
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, October 30, 2020


Volkner vs Odysseus

Jolteon LV46 vs Athena LV50, eq kills.

Luxray LV48, eq kills.

Electravire LV50, quick attack, eq kills.

Raichu LV46, eq kills.

We win and crushed it! (BOOM!) I get the Beacon Badge, TM Charge Beam, and level limit is now up to 58 for the elite 4.

I heal up and go north, I get HM Waterfall. I go to the north further and use waterfall to get to Victory Road. My first encounter is Rhyhorn which I already have so I continue.


Haunter LV43 vs Aphrodite LV50, psychic kills.

Gengar LV46, dark pulse, psychic kills.

Gardevior LV46, shadow ball, calm mind, shadow ball kills and gets to LV51.

I find TM Torment.

Bird Keeper:

Noctowl LV45 vs Poseidon LV50, ice fang, extrasensory, ice fang kills.

Togetic LV47, ice fang miss, safeguard, double edge, ice fang kills.

Athena get to LV51, I find a max repel, and then Poseidon gets to LV51 against wild mon.

Ace Trainer:

Blissey LV45 vs Tyche LV50, stomp, safeguard, stomp kills.

Glalie LV46, fire blast kills.

Magnezone LV48, fire blast kills.

Next I find a nugget and max ether.

Ace Trainer:

Mamoswine LV45 vs Satyr LV50, cross chop kills.

Mothim LV46, poison jab, toxic, (tx), poison jab kills.

Rampardos LV48, cross chop kills.

Ace Trainer:

Clefable LV47, cross chop kills and gets to LV51.

Torterra LV48, switch to Surf, eq, blizzard kills.


Staraptor LV47 vs Satyr LV51, (o crap forgot to switch) call out Tyche, brave bird, stomp almost kills, growl, flame wheel kills.

Lickylicky LV47, fire blast, eq (!) down to 8HP (HOLY CRAP) switch to Satyr, brick break, wake up slap kills. and Tyche gets to LV51.

I find a full restore and I heal up.

Ace Trainers:

Staraptor LV50, Ambipom LV50 vs Sif LV50, Tyche LV51, flame wheel, water pulse, close combat (!) blizzard kills staraptor dies, stomp kills ambipom.

I find TM Stone Edge, my first encounter instead of onix, graveler, and rhyhorn is... Magneton!


but it dies to hail before I can catch it. 7 balls wasted. so the Victory Road encounter is dead forever


sigh, great. Good bye forever.


Machamp LV48 vs Aphrodite LV51, psychic kills.


Chimecho LV44 vs Satyr LV50, avalanche crit kills.

Dusknoir LV46, blizzard, curse kills self and gets to LV51.

Absol LV45, switch to Athena, Double Team, d-claw kills.

I find TM Dragon Pulse, heart scale, and calcium. I continue on...

Thursday, October 29, 2020

DAY 18

I find a patch of grass for my first encounter on Route 222. Its Electrobuzz I catch and name it Thor.

Rich Boy:

Luxray LV45 vs Aphrodite LV48, switch to Athena, swagger, hitself, crunch, hitself, roar to Tyche, fire blast, thunder fang, flame wheel kills and gets to LV49.

I get 2 wiki berries, 2 mago berries, 2 agauav berries and a qualot berry.


Magikarp LV43 vs Sif LV48, flail, avalanche kills

Finneon LV42, wood hammer kills.

Feebas LV42, avalanche kills.


Gyarados LV43 vs Sif LV48, blizzard, rain dance, avalanche kills.

Remoraid LV40, ice beam, avalanche kills.

Gyarados LV43, switch to Aphrodite, hydro pump, t-bolt kills.


Remoraid LV44 vs Sif LV48, wood hammer kills.

I find pp up, tiny mushroom and quick ball.


Lopunny LV45 vs Sif LV48, agility, blizzard, agility, strength kills.

I get TM Fling.


Remoraid LV44 vs Sif LV48, wood hammer kills.


Mantyke LV45 vs Sif LV48, blizzard, water pulse, avalanche kills and gets to LV49.


Wingull LV41 vs Satyr LV48, poison jab kills.

Gastrodon LV43, cross chop miss, muddy water, cross chop miss, body slam, cross chop kills and gets to LV49.

Machoke LV42, switch to Poseidon, submission, surf kills.

I get to Sunnyshore City. I run into Flint, he wants me to fight Volkner to ignite his spirit. I heal and find Volkner in the Lighthouse. We chat and I expect to battle him so I put Athena up front. He ends telling me about how he remodeled the gym and invites me to check it out. He seems bored and heads back to the gym. So I head to the gym. Flint is in front and wishes me good luck and he will see me in the League later.

School Kid:

Pachirisu LV47 vs Athena LV48, eq kills.

School Kid:

Magnemite LV44 vs Athena LV48, he uses x-speed, eq kills.


Magnemite LV44 vs Athena LV48, eq kills.

Luxio LV44, eq kills

Luxio LV44, eq kills.

Poke Kid:

Pickachu LV42 (x4) vs Athena, eq kills all four.


Raichu LV47 vs Tyche LV48, fire blast, thunder wave, slam, flame wheel kills.

Electabuzz LV47 vs Tyche LV48, fire blast, t-bolt crit, switch to Satyr LV49, light screen, t-bolt, wake up slap kills.

Raichu LV48, switch to Athena, t-bolt immune, eq kills.

I leave and heal up.


Luxio LV45 vs Tyche LV48, fire blast kills

Luxio LV45, fire blast kills.

Ace Trainer:

Electabuzz LV47 vs Tyche LV48, fire blast, t-bolt, flame wheel kills.

Magneton LV48, t-bolt, flame wheel, switch to Athena, t-bolt immune, d-claw kills and gets to LV49.

I leave the gym and head norht to do a little training. I find the heart scale.


Lumineon LV45 vs Poseidon LV48, crunch crit, captivate, aqua jet kills and gets to LV49.


Biberal LV43 vs Sif LV49, wood hammer kills.

Azumarill LV43, blizzard, confuse ray, take down, avalanche kills.

Remoraid LV42, wood hammer kills.


Marill LV41 vs Sif LV49, wood hammer kills.

Wingull LV42, avalanche kills and getas to LV50 (level limit)

Golduck LV43, switch to Aphrodite LV49, t-bolt kills.


Wingull LV40 vs Aphrodite LV49, t-bolt kills.

Octillery LV44, t-bolt kills.

Pelipper LV44, t-bolt kills.


Tentacruel LV45 vs Aphrodite LV49, barrier, psychic kills and gets to LV50.

I find TM Rain Dance.


Floatzel LV43 vs Poseidon LV49, crunch, crunch, crunch kills.

Tentacruel LV43, crunch, water pulse, crunch kills.


Wingull LV42 vs Poseidon LV49, ice fang kills

Seaking LV44, crunch, fury attack (x4), crunch kills.

I find an ultra ball and Poseidon gets to LV50 against wild mon.


Pelipper LV40 vs Satyr LV49, switch to Athena, stockpile, d-claw, stockpile, d-claw kills.

Gastrodon LV49, switch to Satyr, muddy water, cross chop miss, rain dance, wake up slap, hidden power, wake up slap kills.

Machoke LV42, cross chop kills.


Golduck LV45 vs Satyr LV44, zen headbutt, flinch, switch to Athena, fury swipes, d-claw, fury swipes, crunch kills.    

