
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Thursday, May 28, 2020

DAY 12

Flare Grunt:
Golbat LV32 vs Ursus LV35, confusre ray, body slam, swift, hit self, quick claw body slam kills
Mightyena LV32, switch to Apis, roar to Felis, switch to zerde, swager, draining kiss kills

Flare Grunt:
Swalot LV34 vs Felis LV35, fake out, flinch, psyshock kills and gets to LV36.

Flare Grunt:
Liepard LV31 vs Dendro LV35, fake out on me, flinch, surf, hone claws, quick attack kills.
Swalot LV33, surf, amnesia, surf, toxic, surf, body slam, surf, body slam, quick attack kills. Dendro gets to LV36!

WHAT?!? Dendro evolves into Greninja and learns water shuriken!
Flare Grunt:
Croagunk LV31 vs Apis LV35, aerial ace kills.
Scraggy LV31, aerial ace kills.
Liepard LV31, bug bite kills and Apis gets to LV36

I get further into the plant and see to Admins ahead. I head over.

Flare Admin:
Houndoom LV36 vs Zerde LV35, faint attack, draining kiss, oder sleuth, swift, fire fang, draining kiss, faint attack, draining kiss kills and she gets to LV36.

Flare Aliana:
Mightyena LV38 (<-WHAT) vs Ursus LV35, yawn, roar to Dendro (bad move bro), scary face, surf, water shuriken kills.

I beat team flare and then two masked people show up. they heal me and thank me for defending kalos. I'm given full restores. The workers thank me too and give me TM Flame Charge and a magnet. I leave the plant. I head south from the plant. I run into a TALL MAN. He talks about is lost flower pokemon and then he wanders off. I find star dust and rare candy. I go to Lumiose City. I run into Shauna and she walks me to the tower in the middle of the city. I heal up. Then we watch the tower light up from the power I helped get back. I see the gym leader Clermont. I go back to the center and select my team for the upcoming gym battle. I deposit Apis and Dendro sadly and grab Cuniculus LV27 and Popotamus to LV23 for ground support. Next I visit the city in the café and alley's.

Gabite LV30 vs Ursus LV35, sand tomb, body slam, sand tomb, dual chop, body slam kills and he gets to LV36.

Kirli LV30 vs Ursus LV36, body slam kills

Pidgeotto LV30 vs Zante LV35, switch to Zerde, feather dance, quick attack, draining kiss, quick attack, draining kiss kills and she gets to LV36.

Diggersby LV30 vs Zerde LV36, draining kiss, double kick, draining kiss, odor sleuth, draining kiss kills.

Punk Girl:
Krookodile LV30 vs Zerde LV36, draining kiss kills and she gets to LV37. (level limit) Then she learns moon blast! (SCORE)

Fletchinder LV34 vs Ursus LV36, flame charge, body slam gives para, body slam kills.

I'm given a destiny knot.

Machoke LV30 vs Felis LV36, psyshock kills. Felis to LV37. (level limit)

Punk Guy:
Haunter LV30 vs Zante LV36, sucker punch, petal dance, sucker punch, petal dance kills.

Next I find the ball shop and get heal balls and net balls.

I continue on...

Monday, May 25, 2020


Ramos vs Sapien:
Jumpluff LV30 vs Zante LV34, acrobatics, venoshock, switch to Ursus because I can't take another acrobatics., acrobatics, body slam, grass knot, body slam kills.
Gogoat LV34, quick claw yawn, grass knot to red, switch to Apis, take down, recoil, rocky helmet recoil, sleep, sleep, bug bite, hyper potion on gogoat, aerial ace, sleep, aerial ace kills.
Weepinbell LV31, acid, aerial ace crit kills. (DUDE APIS IS THE QUEEN!)

I receive the Plant Badge, I can use Fly, TM Grass Knot, and level limit goes up to LV37.
I go back and heal. I drop off Aramacao (chatot) for Dendro LV33. Next I head to Route 13. I get black sludge and give it to Zante. I meet up with Sycamore friends and get the mountain kalos dex section. I enter the desert and my first encounter right away is Dugtrio LV27. I catch and name her Talpa (part of the scientific name for mole)

Then I find a smooth rock, fire stone, x-accuracy, flame plate. Dendro gets to LV34 against the wild mon. I find pp up, max ether, hyper potion, TM Charge Beam, burn heal and sun stone. I run into Team Flare.

Flare Grunt:
Houndoom LV31 vs Dendro LV34, surf kills and gets huge experience to LV35.
Golbat LV33, switch to Felis, confuse ray, fake out, not possible to flinch, acrobatics, psyshock kills.

He runs away after I win but he mentions de dropped his pass. I find it right away. I enter the power plant because the power is down and I can't get the Lumoise City for my next gym battle.

Flare Grunt:
Scraggy LV32 vs Zante LV34, venoshock, chip away, venoshock. Zante gets to LV35
Croagunk LV32, switch to Felis, poion jab, psyshock kills.

I find two fresh waters and a zap plate.

Flare Grunt:
Croagunk LV31 vs Felis LV34, psychock kills. Felis rises to LV35.
Golbat LV33, psyshock kills.

