I find the relic Passage but I'm saving my encounter for later. I find a miracle seed in a secret small park in Castelia City. First encounter is Rattata but it is doupes. I go to the next encounter. My next encounter is Buneary. I catch and name it Titanium.

I go back to the sewers. I talk with Iris and she wishes me luck on my gym battle. I train Titanium to LV18. I check the docks and get a destiny knot. I get a quick claw. I find one of the clowns and then start going into buildings in the city.

Game Freak:

Clefairy LV16 vs Titanium LV18, return, double slap (x5 with two crits), switch to Hansa, double slap miss, thief steal leftovers, growl, hyper fang kills. But I can't keep the item sadly. 

I heal up my mon.

Game Freak:

Pansage LV14 vs Titanium LV18, quick attack, scratch, quick attack, vine whip, quick attack kills.

Panpour LV14, quick attack, oran berry, water gun, quick attack, water gun, quick attack, super potion on Panpour, quick attack crit kills.

Pansear LV14, switch to Oxide, Incinerate, sand tomb kills and gets to LV19

I go to another building and get TM Rest, two fresh water, 12 castelicomes and the exp. share. 


Growlithe LV16 vs Oxide LV18, sand tomb, ember, bite kills and gets to LV19 and learns mud slap.

I get quick balls.


Pidove LV17 vs Hansa LV18, hyper fang, leer, bite, air cutter, bite kills.


Marill LV16 vs Hansa LV18, hyper fang, flinch, hyper fang, rollout, hyper fang miss, bite kills and gets to LV19 and learns sucker punch.

I get timer balls and find a guard spec.


Budew LV16 vs Hansa LV19, hyper fang, water sport, bite kills.

I get a scope lens and ether.

School Kid:

Eevee LV17 vs Hansa LV19, quick attack, hyper fang, quick attack down to 3HP but hyper fang kills.

Herdier LV17, switch to Ivory, tackle, take down, leer, return kills.

I heal then continue on and get moomoo milk. I get the TM Attract, amulet coin, and charcoal. I finish finding the clowns and get a rare candy. I head to the sewers to train. While in the sewers Hansa gets to LV20 and evolves into Raticate!

Next I find a sp-def.


Grimer LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, x-special on grimer, ember, fire spin, harden, fire, ember, mud slap, fire kills.

I find leftovers and give it to Oxide. I get a super potion.


Sewaddle LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, ember kills.


Drilbur LV17 vs Pyrrole LV19, fire spin, rapid spin, fire, ember, mud slap, fire, ember kills.


Lillipup LV16 vs Oxide LV19, sand tomb, take down, assurance kills.

Trubbish LV16, sand tomb, toxic spikes, mud slap kills.

Next I continue on in the dark sewers...

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