I find an ultra Ball and rare candy.


Lumineon LV44 vs Satyr LV45, quick claw cross chop kills to LV50.

PelipperLV42, switch to Athena, stock pile, roost fails, d-claw, stock pile, d-claw.


Gyarados LV45 vs Athena LV49, d-claw, hydro pump miss, d-claw kills.

Athena to LV50 against wild mon. I go back to town because I can't go further. I finish train up to get this team to LV50. I finish that, heal up, and put Athena in front. I enter the last gym for the last gym battle...

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 DAY 17

On the way up the mountain to face Cyrus in the Distortion World I continue training. Athena gets to LV48 and evolves into Garchomp!

Cynthia and I enter the world and take 20 minutes to get through it. Finally Cyrus and I face off in a grudge match.

Cyrus vs Odysseus

Houndoom LV45 vs Satyr LV48, wil-o-wisp miss, cross chop kills.

Crobat LV46, switch to Aphrodite, confuse ray, toxic, psychic kills.

Hounchkrow LV47, switch to Poseidon, night slash, ice fang, drill peck down to 3HP(!) but ice fang kills.

Gyarados LV46, switch to Aphrodite, I copy intimidate to lower its attack, ice fang, toxic damage, waterfall, t-bolt kills it.

Weavile LV48, switch to Satyr, ice punch, ice punch, cross chop kills!

I win! But I nearly lost 3 mon, and now my level limit gets to level 50. Cynthia heals up my team after Cyrus leaves. Next I go up against Giritina and quickly use the master ball to catch without losing a mon. I can't use legendry's in my run anyway. Afterwards we arrive in Sendoff Spring. Cynthia thanks me a lot for saving the world. I say bye and head out. As I run into the grass I come across a Chingling and catch and name that encounter Mercury. 

Then I run into the Spring Path but there are no encounters. I leave the area and head over to the Professor's House in Sandgem. He jabbers on and thanks me a lot. Then I head back to the spot to move on to Sunnyshore City. I heal up and head to Route 222. I find a PP up.


Magikarp LV42 vs Aphrodite LV48, t-bolt kills.

Gyarados LV45, t-bolt kills.


Magikarp LV41 vs Aphrodite LV48, t-bolt kills.

Remoraid LV41, t-bolt kills.

Gyarados LV45, t-bolt kills.

Finneon LV42, t-bolt kills.

I continue on...

Saturday, October 24, 2020

 DAY 16

In Mt. Coronet I find TM Rock Slide, timer ball, Iron. I run into Looker. He gives me Black Flute. Then I find a star piece.


Stunky LV43 vs Poseidon LV45, surf kills.


Murkrow LV43 vs Poseidon LV45, ice fang and gets to LV46,

I find a blue shard and sun stone.


Houndour LV40 vs Athena LV46, eq kills.

Houndour LV40, eq kills.

Golbat LV40, d-claw, air cutter, rock climb kills.


Stunky LV42 vs Athena LV46, eq kills.

Golbat LV40, d-claw, confuse ray, aerial ace kills.

I allow the repel to turn off in the upper half of the mountain (I'm hoping for a high level Bronzong) Then my first encounter is Nosepass... sigh... great. I catch and name it Minerva. 

Then I find a star piece and rare candy.


Glameow LV44 vs Satyr LV46, wake up slap kills.


Glameow LV41 vs Satyr LV46, wake up slap kills.

Golbat LV41, switch to Theseus, air cutter, ancient power, bite, stranger kills.


Golbat LV39 vs Satyr LV46, switch to Theseus, poison fang, ancient power, mean look, strength kills.

Croagunk LV40, strength kills.

Murkrow LV41, ancient kills.


Stunky LV41, Croagunk LV38 vs Satyr LV46, Theseus LV46, strength kills. gets to LV47, cross chop kills and gets to LV47 as well, they call out to croagunk and glameow, sucker punch crit, wake up slap kills, strength kills.

I get to the top and Scylla shows up for tag up battle.

Commander Jupiter and Mars vs Scylla and Odysseus:

Bronzor LV44, Bronzor LV44 vs Poseidon LV46, Munchlax LV40, crunch, reflect, light screen, stockpile, crunch, extrasensory, crunch, extrasensory, flinch, crunch, extra sensory, extra sensory, stockpile, aqua jet kills the first bronzor (my plan is to take one side out at a time), extra sensory, body slam, they call out Golbat, ice fang, giga drain to 3 HP(!) o crap, switch to Tyche, sludge bomb crits, extra sensory, body slam, flame wheel kills golbat, extra sensory crits on Tyche (!) WTF, body slam, skunktank called out, switch to Theseus, poison jab, body slam kills the bronzor, (you dumbass that's not the strats!) They immediately call out Purugly. hyponosis on munchlax, poison jab, ancient power (stat boost!) shadow claw crit, poison jab, rock smash on purugly to activate. I heal up Theseus, a slash crit kills munchlax, night slash, scylla calls out Heracross, aerial ace nearly kills it, rock smash kills purugly, night slash, brick break, they call out the last Golbat. air cutter hit both Theseus and kills heracross, THEN NIGHT SLASH KILLS THESEUS!! NOOOOOOOO!




I call out Aphrodite and Scylla calls out Staraptor, take down, bite, t-bolt kills skuntank, take down miss air cutter on both of us, t-bolt, quick attack kills Golbat.

We win, no thanks to Scylla and its useless mon!

After wards Cyrus opens the portal with the red chain. The big legendry mon show up but the lake legendary mon are trying to stop them. Suddenly a shadow Pokémon shows up and takes Cyrus to the distortion world. Cyntha shows up and asks me to go with her but I tell her to wait. I climb back down the mountain and finally lay down my amazing Theseus to rest. Thank you for everything you have done for this run, I will miss you.

I take time to contemplate my team addition. I decide to go with Sif LV33 for better coverage and since Cyrus will have flying mon I could use some awesome ice moves. Considering we have a lot to deal with against Cyrus we go ahead and train. during training Sif gets to LV40 and evolves into Abomasnow!

We also swing by Ironworks and our encounter is a Magmar and we catch and name it Vulcan.

Finally we heal up and head back up the mountain...

Friday, October 23, 2020


Candice vs Odysseus:

Sneasel LV40 vs Tyche LV45, flame wheel, slash, hyper potion on sneasel, fire spin, flame wheel kills.

Piloswine LV40, switch to Satyr, stone edge miss, cross chop kills.

Froslass LV44, psychic, payback kills.

Abomasnow LV42, switch to Tyche, wood hammer, fire wheel kills.

I WIN! (no death yay!) Icicle Badge, TM Avalanche and the level limit goes to 48 for the final Cyrus fight.

I teach rock climb to Athena. I go back to Lake Acuity. I rock climb and find a reaper cloth. Scylla just lost to Commander Jupiter and she makes fun of him being weak. She mentions heading to Veilstone next and leaves quickly. Next I go to Veilstone City. I run into Looker and he helps me access the storage area so we can battle Team Galactic.


Golbat LV41 vs Tyche LV45, flame wheel, air cutter, flame wheel kills.

I find an dusk stone and zinc.


Houndour LV38 vs Tyche LV45, stomp kills.

Murkrow LV40, fire blast kills.


Glameow LV41 vs Athena LV45, d-claw kills.

I find TM snatch.


Glameow LV37 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.

Murkrow LV38, d-claw kills.

Croagunk LV39, eq kills.