Flare Grunt:
Mightyena LV34 vs Felis LV35, fake out, flinch, disarming voice, assurance, disarming voice kills.

Flare Grunt:
Scraggy LV32 vs Ursus LV34, high jump kick (oof), body slam, switch to Zante, brick break, venoshock kills. Ursus gets to LV35.
Golbat LV32, leech seed, air cutter, veno shock, air cutter, switch to Dendro, air cutter, quick attack nearly kills, wing attack, quick attack kills.

I run back and heal in town and then run back to the power plant to continue...

Sunday, May 24, 2020

DAY 11

I arrive at the front of the gym and Serena challenges me.

Serena vs Sapien:
Meowstic LV31 vs Apis LV39, disarming voice, bug bite, disarming voice, bug bite kills. Apis gets to LV34 (level limit)
Absol LV31, switch to Zerde, bite, draining kiss crit kills.
Quilladin LV33, swift, needle arm crit, draining kiss, needle arm, draining kiss kills. I win!.

I go back and heal. I deposit Apis because she is at the level limit. I want to use her for the gym so I can't go over LV34. I go back and enter the gym.

Poke Ranger:
Simisage LV32 vs Zante LV33, seed bomb, venoshck, seed bomb, venoshock kills

Poke Ranger:
Roseilia LV30 vs Zante LV33, venoshock, toxic spikes, venoshock kills.
Wormadam LV30, veno shock, razor leaf, venoshock, confusion, venoshock kills and Zante gets to LV34. (level limit)

Poke Ranger:
Ferroseed LV29 vs Felis LV33, fake out, flinch, psyshock, gyro ball hits hard, I switch, to Ursus, gyro ball, rock smash, gyro ball, rock smash kills.
Lombre, LV29, fake out, flinch, water sport, body slam kills.
Carnivine LV29, sweet scent, body slam crit near ohko, ingrain, body slam kills.

Poke Ranger:
Gloom LV29 ve Zerde LV33, swift, stun spore, lucky chant, para, mega drain, draining kiss, mega drain, draining kiss, lucky chant fail, swift, mega drain, swift kills. Zerde to LV34 (level limit)
Exeggutor LV31, switch to Ursus, stomp, psyshock, yawn, psyshock, miss click yawn, sleep, body slam, sleep, hit myself, sleep, body slam, para, stomp, body slam kills.

I have finished the gym trainers and exit the gym. I deposit Zante and Zerde because they are at level limit. I go back to Route 12 and train. After 20 minutes I finish training. To recap: Felis, Ursus, Zerda, Zante, and APis are at LV34. Aramacao to LV25. I heal up and enter the gym. I climb to the top. I put Zante in front as a bulky grass/poison type to try to run through with my poison/ venoshock combo.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Korrina vs Sapien
Meinfoo LV29 vs Apis LV32, fake out, flinch, power up punch, aerial ace destroys!
Machoke LV28 vs Apis, leer, aerial ace kills!
Hawlucha LV32, hone claws, aerial ace, flying pres, aerial ace kills again! Apis gets to LV33 and learns toxic.

I win and get the Rumble Badge, I can use surf, TM Power up punch and level limit slightly up to LV34.
She congratulates me. Then she tells me to meet her at the top of the tower. I heal up and go to the tower. I find TM Low Sweep. Then I get to the top and find Korrina. She gives me a  mega ring. Then we have a practice battle with her two Lucario.

Korrina vs Sapien:
Lucario LV25 vs Lucario LV25, Mega stone and I use swords dance, he mega stone power up punches me, I hit with bone rush X3 and kill. Lucario joins my team but I won't count him. I go back to town and drop off Lucario. I grab Ursus LV29. I go to the east. But Serena stops me, She gives me HM Surf. I teach it to Dendro, she runs off, and then we head to Route 12.

Qwilfish LV29 vs Ursus LV29, stockpile, body slam, body slam with quick claw, (para), revenge, rock smash kills.
Binacle LV27, quick claw, rock smash, clamp, clamp. rock smash kills.

I battle wild mon and Ursus gets to LV30.

Linoone LV28 vs Ursus LV30, sand attack,  yawn, odor sleuth, body slam, sleep, body slam kills.

I get TM Attract, whipped dream, and shiny stone.

Seviper LV27 vs Ursus LV30, body slam, poison sting, body slam kills
Miltank, rollout, yawn, rollout, body slam, sleep, body slam, wake up, rollout, body slam kills.

I train some more; Felis, Zante, Zerda, Dendro get to LV33 and Dendro learns smack down. Ursus gets to LV31.

Zangoose LV27 vs Ursus LV31, crush claw, body slam (para), body slam kills. Ursus gets to LV32.
Taurus LV29, pursuit, body slam, pursuit, body slam, payback, body slam kills.

I arrive at Coumarine City. I get a message from the holo clip. Serena is waiting for me by the gym. I find an elixir, awakening, HM Fly, lucky egg, TM Trick Room, silk scarf, I head back to Route 12 for a minute.

