
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Saturday, October 24, 2020

 DAY 16

In Mt. Coronet I find TM Rock Slide, timer ball, Iron. I run into Looker. He gives me Black Flute. Then I find a star piece.


Stunky LV43 vs Poseidon LV45, surf kills.


Murkrow LV43 vs Poseidon LV45, ice fang and gets to LV46,

I find a blue shard and sun stone.


Houndour LV40 vs Athena LV46, eq kills.

Houndour LV40, eq kills.

Golbat LV40, d-claw, air cutter, rock climb kills.


Stunky LV42 vs Athena LV46, eq kills.

Golbat LV40, d-claw, confuse ray, aerial ace kills.

I allow the repel to turn off in the upper half of the mountain (I'm hoping for a high level Bronzong) Then my first encounter is Nosepass... sigh... great. I catch and name it Minerva. 

Then I find a star piece and rare candy.


Glameow LV44 vs Satyr LV46, wake up slap kills.


Glameow LV41 vs Satyr LV46, wake up slap kills.

Golbat LV41, switch to Theseus, air cutter, ancient power, bite, stranger kills.


Golbat LV39 vs Satyr LV46, switch to Theseus, poison fang, ancient power, mean look, strength kills.

Croagunk LV40, strength kills.

Murkrow LV41, ancient kills.


Stunky LV41, Croagunk LV38 vs Satyr LV46, Theseus LV46, strength kills. gets to LV47, cross chop kills and gets to LV47 as well, they call out to croagunk and glameow, sucker punch crit, wake up slap kills, strength kills.

I get to the top and Scylla shows up for tag up battle.

Commander Jupiter and Mars vs Scylla and Odysseus:

Bronzor LV44, Bronzor LV44 vs Poseidon LV46, Munchlax LV40, crunch, reflect, light screen, stockpile, crunch, extrasensory, crunch, extrasensory, flinch, crunch, extra sensory, extra sensory, stockpile, aqua jet kills the first bronzor (my plan is to take one side out at a time), extra sensory, body slam, they call out Golbat, ice fang, giga drain to 3 HP(!) o crap, switch to Tyche, sludge bomb crits, extra sensory, body slam, flame wheel kills golbat, extra sensory crits on Tyche (!) WTF, body slam, skunktank called out, switch to Theseus, poison jab, body slam kills the bronzor, (you dumbass that's not the strats!) They immediately call out Purugly. hyponosis on munchlax, poison jab, ancient power (stat boost!) shadow claw crit, poison jab, rock smash on purugly to activate. I heal up Theseus, a slash crit kills munchlax, night slash, scylla calls out Heracross, aerial ace nearly kills it, rock smash kills purugly, night slash, brick break, they call out the last Golbat. air cutter hit both Theseus and kills heracross, THEN NIGHT SLASH KILLS THESEUS!! NOOOOOOOO!




I call out Aphrodite and Scylla calls out Staraptor, take down, bite, t-bolt kills skuntank, take down miss air cutter on both of us, t-bolt, quick attack kills Golbat.

We win, no thanks to Scylla and its useless mon!

After wards Cyrus opens the portal with the red chain. The big legendry mon show up but the lake legendary mon are trying to stop them. Suddenly a shadow Pokémon shows up and takes Cyrus to the distortion world. Cyntha shows up and asks me to go with her but I tell her to wait. I climb back down the mountain and finally lay down my amazing Theseus to rest. Thank you for everything you have done for this run, I will miss you.

I take time to contemplate my team addition. I decide to go with Sif LV33 for better coverage and since Cyrus will have flying mon I could use some awesome ice moves. Considering we have a lot to deal with against Cyrus we go ahead and train. during training Sif gets to LV40 and evolves into Abomasnow!

We also swing by Ironworks and our encounter is a Magmar and we catch and name it Vulcan.

Finally we heal up and head back up the mountain...

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