Kirlia LV40 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.

Kadabra LV40, d-claw kills.

I find dubious disc, TM sludge Bomb and the Galactic key.


Stunky LV41 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.


Murkrow LV39 vs Athena LV45, d-claw kills.

Stunky LV39, eq kills and gets to LV46.

I find TM Frustration. I finish the storage area and head to Galactic Tower. I heal up and continue on.


Golbat LV40 vs Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills.

Golbat LV38, psychic kills.


Golbat LV39, Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills.

Houndour LV39, Thunderbolt kills.

I find a green shard and useless max revive.


Porygon LV45 vs Aphrodite LV45, calm mind, conversion 2, psychic kills.

I run into the Looker and we watch and listen to Cryus spew his hateful speech. Then it ends after a few minutes. We continue on and I find a bed to sleep in. I rest then keep going.


Stunky LV38, Croagunk LV38 vs Satyr LV45, Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills, wake up slap kills and getas to LV46. They call out Stunky and Croagunk, psychic kills, wake up slap kills. They call out Glameow and quick claw wake up slap kills it.

I find a protein and max elixir. I finally get to the top floor and meet up with Cyrus.

Cyrus vs Odysseus:

Sneasel LV44 vs Satyr LV46, cross chop kills.

Crobat LV44, switch to Theseus, supersonic miss, bite, ancient power crit, full restore, strength, bite strength kills.

Honchkrow LV46, ancient power, sitrus berry, faint attack, strength kills.

I get the master ball. He tells me to only stop him at the top of Mt. Coronet. I get full restore. I find a room with the captured lake legendary mon. Then Commander Saturn tries to stop me.

Commander Saturn:

Golbat LV42 vs Poseidon LV45, ice fang, air cutter, ice fang kills.

Bronzor LV42, surf, extra sensory, surf kills.

Toxicroak LV44, surf, sitrus berry, poison jab, surf kills.

I heal up and get to the base of Mt Coronet, I use a repel and continue on...

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

 DAY 15

I get to Route 216. My first encounter is Sneasel. I catch and name him JoTunn.

Ace Trainer:

Ambipom LV39 vs Poseidon LV41, surf, sand attack, surf kills and gets to LV42

Porygon 2 LV40, switch to Aphrodite, lock on, psychic, conversion 2, psychic kills.

I find a pp up and full heal.

Ace Trainer:

Golduck LV38 vs Aphrodite LV41, shock wave, disable, magical leaf kills.

Rapidash LV39, wil-o-wisp, psychic, fire blast, psychic kills.

Sudowoodo LV38, switch to Satyr, rock slide, cross chop crit and kills.

Ace Trainer:

Tropius LV42 vs Satyr LV41, switch to Tyche, air slash, fire blast, air slash but dies from hail.


Sneasel LV39 vs Satyr LV41, icy wind, cross chop miss, agility, wake up slap kills.

I heal up at the rest lodge. I go further north and reach 217.

Ace Trainer:

Electrobuzz LV40 vs Satyr LV41, cross chop kills and gets to LV42.

Magmar LV40, wil-o-wisp, cross chop miss, switch to Poseidon, flamethrower, surf kills.

I find a blue shard and ultra ball.

Ninja Boy:

Golbat LV39 vs Satyr LV42, switch to Theseus, poison fang, mean look, ancient power crit kills.


Snover LV35 vs Satyr LV42, wake up slap kills.

Snover LV36, wake up slap kills.

Snover LV37, wake up slap kills.


Snorunt LV39 vs Satyr LV42, protect, blocks wake up slap, ice shard, wake up slap kills. and gets to LV43.

I find a nugget, iron, rare candy, TM Hail, and HM Rock Climb. Then I'm given Icicle plate.


Swinub LV36 vs Tyche LV42, ice shard, flame wheel kills.

Sneasel LV38, flame wheel kills.


Piloswine LV37 vs Tyche LV42, fire blast kills.

Glaceon LV37, flame wheel, icy wind, quick attack, flame wheel kills and gets to LV43.

Black belt:

Croagunk LV37 vs Aphrodite LV42, psychic kills.

Machoke LV37, psychic kills.

Riolu LV37, psychic kills.

I get a spell tag.

Ace Trainer:

Kirlia LV38 vs Aphrodite LV42, shock wave, psychic, shock wave kills.

Buneary LV38, psychic kills.

Seaking LV39, shock wave, aqua jet, magical leaf kills.

Then Snorunt is my first encounter I catch and name it Orpheus.

I enter Lake Acuity and imeadately find a Snover I catch and name her Sif.

I find an ultra ball. I get to Snowpoint City. I find another ultra ball and then a rare candy. Next I head over to the gym.

Ace Trainer:

Snorunt LV39 vs Theseus LV42, ancient power kills.

Snorunt LV40, ancient power kills.

Glalie LV42, ice fang, rock smash, ice fang, ancient power kills and gets to LV43.

Ace Trainer:

Sneasel LV40 vs Aphrodite LV42, switch to Poseidon, screech, surf, slash, surf kills and gets to LV43.

Sneasel LV43, surf, slash, surf kills.

Ace Trainer:

Snover LV41 vs Poseidon LV42, crunch, swagger, switch to Satyr, icy wind, quick claw wake up slap kills.

Sneasel LV42, slash, wake up slap kills.

I leave the gym and finish training the team up to LV45 the level limit for this section. I heal up and march back into the gym...

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Byron vs Odysseus

Magneton LV37 vs Tyche LV41, fire blast miss, t-bolt, fire blast kills.

Steelix LV38, fire blast kills.

Bastidon LV41, switch out to Satyr, stone edge, cross chop miss, iron defense, cross chop kills.

I win! I get the Mine Badge, TM Flash Cannon, level limit up to LV45.

I heal up then go to the library in town with Scylla. We talk with Dawn and Rowan. Then BOOM! They cut to a TV and talk about destruction at lake valor. We all split up to check on the lakes and I head to Lake Valor. When I arrive Team Galactic is there.


Glameow LV35 vs Tyche LV41, flame wheel, assist uses night shade, stomp kills.

Murkrow LV35, fire blast kills and gets to LV42.


Golbat LV39 vs Athena LV41, dragon claw, air cutter, dragon claw kills.


Croagunk LV33 vs Athena LV41, sucker punch, dig, sucker punch miss, dig kills.

Stunky LV33, dig , night slash miss, dig kills.

Houndour LV33, dig, odor sleuth, dig kills.

Glameow LV33, dragon claw kills.

Commander Saturn:

Golbat LV38 vs Athena LV41, dragon claw, toxic, dragon claw kills.

Bronzor LV38, dragon claw crit, gyroball, i switch to Theseus, iron defense, assurance crit kills.

TOxicroak LV40, mud bomb, strength, sitrus berry, switch to Aphrodite, revenge, faint attack, psychic kills.

I win and kick Team Galactic out. I heal up and rush to Lake Verity to check on Dawn and Rowan.


Glameow LV33, Croagunk LV33 vs Poseidon LV41, Theseus LV41, aqua jet, rock smash kills, mud bomb, aqua jet strength kills call out golbat, ice fang, ancient power kills, call out murkrow, ice fang kills.

I find TM Fire Blast.


Houndour LV34, Stunky LV35 vs Athena LV41, Theseus LV41, dig, ancient power kills, night slash miss, call out glameow, dig kills, ancient power, fury swipes miss, call out houndour, dragon claw kills and gets LV42 and ancient power kills then gets LV42 as well.