Magikarp LV24 (x5) vs Ursus LV32, a combo of body slam and strength kills.

I find a water stone. I get to Azure Bay and my first encounter is Tentacool LV25. I catch and name it Medusozoa (scientific name for jellyfish)
Through additional training Ursus gets to LV33. I leave Azure Bay for now and go back to town. I'm getting to close to the level limit of 34. I take the train up to the upper city. I heal and get metronome, poke toy and a sky plate. My next gym is grass so I place Dendro in the box for now and grab Aramacao LV23 (chatot) for a back up flying type in the gym. Then I head to the gym...

Monday, May 18, 2020

DAY 10

Now that I have arrived at Shalour City, and got my encounters. I finished exploring the town and I can get down to business to defeat the Huns! (lol I mean gym leader) I look through my party and reserves box. I deposit Ursus (snorlax) Then I retrieve Gallus (solosis) for the upcoming gym fight. Then I take turns in the reflection cave and Route 12 getting the team leveled up. I get Dendro, Zante, Zerda, Apis and Felis all to LV31. Gallus starts to catch up to LV26 and he learns Psyshock. At one point I remember I found a water stone and use it on Macaca.

WHAT?!? Macaca evolves into Simipour!
I head back to town and heal up. Then I take the current team with me and we head to the Tower of Mastery I find max either and max repel on the way. I enter the tower and find the guru talking with Korinna. Then my friends pop up. The guru explains what he knows about mega evolution. But also tells us he only has one mega ring. So he leaves it up to my friends and I who will get it. Shauna, Trevor, and Teirno bow out or pass. So it comes down to Serena vs I and we battle.

Serena vs Sapien:
Meowstic LV28 vs Gallus LV26, fake out, flinch, light screen, light screen, disarming voice, rock tomb lowers its speed, I switch out to Apis, disarming voice, psybeam, bug bite, psybeam, bug bite kills.
Absol LV28, quick attack, bug bite kills.
Quilladen LV30, switch to Gallus, needle arm crits me down to 3HP immediately (FUDGE that was close) I switch again to Zerda this time, needle arm, draining kiss, needle arm, draining kiss, and quick attack kills. Gallus gets to LV27 and Apis gets to LV32 during the battle (which is the level limit and means I need to deposit her for the gym battle. If she gets higher I can't use her in the gym battle)

I win. Korrina is pumped from that battle and goes back to the gym to face me. Apparently I have to beat her to receive my mega ring and the things it does. It also gives me a chance to plan on the only mega I'm allowed to use for the whole game. I heal, deposit Apis for now, and go to the gym.

Roller Skater:
Medatite LV28 vs Gallus LV27, feint, psyshock, feint, psyshock kills.
Meinfoo LV28, fake out, flinch, double slap, recover, swift, recover, calm mind, psychock kills and Gallus get to LV28

Roller Skater:
Pancham LV27 vs Gallus LV28, switch to zerda because I can't really do anything to it, circle throw then switches me out to Zante, poison powder, slash, venoshock kills. Zerde gets to LV32 (level limit)
Throh LV27, poison powder, seismic toss, venoshock, seismic toss, switch to Gallus, seismic toss, seismic toss puts me to red but then psyshock kills. Zante also gets to LV32 (level limit)
Machoke LV27, switch to Felis, seismic toss, psyshock crit kills. Gallus gets to LV29.

WHAT?!? Zante is evolving into VENASUAR! He learns petal dance.

I go deposit the mon that hit level limit and heal up.

Roller Skater:
Sawk LV27 vs Gallus LV29, double kick, psyshock kills
Hariyama LV29, psyshock, whirlwind to Dendro, quick attack kills. Dendro gets to LV32 (level limit)

Roller Skater:
Heracross LV30 vs Gallus LV29, psyshock, brick break down to 12HP (YIKES) switch to Felis, brick break, fake out kills. Felis gets to LV32 (level limit) Gallus to LV30.

I finish the gym trainers and deposit Dendro and Felis for a few minutes. I grab Ursus and Cuniculus for a second  while I finish training Gallus up. After 20 minutes I get Gallus to LV32.

WHAT?!? Gallus evolves into Duosion!
I head back and heal. I grab my LV32 mon to battle Korinna. Zendra, Apis, Zante, Dendro and Felis join Gallus for the fight. I decide to lead with my Apis to start out with aerial ace kills and if I see rock tomb switch to Zerda or Zante to crush or absorb the hit easy peezy. I walk over and enter the gym...

Sunday, May 17, 2020


It starts with a double battle.

Brains and Braun:
Machoke LV28, Mr. Mime LV26 vs Zante LV26, Apis LV26, razor leaf, foresight, aerial ace, psybeam, razor leaf, foresight, aerial ace kills, psybeam crits me down to red, razor leaf kills. Zante gets to LV27 and then Apis gets to LV27.

I go back and heal. I battle wild mon and Felis gets to LV27. I enter a reflection cave. My first encounter is Solosis. I catch and name it Gallus ( part of scientific name for chicken embryo)
Linoone LV26 vs Zendra LV26, headbutt, draining kiss, headbutt, swift crit to red, quick attack kills.

