
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, October 23, 2020


Candice vs Odysseus:

Sneasel LV40 vs Tyche LV45, flame wheel, slash, hyper potion on sneasel, fire spin, flame wheel kills.

Piloswine LV40, switch to Satyr, stone edge miss, cross chop kills.

Froslass LV44, psychic, payback kills.

Abomasnow LV42, switch to Tyche, wood hammer, fire wheel kills.

I WIN! (no death yay!) Icicle Badge, TM Avalanche and the level limit goes to 48 for the final Cyrus fight.

I teach rock climb to Athena. I go back to Lake Acuity. I rock climb and find a reaper cloth. Scylla just lost to Commander Jupiter and she makes fun of him being weak. She mentions heading to Veilstone next and leaves quickly. Next I go to Veilstone City. I run into Looker and he helps me access the storage area so we can battle Team Galactic.


Golbat LV41 vs Tyche LV45, flame wheel, air cutter, flame wheel kills.

I find an dusk stone and zinc.


Houndour LV38 vs Tyche LV45, stomp kills.

Murkrow LV40, fire blast kills.


Glameow LV41 vs Athena LV45, d-claw kills.

I find TM snatch.


Glameow LV37 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.

Murkrow LV38, d-claw kills.

Croagunk LV39, eq kills.


Kirlia LV40 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.

Kadabra LV40, d-claw kills.

I find dubious disc, TM sludge Bomb and the Galactic key.


Stunky LV41 vs Athena LV45, eq kills.


Murkrow LV39 vs Athena LV45, d-claw kills.

Stunky LV39, eq kills and gets to LV46.

I find TM Frustration. I finish the storage area and head to Galactic Tower. I heal up and continue on.


Golbat LV40 vs Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills.

Golbat LV38, psychic kills.


Golbat LV39, Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills.

Houndour LV39, Thunderbolt kills.

I find a green shard and useless max revive.


Porygon LV45 vs Aphrodite LV45, calm mind, conversion 2, psychic kills.

I run into the Looker and we watch and listen to Cryus spew his hateful speech. Then it ends after a few minutes. We continue on and I find a bed to sleep in. I rest then keep going.


Stunky LV38, Croagunk LV38 vs Satyr LV45, Aphrodite LV45, psychic kills, wake up slap kills and getas to LV46. They call out Stunky and Croagunk, psychic kills, wake up slap kills. They call out Glameow and quick claw wake up slap kills it.

I find a protein and max elixir. I finally get to the top floor and meet up with Cyrus.

Cyrus vs Odysseus:

Sneasel LV44 vs Satyr LV46, cross chop kills.

Crobat LV44, switch to Theseus, supersonic miss, bite, ancient power crit, full restore, strength, bite strength kills.

Honchkrow LV46, ancient power, sitrus berry, faint attack, strength kills.

I get the master ball. He tells me to only stop him at the top of Mt. Coronet. I get full restore. I find a room with the captured lake legendary mon. Then Commander Saturn tries to stop me.

Commander Saturn:

Golbat LV42 vs Poseidon LV45, ice fang, air cutter, ice fang kills.

Bronzor LV42, surf, extra sensory, surf kills.

Toxicroak LV44, surf, sitrus berry, poison jab, surf kills.

I heal up and get to the base of Mt Coronet, I use a repel and continue on...

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