Commander Mars:

Golbat LV38 vs Poseidon LV41, ice fang, poison fang, ice fang kills.

Bronzor LV38, surf, iron defense, surf.

Purguly LV40, switch to Theseus, slam, faint attack, rock smash, sitrus berry, faint attack, strength kills.

I save them and then Rowan says he is worried about Scylla at Lake Acuity. SOOOO next I go to Celestic Town and heal. Then west to Mt. Coronet. I enter MT. Coronet and use a repel to save my encounter until later. I find a red shard, ultra ball, green shard, sift sand, blue shard, yellow shard and nevermeltice. I see the exit for Mt. Coronet...

Monday, October 19, 2020

 DAY 14

I get to Canaclave City and get the TM Skill Swap. I heal up and then run into Scylla on the bridge.

Scylla vs Odysseus:

Staraptor LV36 vs Theseus LV39, double team, ancient power (almost kills) take down, headbutt miss, take down, headbutt kills.

Empoleon LV38, switch to Satyr, bubblebeam, bubble beam down to 20 HP, hyper potion on Satyr, aerial ace, quick claw wake up slap.

Heracross LV37, switch to Tche, aerial ace, fire blast kills.

Rapidash LV35, take down, stomp, switch to Poseidon, take down crit, aqua jet kills.

Rosearade L35, ice fang nearly kills, giga drain down to 8HP(! what am I doing!) switch to Aphrodite, giga drain, psychic kills.

I win, i find TM U-turn.


Mantyke LV32 vs Satyr LV39, payback, waterpulse, payback kills.

Machoke LV34, poison jab, vital throw, switch to Poseidon, vital throw, surf kills.

I sail to Ion Island. I find a star piece. I'm given HM strength. I find escape rope. Satyr gets to LV40 and learns cross chop. I run back to town nd heal. then trade Satyr back and forth and he evolves into Machamp!

I go back where I left off.


Raichu LV37 vs Poeidon LV39, switch to Thesesus, T-bolt, T-bolt, strength kills.

I meet up with Riley and we walk together.


Medicham LV38, Toxicroak LV38 vs Poseidon LV39, Lucario LV41, surf, metal claw, nasty plot, calm mind, quick attack and gets to LV40, surf kills both.

Ace Trainers:

Quagsire  LV35, Lopunny LV38 vs Theseus LV39, Lucario LV41, high jump kick, force palm, strength, amnesia, quick attack kills and gets to LV40, strength, kills, send out hippotas and medicham, switch to Aphrodite, metal claw, high jump kick, Staraptor goes out. I call out Poseidon take down, Lucario dies so now I'm on a two on one, surf, call out Kadabra, surf kills both.

Then we see Team Galactic.


Zubat LV34, Glameow LV34 vs Aphrodite LV39, Lucario LV41, force pal kills, shock wave kills, call out houndour, force palm kills, payback kills, call out golbat and stunky, feint, metal claw, psychic kills LV40 force palm kills. 

Those grunts run off and Riley gives me an egg. I go back to Canaclave to hatch the egg. I ride around forever and then it hatches into Riolu. I name it Tityos

I find a shiny stone and metal coat. I go to the gym.


Steelix LV38 vs Tyche LV39, switch to Poeisdon, torment, surf kills and LV41 for Poseidin (level limit)


Magnemite LV34 vs Tyche LV39, flame wheel kills.

Magnemite LV34, flame wheel kills.

Magnemite LV34, flame wheel kills.


Magnemite LV37 vs Tyche LV39, flame wheel kills.

Ace Trainer:

Scizor LV40 vs Tyche LV39, flame wheel, slash, flame wheel kills and gets to LV40.

Tyche evolves into Rapidash.


Magnemite LV35 vs Athena LV39, dig, sonic boom miss, dig kills.


Steelix LV35 vs Athena LV39, dig, screech, dig, screech, dig, iron tail miss, dig kills.

Steelix LV37, switch to Satyr, sandstorm, cross chop, screech, wake up slap kills.

Ace Trainer:

Bronzor LV35 vs Athena LV39, dragon claw, confuse ray, dragon claw, extrasensory, hitself, extra sensory, dragon claw kills.

Bronzor LV36, dragon claw, extrasensory, dragon claw kills.

Bronzor LV38, switch to Theseus, gyro ball, assurance, gyro ball, assurance, gyro ball, assurance kills.

I leave the gym and train up the team to LV41. I go heal and walk into the gym...

Saturday, October 17, 2020

 DAY 13

I get to a new route.


Barboach LV38 vs Aphrodite LV38, magical leaf kills.

Gyarados LV33, shock wave kills.

I find a dawn stone, protein, hp up, sea incense. I go all the the way back to Sandgem Town and then south to level 219.


Marill LV31 vs Satyr LV38, wake up slap, rollout, poison jab kills.


Shellos LV33, wake up slap, hidden power, wake up slap kills.

First encounter is Tentacool and I catch and name it Kraken.


Buizel LV32 vs Satyr LV38, swift, wake up slap.

Medicham LV32, light screen, payback, confusion, payback kills.

Seaking LV32, aqua ring, wake up slap, horn attack, poison jab kills.


Goldeen LV30 vs Satyr LV38, poison jab, aqua ring, wake up slap kills.

Goldeen LV30, payback, flail, payback kills.

Goldeen LV31, payback, aqua ring, payback kills.

Seaking LV33, submission, water pulse, payback kills and gets to LV39.

I find a max repel, splash plate, carbos kills.


Finneon LV35 vs Theseus LV38, headbutt kills.


Remoraid LV32 vs Theseus LV38, headbutt kills.

Octillery LV34, ancient power, bubblebeam, headbutt kills.

Tentacruel LV30, headbutt kills.


Pelipper LV33 vs Theseus LV38, protect, ancient power blocked, and cient power, water pulse, headbutt kills.

Gastrodon LV33, switch to Poseidon, body slam, ice fang, mud bomb, crunch, mud bomb, crunch kills.

I go back to Celestic Town and heal up. I go to Route 211 to continue on in the story. I get two pecha berries, nanab barry, bluk berry, and a carbos.

Bird Keeper:

Noctowl LV34 vs Tyche LV37, flame wheel, confusion, flame wheel, confusion, flame wheel kills.

I get TM Psych Up.

Ruin Maniac:

Bronzor LV28 vs Tyche LV37, flame wheel kills

Bronzor LV30, flame wheel, iron defense, flame wheel kills

Bronzor LV30, flame wheel, iron defense, flame wheel kills.

Ninja Boy:

Skorupi LV32 vs Tyche LV37, flame wheel, accupressure, pin missle, fire spin miss, accupressure, flame wheel kills.

Croagunk LV30, fire blast crit kills and gets to LV38.


Croagunk LV31 vs Athena LV38, dragon claw kills.

Machoke LV31, aerial ace, revenge, aerial ace kills.

Meditate LV31, aerial ace kills.

I enter Mt. Coronet again and use repel to avoid the encounter for now. (a later a rea has higher levels) I find a star piece and escape room... But I can't go further in this route without strength or rock climb. So I go all the way back to Jubilife City and head west.


Gyarados LV33 vs Poseidon LV38, ice fang, D-rage, ice fang kills.

Gyarados LV33, ice fang,  flinch me, switch to Aphrodite, twister but shock wave kills.


Remoraid LV29, LV29, LV30 vs Poseidon LV38, crunch kills all of them.