Battle Girl:
Throh LV25 vs Zendra LV26, draining kiss, bulldoze (x2), draining kiss to red, quick attack kills. Then he gets to LV27
Hawlucha LV26, aerial ace, draining kiss, aerial ace, draining kiss kills.

Ace Trainer:
Doduo LV24 vs Ursus LV26, body slam kills.
Helioptle LV25, razor wind, body slam kills.
Granbull LV24, intimidate, switch to Zante, charm, poison powder, bite, venoshock kills. Ursus gets to LV27.

I find a moon stone. I find a rest woman.

Nidorina LV26 vs Dendro LV27, water pulse, confusion, poison sting, water pulse, poison sting, quick attack kills. Dendro gets to LV28.

I find a blackbelt. Tierno shows up and gives me TM Flash. I find an escape rope.

Sawk LV28 vs Zante LV27, retaliate, poison powder, retaliate down to 11HP, venoshock near kill, i switch to Zerda, bulldoze, quick attack, retaliate, poison kills. Zerda and Zante get to LV28.

I heal up.

Chimecho LV24 vs Felis LV27, fake out, flash, covet, uproar, disarming voice, uproar, psybeam, uproar, psychic kills.
Golett LV24, switch to Zante, mud slap, razor leaf kills.

NIdorino LV26 vs Felis LV27, fake out, flinch, psyshock kills. Felis to LV28.

I find a hyper potion.

Vespiquen LV26, Combee LV26 vs Apis LV27, Ursus LV27, quick claw body slam, gust, aerial ace kills, gust, aerial ace kills. Apis is up to LV28.

I find an iron.

Absol LV26 vs Ursus LV27, taunt, body slam, bite, body slam kills.
Pnsir LV25, brick break, body slam, switch to Zerde, brick break, swift, revenge, brick break, swift kills, Ursus gets to LV28.

I fend an earth plate. I find TM Gyro Ball. Then, I battle a wild mon and get Dendro to LV29.

Sandile LV22 vs Zante LV28, razor leaf kills.
Diggersby LV24, leech seed, double kick, leech, mud slap, razor leaf, leech, double kick, razor leaf crit kill. Zante gets to LV29
Dwebble LV23, rock polish, leech seed, leech, rock polish, razor leaf, leech, smack down, razor leaf kills.

I finally leave the cave and get to Shalour City. I heal, buy TM Dig and Poison Jab, and find evolite. I give evolite to Dendro. I get sooth bell and a stardust too. I  run into Teirno and Trevor. Teirno gives me an intriguing stone. Next I go east and enter Route 12. My first encounter is Chatot LV23. I catch and name it Aramacao ( the full scientific name for macaw)
I go back into Shalour City and plan my next day...

Friday, May 15, 2020


I continue on in Route 10.

Solosis LV22 vs Apis LV23, snatch, infestation, snatch, bug bite kills.
Skiploom LV19, Apis LV23, sleep powder, sleep, fairy wind, aerial ace, Apis gets to LV24.
Dunsparce LV20, swift to Zerde, ancient power, switch, pursuit, draining kiss, yawn, draining kiss kills.
Azumarill LV20, sleep from yawn, rollout, draining kiss, rollout, swift, rollout, swift kills and Zerde reaches LV24.

I battle wild mon Dendro and Zante to LV26. Felis nearly dies to a horde of yanma and he gets to LV24. Ursus reaches LV25 and learns body slam. I find a mind plate and give it to Felis. Next I find x-accuracy and paralyze heal. Suddenly Team Flare is there.

Flare Grunt:
Houndour LV21 vs Felis LV24, fake out, flinch, disarming voice, odor sleuth, disarming voice, roar switch me to Dendro, quick attack kills.
Golbat LV23, switch to Felis, bite, to 4HP! (o jeez I nearly fudged up), Then I switch to Ursus, confuse ray miss, confuse ray hits, hit myself, wing attack, body slam,, bite, body slam kills. Dendro gets to LV27.

Afterwards I find a burn heal. I heal my mon and find a thunderstone. Felis gets to LV25 against some wild mon and learns psyshock.

WHAT?!? Felis evolves into Meowstic (male)!
Meditite LV19 vs Apis LV24, mud power, aerial ace kills. Apis gets to LV25 and learns power gem.
Kirlia LV21, bug bite kills.

Flare Grunt:
Electrike LV23 vs Zendra LV23, swift, leer, swift kills.
Croagunk LV21, swift crit kills.

I battle some more wild mon as I travel and Zerda gets to LV25.

Team Flare:
Gulpin LV24 vs Ursus LV25, sludge, body slam, amnesia, body slam kills.

Drifblim LV19 vs Ursus LV25, I cant attack, I switch to Felis, psybeam kills.
Hippoptas LV19, psyshock, dig, psyshock miss, dig hit, psyshock kills.
Pachurisu LV19, psysock kills.

I enter Geosenge town. I find a timer ball, TM Payback, soft sand, and an everstone. I run into Korrina at the eat exit and she shows up with her two Lucarios. She says they want to battle. I completely forgot this battle.