Remoraid LV31, Gyarados LV31 vs Athena, focus energy, draw claw kills the first then dragon claw, twister, dragon claw, bite, slash kills and gets to LV39.

I find a rawst berry, persim berry, figy berry, a pinap berry.


Krickitune LV33 vs Tyche LV38, fire blast kills.

Magnemite LV33, flame wheel kills.

Then I finally get to Canacave City and continue...

DAY 12

Ace Trainers:

Raichu LV36, Gyarados LV36 vs Satyr LV37, Poseidon LV37, switch to Aphrodite, thundershock, ice fang, wake up slap, t-bolt, aqua tail, wake up slap kills, shock wave kills.

Ace Trainer:

Scyther LV32 vs Satyr LV37, switch to Theseus but hit with pursuit, wing attack, ancient power kills.

Probopass LV31, rock smash, thunder wave, magnet bomb, rock smash kills.

Ninja Boy:

Mothim LV33 vs Satyr LV37, switch to Theseus, ancient power kills and Satyr to LV38 and Theseus to LV38.

I find TM Shadow Ball. I go heal and come back to were I left off.


Machoke LV34 vs Poesidon LV37, water gun, submission, aqua jet, submission, aqua jet kills.

Ninja Boy:

Stunky LV31 vs Poseidon LV37, aqua jet, slash, aqua jet kills.

Golbat LV31, ice fang, confuse ray, aqua jet kills.

Ace Trainer:

Hoothoot LV31 vs Poseidon LV37, ice fang kills.

Noctowl LV33, ice fang, confusion, aqua jet kills.

I finally get to Celestic Town. I heal up and find a great ball.


Mr. Mime LV33 vs Poseidon LV37, crunch kills.

Kadabra LV33, crunch kills and gets to LV38.

I get wise glasses, king's rock, dragon fang. I battle the Team galactic guy outside the ruins.


Houndour LV32 vs Athena LV37, dig, fire fang miss, dig kills.

Golbat LV30, dragon claw, confuse ray, hitself, bite, dragon claw kills.

I heal up and talk to the old lady. Next we go into the ruins and she tells me about the legend. Then Cyrus shows up, complains, and then challenges me to a battle.

Cyrus vs Odysseus:

Sneasel LBV34 vs Athena LV37(! o hell no!), switch to Satyr, night slash, ice punch, wake up slap kills.

Golbat LV34, switch to Aphrodite, air cutter, psychic kills.

Murkrow LV36, shock wave, faint attack, switch to Theseus, faint attack, faint attack, headbutt kills.

He storms off. The elder thanks me and gives me HM Surf. I immediately teach it to Poseidon. I go back and heal up. Then I travel back to previous locations to collect things.


Psyduck LV31 vs Athena LV37, dragon claw kills.

Azumarill LV35, dragon claw, rollout, dragon claw, rollout, aerial ace kills.


Tentacool LV31 vs Athena LV33, dig, wrap miss, dig kills.

Pelipper LV31, protect, dragon claw blocked, protect, fail, dragon claw, dragon claw kills.

Machoke LV34, dig, submission, dig hits, vital throw, aerial ace kills.

I use moomoo milk.


Finneon LV32, Golduck LV32 vs Athena LV37, Aphrodite LV38, dragon claw kills, shock wave, water pulse, call out pelipper, dragon claw kills, shock wave kills and gets to LV38, golduck called out, dragon claw, shock wave kills.

I find a water stone and big pearl and mystic water. Next area I find TM Poison jab and teach it to Satyr. I find rose incense and iron. I continue on...

Friday, October 16, 2020


Crasher Wake vs Odysseus:

Gyrados LV33 Vs Aphrodite LV37, shock wave kills.

Floatzel LV37, crunch, shock wave, sitrus berry on floatzel, switch to Poseidon, crunch, crunch, crunch, hyper potion on Crasher Foatzel, switch to Satyr, crunch, brine crit down to 13HP. Switch to Nyx ( I did this expecting aqua tail and hoping to be fast enough to kill it with shock wave)...


it uses aqua jet (YAY), then it's faster and it crits me with crunch and kills Nyx (NOOOOOOOOO! Now I'm low health on 3 pokemon so I take a risk.) I call out Theseus, brine down to 4HP!!!!! but afterwards headbutt kills.

Quagsire LV34, switch back to Aphrodite, water pulse, hyper potion on Aphrodite, mud shot, magical leaf kills.

I win and get the Fen Badge, TM Brine and level limit goes to LV41.

I talk with Scylla and Crasher Wake outside. They warn me about Team Galactic and they mention about the guy talking about a bomb. Crasher runs over. I go to the center and lay my poor Nyx to rest in the death box. 

I grab Tyche (ponyta) for now to hopefully help the team and since my level limit is high it will evolve close to the next gym. I leave to center and follow after them then BOOOOOOM! The galactic goon runs off. Those two stay and I chase after the goon. I keep catching up but he keeps running away. Eventually Looker shows up and talks to us then we catch up and battle him.


Croagunk LV31 vs Aphrodite LV37, psychic kills.

Then grunt runs off again. Then I meet up with Cynthia. She gives medicine for the psyduck and a charm to deliver to her grandma. I go back to Route 210 and help the psyduck. and head north to Celestic Town.

NInja Boy:

Croagunk LV31, Aphrodite LV37, psychic kills.

Croagunk LV31, psychic kills.

Ninja Boy:

Zubat LV30 vs Aphrodite LV37, psybeam kills.

Skorupi LV32, psychic kills.

Ninja Boy:

Stunky LV33 vs Satyr LV37, toxic, wake up slap kills.

I find hyper potion and nest ball.

Ninja Boy:

Zubat LV29 vs Satyr LV37, payback, air cutter, payback kills

Golbat LV29, switch to Theseus, bite miss in fog, ancient power, bite, headbutt kills.

Stunky LV29, headbutt miss, slash, feint, headbutt kills.

I find a red shard.

Ace Trainer:

Aipom LV 32 vs Satyr LV37, aerial ace, wake up slap miss from fog. aerial ace, wake up slap kills.

Girafarig LV32, switch to Theseus, psybeam, light screen, assurance miss, psybeam miss, assurance, psybeam, assume miss, psybeam miss, assurance kills.

Grotle LV33, switch to Aphrodite, razor leaf miss, psychic kills.

I win without death but if I keep this up my mon will get killed from missing. I go back heal and grab a defog user. Then I return...

DAY 11

I battle wild mon for several hours to help train Poseidon up to the team levels and at LV26 he evolves into Floatzel!

He learns crunch and I teach him ice fang with the move tutor. I get to Route 212 and find three pinap beries and a pecha berry. I find a dawn stone and TM Toxic as well.

Ace Trainer:

Carnavine LV28 vs Satyr LV32, karate chop, vine whip, karate chop, vine whip, karate chop kills.

Luxio LV30, switch to Athena, spak immune, dig, swagger miss, dig kills.

First encounter is quagsire which falls into doupes clause for species so I move on. Then I find an elixir.

Parosal Girl:

Goldeen LV27 vs Poseidon LV32, crunch, horn attack, crunch kills.

Bibareal LV27, crunch, hyper fang, crunch kills.


Umbreon LV27 vs Poseidon LV32, ice fang, pursuit, water gun, sand attack, quick attack, water gun, water gun, pursuit, water gun kills, and he gets to LV33.

Espeon LV27, switch to Theseus, sand attack, assurance miss, sand attack, sand attack, assurance kills.

I find the TM Silverwind and full heal and a blue shard.


Kadabra LV30 vs Athena LV32, slash, disable, slash disabled, psybeam, d-rage kills.


Marill LV29, Monferno LV30 vs Athena LV32, Aphrodite LV33, aerial ace crit kills, psychic kills, they call out leafeon, aerial ace and psychic kills.

Mynext encounter is quagsire (doupes). I find elixir. Next first encounter is Staravia (so sad) but also doupes, next encounter is kirlia (doupes) Finally my new encounter is Marill. I catch and name it Pluto.

Athena gets to LV33 and learns Dragon Claw.


Barboach LV24 vs Nyx LV33, ominous wind kills.

Gyrados LV26, shock wave kills.

Barboach LV25, ominous wind kills.

Barboach Lv25, ominous wind kills.


Goldeen LV27 vs Aphrodite LV33, shock wave kills.

Goldeen LV27, shock wave kills.


Gyrados LV29 vs Aphrodite LV33, shock wave kills and gets to LV33.

I find hyper potion and zinc.


Magnemite LV30 vs Satyr LV33, x-attack, karate chop kills.

Kadabra LV26, quick claw activates and payback kills.

Parasol Lady:

Wooper LV26 vs Satyr LV33, karate chop, water gun, payback kills.

Quagsire LV28, karate chop, water gun, karate chop, amnesia, karate chop kills.

I find a big mushroom, TM Sunny Day, ultra ball, sitrus berry and aspear berry.

I go back and heal.

Gentleman and Socialite:

Roselia LV27, Chatot LV27 vs Theseus LV33, Athena LV33, aerial ace kills, ancient power kills and I sweep them.


Hoothoot LV24 vs Theseus LV33, ancient power kills.

Machop LV26, headbutt kills.


Hoothoot LV25 vs Theseus LV33, ancient power kills.

Machop LV25, headbutt kills.


Hoothoot LV26 vs Theseus LV33, ancient power kills.

Machop LV24, headbutt kills and Theseus gets to LV34.


Hoothoot LV23 vs Athena LV33, dragon claw kills.

Machop LV27, dig, karate chop miss, dig kills.

I find a pearl and green shard.

Rich People:

Prinplup LV27, Cherubi LV27 vs Athena LV33, Theseus LV34, helping hand, dragon claw, rock smash kills, leech seed, aerial ace kills.

I get to the Pokémon Mansion. I find TM swagger, luxury ball, soothe bell, and protein. I enter the garden in the back and my first encounter in Pichu. I catch and name it Heracles.

Next I go back to Pastoria City and heal up. I enter the gym.


Biberal LV32 vs Nyx LV34, shock wave kills.


Whiscash LV33 vs Nyx LV34, ominous wind, water pulse, ominous wind, water pulse, ominous wind kills.


Wingull LV31 vs Nyx LV34, shock wave kills.

Pelipper LV31, shock wave kills.


Azurill LV27 vs Nyx LV34, shock wave kills.

Marill LV29, shock wave kills.

Azumarill LV31, shock wave, bubblebeam, shock wave kills and get to LV35.


Goldeen LV28 vs Aphrodite LV34, shock wave kills.

Gyrados LV31, shock wave, bite, shock wave kills and gets to LV35.

Seaking LV31, shock wave, water pulse, magical leaf kills.


Wingull LV29 vs Satyr LV34, supersonic, hitself, water pulse, payback.

Golduck LV31, karate chop, fury swipes, payback, fury swipes, switch to Poseidon, crunch kills.

Shellos LV30, switch to Athena, mud bomb, dragon claw, aerial ace kills.

I finish the gym trainers and go back and heal then I take hours to level up my mon up to the level limit of 37. Once everyone is there I heal and re-enter the gym...

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Maylene vs Odysseus:

Meditite LV28 vs Aphrodite LV32, calm mind, rock tomb misses, calm mind, rock tomb, confusion, hitself, confusion crit, hitself, I use moomoo milk, confusion, confusion, confusion kills.

Machoke LV29, strength, confusion kills.

Lucario LV32, metal claw down to 16HP(!), confusion, switch to Artemis, to use intimidate, metal claw, but another metal claw and it crits and kills Artemis (NOOOOOO! F@%#$K) I call out Satyr, quick claw activates and I use submission and it kills. I WIN but lose a nearly evolved Artemis (silent crying)

I receive the Cobble Badge, TM Drain Punch, and level limit up to 37.

I walk out the gym and Dawn runs up and talks to me (just leave me alone woman I'm mourning my mon atm!) She says Team Galactic took her Pokedex and asks me to help then runs away. I walk back to the center and lay Artemis to rest. Being so close to evolving and it being our last OG mon was hard to watch (so sad).

Instead of grabbing a mon from the PC I decide to run down to Route 213 and see was encounter I could get. I find an Iapapa Berry, two rawst berry, aguav berry and then my encounter. The encounter is a Buizel. So I catch it and name him Poseidon. (I add it to the team and glad I got it but Artemis death is really getting to me)

I run back to help Dawn.


Zubat LV29, Zubat LV29 vs Theseus LV32, Clefairy LV25, ancient power kills, confuse ray, gravity, croagunk sent out, hitself, bite, sing, sleep, ancient power kills, metronome= stealth rock, sleep, call out, stunky, hitself, smokescreen, metronome=astonish, feint, assurance miss, double slap kills, then revenge down to 7HP (O JEEZ!) I switch to Aphrodite, sing miss, revenge but psychic kills.

I help Dawn get back her pokedex and find the HM Fly. (reminding me of Artemis, sad) I go back down to Route 213 to pick up where I left off.


Remoraid LV25 vs Nyx LV32, shock wave kills.

Gyrados LV28, shock wave kills.

Remoraid LV25, shock wave kills.


Glameow LV29 vs Nyx LV32, shock wave crit kills.

I find TM Aerial Ace and teach it to Athena. Then I get to Pastoria City. I get two persim berry and to nanab berries. I battle a clown in the Pokecenter.


Mime Jr LV23 vs Nyx LV32, ominous wind kills.

I find the move tutor and teach Theseus headbutt. Then I get Colbur berry and zinc. Next I go to the safari zone/ marsh area. I find green and red shard. My first catch is wooper and I name it Buri.

I countinue on and find poke ball, great ball, blue shard, yellow shard, and another poke ball. I go back to heal up. Next I run into my rival.

Scylla vs Odysseus:

Staravia LV24 vs Nyx LV32, shock wave kills.

Prinplup LV36, shock wave, bubble beam, shock wave kills. Nyx gets to LV33.

Roselia LV32, switch to Aphrodite, magical leaf, psychic kills.

Ponyta LV32, tail whip, psychic kills.

I heal up and take some time off...

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

DAY 10

Then while I'm traveling I do some battling of wild mon so that I can get some levels. At Level 30 Theseus evolves into Rampardos!

I find a carbos and big root as well.


Joteon LV24 vs Nyx LV29, leer, ominous wind kills.

Vaporeon LV24, shock wave, sand attack, shock wave kills and gets to LV30.

Flareon LV24, switch to Athena, quick attack, quick attack, dig, quick attack misses, dig hits and kills.

Ruin Maniac:

Sheildon LV27 vs Athena LV29, dig, tackle miss, dig kills.