Lucario LV25 vs Ursus LV25, I imeadatly switch to Felis, swords dance, fake out, flinch but it activates steadfast?? (oooo NO!) metal sound, psyshock, feint, psyshock barely kills and Felis gets to LV26
Lucario LV25, psyshock, power up punch puts me nearly red, psyshock kills. I win!

She reminds me that I battle her in Shalour city and she wishes me luck. Then she skates away. I go back and heal and then I enter Route 11. I find a sitrus berry. I walk into the grass and right away my first encounter is Sawk LV23! I catch and name it Rillus (part of the scientific name for mandrill)
Solosis LV24 vs Apis LV25, bug bite kills.
Sigilyph LV24, air cutter, power gem, switch to Zerda, air cutter, swift, whirlwind switches me to Ursus. quick claw activates body slam kills. Apis gets to LV26.

Battle Girl:
Mienfoo LV28 vs Zerda LV25, draining kiss kills.

I battle a couple wild mon and Zerda gets to LV26. I walk further then Prof. Sycamore calls. He mentions that to continue my training I need to visit the guru in Shalour City and talk to him about mega evolution. I find TM Rock Polish and hyper potion.. I continue on...

Thursday, May 14, 2020


Grant vs Sapien
Amaura LV25 vs Ursus LV24, rock smash, take down, hyper potion, rock smash crit kills!
Tyrunt LV25, quick claw yawn, bite crit on me, bite again down to red, rock smash, sleep, quick claw rock smash defense lowers, switch to Cuniculus, sleep, mud shot kills! I win!

I receive the Cliff Badge and TM Rock Tomb. I can now use HM Strength out of battle and level limit gets up to LV32.
I go back to the center and drop off Glaber and Popotamus. Thanks for the back homies! I pick up Apis (vespiquen) and Felis (espurr) because the next gym is fighting type and they can counter it. I teach TM Rock Tomb to Cuniculus and HM Strength to Ursus. I go back to things I can use strength on.  I find TM Aerial Ace and teach it to Apis. I find TM Frustration and a water stone.

Sky Trainer:
Drifloon LV15 vs Apis LV22, gust, aerial ace, gust, aerial ace kills
Pidgeotto LV18, gust, slash, gust, slash kills.

Sky Trainer:
Ledian LV21 vs Apis LV22, supersonic, aerial ace, silver wind, aerial ace kills and she gets to LV23.

I go back to Cyllage City and heal. Next I enter Route 10 and I do a strength a puzzle and get TM Thunder Wave. Next I enter some yellow flowers for my first encounter and its EEVEE LV19 female! (next I do a random number generator 1=vaporeon, 2=jolteon, 3=flareon, 4=espeon, 5=umbreon, 6=leafeon, 7=glaceon, 8=sylveon, 9=not allowed to evolve eevee) ok lets see what it is...(fingers crossed)… 8!!!! SCORE! I finish catching her and name her Zerda. (part of the scientific name for fennec fox)
I go back to Cyllange City. I deposit Cuniculus for now, because of his fighting weakness and get Zerda. I spend about 20mins hanging out with Zerda. I get her affection up to the right level, make sure she has baby doll eyes(fairy), and then I go to train her. While I battle wild mon Felis gets to LV22 and learns disarming voice. Next I get Zerda to LV20!

WHAT?!? Zendra evolves into SYLVEON! She learns draining kiss.
I teach TM Infestation to Apis. I begin focusing my training and battling on Apis, Felis and Zendra for the upcoming fighting gym. I realize I never finished Rote 6 and Parfum Palace so I head back since these three are a little under leveled.

Fletchling LV14 vs Zendra LV20, swift kills.

I find antidote and x-speed. Zerda gets to LV21 battling wild mon.

Illumise LV14 vs Zerda LV21, swift, sweet scent, swift kills.

Volbeat LV14 vs Zerda LV21, swift, confuse ray, swift kills.

Zerda gets to LV22 against wild mon. I find paralyze heal.

Croagunk LV11 vs Zerda LV22, swift kills.
Beedril LV13, swift, focus energy, swift kills.

I battle a couple wild mon and Zerda gets to LV23. Then I find TM Venoshock and teach in to Zante. I go heal because my moves are nearly out of PP. I finished Route 6 so I skate over to Parfum Palace. I need to explore the courtyard. I get there, I find antidote, guard spec., super potion, HM Cut and x-sp. attack. I leave the courtyard and head back. I cross in front of the battle chateau and remember I forgot this place too. (jeez I skipped everything). I walk in and talk to the first gym leader Viola. The main guy in charge makes me a Baron! I decide to go ahead and fight a round of trainers.

Horsea LV15 vs Felis LV22, psybeam kills.

Psyduck LV15. Felis LV22, fake out, flinch, psybeam kills.

Burmy LV15 vs Felis LV22, protect, fake out block, psybeam kills.

Budew LV15 vs Felis LV22, psybeam kills.

Clauncher LV15 vs Felis LV22, fake out, flinch, psybeam kills.

Spoink LV15 vs Felis LV22, fake out, flinch, covet, psych up, disarming voice kills.

Flabebe LV15 vs Felis LV22, fake out, flinch, psybeam kills, Felis gets to LV23.

As I leave the Battle Chateau, I'm given the title Viscount! I head back to Cyllage City and heal. Next Route 10...

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


So I last left off  training and battling people on Route 8. Cuniculus finds an antidote. Then I battle some wild mon and Cuniculus gets to LV20 and learns double kick.

WHAT?!? Cuniculus evolves into Diggersby!
I go back to town and heal then move forward in the plot because I'm getting close to level limit 25. So we travel through coastal Route 8. I find a pecha berry, ultra ball and the dowsing machine.

Wingull LV19 vs Felis LV19, psybeam, peck, psybeam kills.
Psyduck LV21, psybeam, tackle, psybeam kills.

Cuniculus finds super potion.

Tentacool LV19 vs Felis LV19, psybeam, acid, psybeam kills and Felis gets to LV20.
Tentacool LV19, switch to Ursus, acid, chip away, acid, chip away kills.
Tentacool LV19, bubblebeam, chip away, bubble beam, chip away kills.

Shellder LV20 vs Ursus LV19, chip away, icicle spear, chip away, withdraw, chip away, icicle spear, chip away kills. Ursus gets to LV20 and learns yawn.
Staryu LV20, switch to Zante, rapid spin, rapid spin, razor leak kills.

Masquerain LV22 vs Apis LV20, quick attack, gust, gust down to 1HP! switch to Dendro, gust, quick attack, return, quick attack, return kills, Dendro gets to LV21.

I train on Route 8 some more. Zante gets to LV21. Apis gets to LV21.

WHAT?!? Apis evolves into Vespiqueen and learns slash.
I arrive at Cyllage City. I find whipped dream, ether, and a dozen soda pops. I also buy a new t-shirt and switch back my pants. Then I find a destiny knot, TM Rest, TM Sleep Talk, pearl, x-speed, HM Strength, and lastly x-special attack.

So now that I'm at the next gym town I pick my best 6 mon against him to train: Zante LV21, Ursus LV20, Dendro LV21, Cuniculus LV20, Popotamus LV16 and Glaber LV17.
I head out side and get my town encounter. I smash a rock and find my first encounter which is dwebble. I catch and name it Paguro. (referencing the scientific name for hermit crab)
I train against wild mon in Route 9 and in glittering cave. Zante, and Dendro gets to LV24 so I continue training by battling gym.

Rising Star:
Dwebble LV21 vs Cuniculus LV24, mud shot, rock blast, mud shot, rock blast, quick attack kills
Relicanth LV23, double kick, rock tomb, double kick, rock tomb, double kick, yawn, switch to Glaber, yawn, karate chop crit kills. Cuniculus gets to LV25

Rising Star:
Solrock LV22 vs Dendro LV24, water pulse, tackle water pulse kills. He gets to LV25
Lunatone LV22, switch to Ursus so I don't over level, psywave, rock smash, hypnosis miss, psywave, yawn, psywave, rock smash, sleep, fast asleep, rock smash, rock throw, rock smash kills.

Roggenrola LV24, Ursus LV23, rock smash, mud slap, rock smash, smack down, rock smash kills.

Rhyhorn LV21 vs Ursus LV24, rock smash, tackle, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash kills.
Nosepass LV21, switch to Glaber, thunder wave, karate chop, rock throw, karate chop, seismic toss kills.
Onix LV21, switch to Popotamus, tackle, tackle, dig, tackle miss, dig, tackle, dig gown, tackle, dig up rock throw, bite kills.

I finish the trainers, I go back and heal and then prep my team. Alright my team is ready to fight: Dendro LV25, Zante LV25, Cuniculus LV25, Ursus LV24, Glaber LV23, and Popotamus LV20. My plan is to start Ursus and rock smash to lower defense with a fighting move. I have Glaber and Popotamus on the team as back up to absorb hits and chip away damage. I walk into the gym and climb to the top to battle Grant...


On Route 8 training.

Rising Star:
Pancham LV15 vs Dendro LV18, water pulse, leer, water pulse kills.
Skiddo LV16, switch to Apis, razor leaf, bug bite, tackle kills. Dendro gets to LV19.
Goldeen LV17, bug bite, supersonic, gust, peck, switch to Zante, super sonic, vine whip, kills.

Cuniculus finds an antidote.

Machop LV20 vs Zante LV18, poison powder, foresight, vine whip, karate chop, vine whip, karate chop, vine whip, poison kills it.

I battle wild mon and APis gets to LV19. Zante gets to LV19. I go back and heal. Then I go to Route 9 to visit glittering cave. I'm given a rocky helmet. I hop on a rhyhorn and then start traversing the route. My first encounter is hippotas LV16 I catch and name it Popotamus. (a reference to scientific name for hippo)
I find a dusk ball and fire stone. I get healed at the end of the route and then find a super repel. I enter the glittering cave. My first encounter is Machop LV19. I catch her name her Glaber (a part of scientific name for naked mole rat)
I find a hard stone. While exploreing I battle wild mon and Felis gets to LV19 and learns fake out. Cuniculus finds an escape rope. Apis finds honey. Next I find TM Shadow Claw. I make it to the back of the cave. I run into Team Flare.