Ruin Maniac:

Bronzor LV24 vs Athena LV29, d-rage, extrasensory, d-rage kills.

Cranidos LV26, dig, assurance miss, dig kills.


Porygon LV27 vs Satyr LV29, karate chop kills.

I find valor lakefront and my first encounter is Girafarig I catch and name it Centaur.

I find ultra ball. I battle some wild mon and get Aphrodite to LV30 and she evolves into a Gardevior!

I get TM Trick Room, pp up, yellow shard and then arrive at a resort town and Route 213.


Shellos LV25 vs Aphrodite LV30, shock wave kills.

Shellos LV25, shock wave kills.

Shellos LV26, shock wave kills.


Marill LV28 vs Aphrodite LV30, shock wave kills.

I spend some trining before my big gym battle and there are some close calls. Athena survives on 2HP against a self destruct graveller. Artemis survives on 18HP from a crit psybeam against a girafarig. Satyr learns submission during leveling up. Finally the team gets to all LV32 and I head back to Veilston City. I heal up the team and put Aphrodite in from to try and set up calm mind and sweep. I enter the gym ...

Monday, October 12, 2020


I enter Veilstone City. I find a star piece, get TM Embargo, coin case, and a rare candy. I'm given a Porygon for my encounter in the city and I name it Loki.

I heal up. Then find a pp up, I but 3 lemonade and get a sticky barb. Next I walk around towards the gym and run into Dawn and Crasher Wake. They talk for awhile then leave. Then I head to Route 214


Chingling LV23 vs Theseus LV29, assurance kills.

Kirlia LV27, assurance kills.

 Drifloon LV25, assurance kills and then hit with aftermath.

I find a cheri berry, sitrus berry, chesto berry, and pomeg berry. I fnd cave with a dude called the Ruin Maniac. I chat with him and then get TM Dig and teach it to Athena. Next I find a magmizer.


Goldeen LV30 vs Thesus LV29, rock smach, horn drill miss (!), assurance nearly kills, horn drill misses again (!), assurance kills.


Skorupi LV21 vs Theseus LV29, assurance, leer, assurance kills.

Tangela LV21, switch to Artemis, Poison powder, aerial ace, absorb, aerial ace kills.

Tropius LV21, aerial ace, razor leaf, aerial ace kills.

Carnavine LV21, switch to Athena, bite, d-rage, ingrain, d-rage kills.

Croagunk LV21, dig, poison sting, dig kills.

Yanma LV21, d-rage, sonicboom, d-rage kills.

I go back and heal up and then head to the gym for some battles.


Machoke LV27 vs Aphrodite LV27, confusion, leer, confusion kills.

Machoke LV25, confusion, focus energy, confusion kills.

Machoke LV27, confusion, leer, confusion kills.


Croagunk LV26 vs Aphrodite LV28, confusion kills.

Meditite LV25, confusion, confusion, confusion, confusion kills meditate.

Machoke LV25, confusion, foreseight, confusion kills.

Black belt:

Heracross LV28 vs Aphrodite LV28, switch to Artemis, to intimidate and dodge bug moves, leer, aerial ace kills. Aphrodite gets to LV29.

That means I have defeated all the trainers in the gym. I leave and go heal up the team. Next I head back to Route 214.

Aroma Lady:

Wormadam LV24 vs Theseus LV29, switch to Artemis, bug bite, aerial ace kills.

Wormadam LV24, aerial ace, bug bite, quick attack kills.

Wormadam LV24, switch back to Theseus, confusion, protect, ancient power block, ancient power, confusion, rock smash, confusion, rock smash, confusion, ancient power kills.

I use lemonade to heal up.


Duskull LV26 vs Theseus LV29, shadow sneak, assurance kills.

Kadabra LV26, disable, assurance fails, confusion down to 4HP(!) I quickly switch to Nyx, kinesis, ominous wind kills.

I run back to the center and heal then I head back. I finally have my first encounter and its Rhyhorn. I catch and name her Gia.

I continue on...

Friday, October 9, 2020


After arriving in Solaceon Town. I run into my rival and he talks about the ruins and finding the HM Defog. Next I find a persim berry, 2 nanab berries, and a chesto berry. Then I stock up on 6 potions, 2 antidote, 2 paralyze heals, I'm given quick balls, and a heart scale. Then I get pp up and ball seals. I heal up and head to Solaceon ruins. My first encounter is Unown F. I catch and name it Cyclopes.

I travel throughout the ruins finding: nugget, HM Defog, mind plate, odd incense, thunderstone, water stone, and a fire stone.

Ruin Maniac:

Geodude LV19 vs Nyx LV19, switch to Silvanus, rock polish, magical leaf kills.

Geodude LV21, magical leaf kills.

Bronzor LV23, leech seed, tackle misses, leech, magical leaf, extrasensory, leech, magical leaf, extra sensory, leech, magiacl leaf kills.

I get to Route 210 and find an aspear berry, razz berry, pinap berry and TM Roost. I teach it to Artemis.


Ponyta LV24 vs Nyx LV27, shock wave, flame wheel, shock wave kills.

Then my first encounter ends up being Ponyta to LV21 and I catch and name Tyche.


Clefairy LV23, Pickachu LV23 vs Nyx LV27, Theseus LV27, quick attack, shock wave, rock smash kills, shock wave, double team, rock smash kills.


Pontyta LV24, Rapindash LV24 vs Athena LV27, Theseus LV27, d-rage, flame whell, fire spin, rock smash, secret power, flame wheel, pursuit, d-rage kills.

Poke Fan:

Elekid LV23 vs Athena LV27, sandstorm, t-wave immune, d-rage kills.

Happiny LV23, d-rage, copycat used d-rage, d-rage kills and gets to LV38 and learns slash.


Magby LV23 vs Theseus LV27, rock smash, flame burst, rock smash, ember, rock smash kills.

Togepi LV23, switch to Silvanus, sweet kiss, magical leaf, sweet kiss, hitself, encore, magical leaf kills.

I find a house and get a dozen moomoo milk. A bunch of psyduck block the area to the north. So I head east to Route 215. I head into the grass and my first encounter is Kadabra. I catch and name it Jupiter.


Munchlax LV25 vs Silvanus LV27, leech seed, lick, leech, magical leaf, lick, leech, petal dance, lick, leech, petal dance kills.


Heracross: LV25 vs Silvanus LV27, leech seed, aerial ace crit kills Silvanus in seconds (NOOOOO! wtf) ... I call out Artemis, I use my own aerial ace and it kills.

I walk back and lay Silvanus to rest and take time to pick my next pokemon to join the team. 

I choose Aphrodite (ralts) to join the team. Then I begin to train another member of the team. I find TM Steel Wing. While training Aphroditie gets to LV20 and evolves into Kirlia!

Ruin Maniac:

Bronzor LV23 vs Satyr LV28, switch to Artemis, thief, hypnosis, sleep, extrasensory, thief, extrasensory, thief, extrasensory, crit, switch to AThens, hypnosis, sleep, imprison, d-rage kills.

Shieldon LV23, D-rage, taunt, d-rage kills.

I find a max ether and TM Payback.


Machop LV23 vs Artemis LV28, d-rage, seismic toss, slash kills.

Machop LV23, d-rage, revenge, d-rage kills.

Machop LV23, d-rage, forseight, d-rage kills.

I get fist plate, 2 bluk berries, 2 pecha berries, hyper potion, and hp up.