Flare Grunt:
Houndaour LV18 vs Cuniculus, mud shot, bite, mud shot, bite, return kills.
Zubat LV18, switch to Ursus, bite, chip away, kills. Cuniculus gets to LV19.

I battle a few wild mon and Ursus gets to LV19.

Flare Grunt:
Gulpin LV18 vs Dendro LV19, return, tackle, water pulse, yawn quick attack kills.
Electrike LV18, switch to Zante, howl, vine whip, howl, vine whip, tackle, vine whip, static ability gets me, leer, then one more vine finish's the job.

I find an old amber. Serena shows up to help me battle team Flare.

Flare Grunts:
Scraggy LV20, Croagunk LV20 vs Dendro LV19, Espeon LV18, return, faint attack, brick break, scratch, super potion on Dendro, light screen, faint attack, faint attack, return kills Dendro to LV20, faint attack kills espeon, Absol called out, I switch to Apis, quick attack, brick break crit kills absol, Quilladen called out rollout, gust, brick break, rollout but gust kills.

I find an escape rope. I talk to a scientist and do heads or tails to see which fossil I get. (heads- tyrunt, tails-amaura) I get heads and get the jaw fossil for tyrunt. I battle wild mon on my way out of the cave and get Apis to LV20 I take the fossil back to town. They revive the fossil and I get Tyrunt for my encounter. I name it Ranno (part of scientific name of t-rex)
I leave it in the box for now because it has a high evolution level. I go back to route 9. Zante gets to LV20 against wild mon and learns razor leaf. I continue on...

The guy in charge has lost his dog. Shauna and I go look for it. I find an amulet coin and give it to Dendro for now. I go through the whole palace and then go to the courtyard. Shauna and I find the dog very easily. He is excieted we found it. We leave the courtyard and ill be back later. We head to the balcony and watch fireworks. Afterwards we get the Poke flute and TM Protect. we go heal, then head to Route 7. We get there and use poke flute and I get my first encounter on Route 7 (yes im counting it this time!) I almost knock it out on a crit but I catch it and name it Ursus LV15 (part of the scientific name for an asian black bear)
Zante gets to LV18 after the fight. Yet again I go back to town and drop off Macaca for Ursus. Then I visist the berry farm. I find a miracle seed. I head back to Route 7. I run into my friends and they tell me about the daycare. I battle wild mon and Ursus gets to LV16.

Smeargle LV 16 vs Felis LV16, confusion, vine whip, confusion, vine whip, confusion kills , then gets to LV17 and learns psybeam.

Smeargle LV16, Smeargle LV16 vs Ursus LV16, Apis LV17, quick claw tackle, confusion, gust, gust, helping hand, gust, gust kills, tackle crit kills.

I battle more wild mon and Ursus gets to LV17 and learns chip away. Cuniculus finds and antidote. Apis gets to LV18 against wild mon. Then I find the battle chateau.

Smeargle LV16 vs Felis LV17, psybeam, tackle, psybeam kills.

Then we do I friend group battle.

Teirno & Trevor vs Serena & Sapien:
Corphish LV16, Pikachu LV14 vs Dendro LV17, Flethling LV15, quick attack, return kills Pikachu and I get to LV18, swords dance, they send out flabebe, I switch to Urus, quick attack, vice grip, quick attack, swords dance again, gust, chip away, peck, vice grip kills fletchling, chip away kills corphish. We win

Cuniculus finds a super potion and Apis finds a honey. I enter the connecting cave.

Ducklett LV12 vs Ursus LV17, quick attack, chip away, wing attack, water sport, then tackle kills.
Litleo LV12, leer, chip away crit kills.
Oddish LV12, quick attack, chip away, sweet scent, chip away kills.
Pikachu LV12, quick attack, chip away kills, then Ursus gets to LV18.

My first encounter is... a zubat horde! (GEEEZ) I knock four of them out and then catch one and name her Ontinae. (after part of the name for vampire bat)
I leave the cave since it is a dead and go around to the next entrance area. I find a persim berry and tiny mushroom. While battling wild mon Felis gets to LV18. I find the second entrance and go inside. A random lady heals me and I get through the cave and I enter Route 8. I'm given a coastal pokedex update by the kids that know Prof. Sycamore. I find a super potion and hp up.

Rising Star:
Axew LV19 vs Cuniculus LV17, scary face, return, assurance, return, assurance, return kills.

Then I find my first encounter is a Zangoose LV14 I catch and name it Herp ( part of the scientific name for mongoose)
I find a leaf stone. Then I get to Anbelle Town. I find a heart scale and TM Rock Smash. I teach it to Ursus and Cuniculus. I also find TM Nature Power. I visit the fossil lab and aquarium. I get the old rod. I go back to Route 8 the shore. I find two pearls, star piece, and max either. I battle wild mon ans Cuniculus gets to LV18 and learns mud shot. I head back to town and heal up. Then I head to Route 8 top of the cliff to battle trainers I skipped...