Croagunk LV24 vs ARtemis LV28, aerial ace kills.

Machop LV24, aerial ace kills.

Meditite LV24, aerial ace kills and gets to LV29.

I find TM Shock Wave and a full heal.

Ace Trainers:

Roselia LV24, Gligar LV24 vs Artemis LV28, Satyr LV28, quick attack, d-rage, karate chop kills and they call out ralts, quick attack, slash, karate chop, double team, quick attack, d-rage, karate chop, double team, quick attack, d-rage, karate chop, call out buizel, aqua jet, d-rage, karate chop kills, call out likatung, aqua jet, karate chop, d-rage, stomp, aqua jet, d-rage, seismic toss kills, aqua jet, d-rage, call out drifblim, d-rage, ominous wind, foresight, slash, gust, karate chop, slash kills but takes damage from aftermath, luckily both mon survive the intense fighting.

Aphroditie trains and learns magical leaf. I find Wiki berry and mago berry. We get to the end of the route and tiredly arrive at Veilstone City...

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Fantina vs Odysseus

Duskull LV24 vs Artemis LV26, thief, pursuit, thief, wil-o-wisp, super potion on duskull, pursuit, future sight, wing attack, thief, pursuit, switch to Silvanus after a pursuit on Artemis, future sight hits, magical leaf kills.

Haunter LV24, leech seed, confuse ray, leech, sucker punch, magical leaf, leech, sucker punch, magical leaf, leech, sucker punch fail because i use a burn heal on Artemis, sucker punch fail from a super potion on Artemis, sucker punch, magical leaf,  hypnosis, leech, switch back to Artemis, thief, leech, sucker punch is, super potion on Haunter, leech, shadow claw is immune (?) thief, leech, sucker punch, thief kills.

Mismagius LV26, psybeam, thief, I steal the sitrus berry and use it (! BOOM) confuse ray, hitself, psybeam down to 8HP, thief, switch to Athena, magical leaf, shadow ball, but d-rage kills.

I win! (NO DEATHS WOOOO) I get the Relic Badge, TM Shadow Claw, level limit goes up to 32.

I go heal and move to the next route and run into Scylla.

Scylla vs Odysseus:

Staravia LV25 vs Nyx LV26, shock wave kills.

Prinplup LV27, thundershock, bubblebeam, thundershock kills.

Roselia LV23, switch to Artemis, stun spore miss, wing attack kills.

Ponyta LV23, switch to Athena, secret power, stomp, d-rage kills.

I enter Route 209 and find a great ball.


Budew LV20 vs Athena LV26, d-rage, water sport, d- rage kills.

Eevee LV20, d- rage, tackle, secret power kills.

Bonsly LV20, d-rage, low kick, d-rage kills.

Pichu LV20, sand tomb miss, sweet kiss, hitself, tail whip, d-rage kills.

I find a leppa berry, chesto and a fisherman gives me a good rod.


Mime Jr LV22, Bonsly LV22 vs Silvanus LV26, Theseus LV26, magical leaf kills, pursuit kills.

I find a hyper potion.

Poke Kid:

Pichu LV22 vs Silvanus LV26, magical leaf kills.


Budew LV20 vs Silvanus LV26, tackle, water sport, tackle, mega drain, tackle kills.

Cleffa LV20, magical leaf, sing, sleep, sweet kiss, sleep, tackle, magical leaf, tackle kills.

Eevee LV20, magical leaf, growl, magical kills.

Mime Jr LV20, petal dance kills, and gest to LV27.

I find an ether, 2 razz, stardust, and calcium. My first encounter is Duskull I catch and name him Hades.


Ponyta LV23 vs Theseus LV26, flame wheel, rock smash, tail whip, rock smash kills.

I battle wild mon until Satyr gets to LV28 and evolves into Machoke!


Floatzel LV23, Buneary LV23 vs Nyx LV27, Theseus LV27, shock wave kills, jump kick, rock smash kills.

I get to Solaceon Town...


Monday, October 5, 2020


I trsin the team to level 24 because I'm concerned about upcoming trainers and gym levels. At 24 Athena evolves into Gabite!

I heal up and enter Mt. Coronet. I use repel to wait until later game to get an encounter. I run into Cyrus. I find stardust and get through to Route 208.


Onix LV22 vs Silvanus LV24, rage, magical leaf kills.


Nosepass LV22 vs Silvanus LV22, magical leaf, block, magical leaf kills.

I find a tiny mushroom. my first encounter is a ralts and I name her Aphrodite.

Then Cherubi gets to LV25 against wild pokemon and evolves into Cherrim!


Machop LV23 vs Artemis LV24, wing attack, foresight, quick attack.

I find a great ball, 2 nanab berries, 2 razz berries, 2 bluk berries, and 2 pinap berries.

Aroma Lady:

Roselia LV18 vs Artemis LV24, wing attack kills.

Combee LV22, wing attack kills.


Mime jr LV20 vs Nyx LV24, shock wave, meditate, shock wave kills.

Bonsly LV20, Confuse Ray, hitself, shock wave kills.

I get an add Keystone and then get to Hearthome City. I continue on and run into a buneary and meet a dude that takes me to the contest hall to show me what's up. Next I'm given a shell bell and a puffin case. A random clown battles me.


Mime Jr LV23 vs Nyx LV 24, shock wave, mimic, shockwave kills.

I'm Given an Eevee and name it Odin.

Next I go to Amity Square and get an amulet coin, TM Secret Power, TM Attract, and a watmel berry. I heal up and go to the gym.


Misdreavous LV23 vs Athena LV24, Dragon rage, psybeam, dragon rage kills.


Gastly LV20 vs Athena LV24, d-rage, night slash, d-rage kills kills.

Drifloon LV22, d-rage, stockpile, d-rage kills.

School Kid:

Gastly LV23 vs Athena LV24, x-rage, sucker punch, d-rage kills and gets to LV25.

School Kid:

Drifloon LV21 vs Artemis LV25, thief, minimize, thief kills, then aftermath (!).

Drifloon LV21, thief, stockpile, thief and then hit with Aftermath again (fudge).

I use a super potion.

Ace Trainer:

Haunter LV23 vs Artemis LV25, thief, confuse ray, sucker punch, thief and gets to LV26 (level limit)

Misdreavous LV24, switch to Athena, spite fail, d-rage, confuse ray, hitself, pain split, hitself, spite fail, sand tomb which doesn't affect it (dumbass), sprite, d-rage, psybeam, d-rage kills.

I use super potion.

Ace Trainer:

Gastly LV21 vs Athena LV25, d-rage, night shade, d-rage kills.

Gastly LV22, d-rage, hypnosis, confuse ray, sleep, sleep, night shade, woke up, d-rage kills.

Haunter LV24, hitself, shadow ball, down to 2HP(!), switch to Ares, mean look, confuse ray, flame wheel, shadow ball and hitself down to 11HP, super potion on Ares, shadow ball crit down to 9HP and a sp-def drop... wait... wait (NOOOO)... I can't retreat and I'm slower then haunter, I don't think healing will save me...

I heal with super potion...

its uses shadow ball...

it kills Ares...


I call out Silvanus, petal dance kills Haunter. I leave depressed and lay Ares to rest in the box.

I take time off to make a decision on who to add.

I choose Theseus to assist the team. The rock typing will help defend the three others weak to ice. I spend some time to train the whole team to LV26 in prep for the gym leader. I heal up and walk in the gym...