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


We meet up on Route 7 and find a snorlax. They send us to the palace to find and get the poke flute. I find a heal ball and then head back to Route 6. I enter the route but I can't get to the grass for my encounter. Wait... trainers I start forward... wait I can avoid them by walking on the furthest point away. The bushes are dark and shaky! (OMG) I don't want those encounters so I avoid them too. I go down the lane bobbing and weaving. I get to the end and go to the right side. I enter the tall grass and my first encounter is Espurr! I catch it and name it Felis. ( part of the scientific name of a Scottish fold cat)
I go back to Camphier Town. I re-deposit Ario into the Bank for Felis. I teach TM Thief to Macaca. I head to Route 5 and battle people I passed.

School Boy:
Pansage LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, lick, confusion, leer, confusion kills.

I heal.

Sentret LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, tackle, confusion kills.

Rising Star:
Bidoof LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, defense curl, confusion, tackle, confusion kills. Felis gets to LV13 and learns light screen.
Oddish LV10, confusion, absord crit, confusion kills.

Roller Skater:
Bunnelby LV9 vs Felis LV13, confusion, tackle, confusion kills.
Skiddo LV11, confusion, tail whip, confusion kills.

I battle more wild mon and get Felis to LV14.

Roller Skater:
Doduo LV12 vs Felis LV14, confusion crit kills.

I find TM Hone Claws. I battle more wild mon and Felis gets to LV15. I heal and then go to Route 6.

Pikachu LV11 vs Apis LV15, switch to Cuniculus, thundershock, mud slap, play nice, quick attack, growl, return crit kills. Apis gets to LV16
Pidgey LV11, return, tackle, return kills.
Psyduck LV11, return crit, disable, quick attack kills. Cuniculus gets to LV16.

Zigzagoon LV11 vs Zante LV15, leech seed, tail whip, growl, vine whip, headbutt, leech, vine whip kills.
Ralts LV11, switch to Felis, confusion, covet crit kills.
Gulpin LV11, confusion kills.

Poke Family:
Furfou LV14, Furfou LV14 vs Zante LV15, Macaca LV15, water gun, headbutt crit on Zante, headbutt, leech seed, switch to Dendro, headbutt, tail whip, water gun, water pulse, growl, tail whip, water gun leech kills. Zante gets to LV16, water pulse, growl, play nice, water pulse, growl, water gun, water pulse kills. Dendro gets to LV17 Macaca gets to LV16 and Zante also gets to LV17.

WHAT!?! Zante evolves into Ivysaur!
I go back and heal and then find a super repel.

Espurr LV12 vs Felis LV15, covet, growl, covet, scratch, covet, leer, covet kills.
Butterfree LV12, covet, stun spore, switch to Apis, confusion, gust, poison powder, gust, Apis gets to LV17 and Felis to LV16.

I find an awakening and a guav berry.

Venipede LV12 vs Cuniculus LV16, quick attack, screech, quick attack, screech, return kills.
Scraggy LV12, switch to Macaca, scratch, water gun, faint attack, water gun, faint attack, water gun kills.

Bunnelby LV14 vs Cuniculus LV16, return crit kills.

I battle wild mon Cuniculus gets to LV17. I go back and heal. I buy 2 super potions, 10 potions, 3 paralyze heals. I go back through Route 6 to Parfum Palace. I get oran berry and find ether. We pay a dum entrance fee, then head inside...

Monday, May 11, 2020


I walk around Lumiose City. I talk to the kids and other people then I head to the poke lab. I receive 5 luxuary balls. I finally meet with sycamore and chats. Next my friends show up. Then sycamore challenges me to a battle.

Bulbasaur LV10 vs Apis, gust leech seed that I avoid, gust, leech seed avoided again,  and gust kills. Apis gets to LV13 and learns bug bite.
Charmander LV10, I switch to Dendro, ember, water pulse kills ohko and the he gets to LV15
Squirtle LV10, I switch back to Apis, tackle bug bite, water gun, gust, tackle, I can't risk another hit so I switch to Aquila, tackle, quick attack, tackle, quick attack kills. Apis gets to LV14.

After the battle he gives me a choice of the starters. (I chose to do a number generator 1-10 Bulbasaur, 11-20 charmander, 21-30 squirtle. I hope not for squirtle this time because I have a couple of water types already.) The number generates: 9. I select my new mon Bulbasaur. It counts as my Lumiose City encounter and I name him Zante (part of the scientific name for cala lily)
He also gives me Venasuarite. Then I head downstairs. I meet Lysandre and then talk to my friends. We all leave the lab. I visit the poke studios and get a lens case. Finally I arrive at the pokemon center. I heal and teach TM Return to Dendro, cuniculus, and Aquila. Then I add Zante to the party and deposit Psychidae in the box for now.

I go back to Route 4 and train. Zante gets to LV11 and LV12. Meanwhile Apis finds me a honey. Finally Zante gets to LV13 and learns poison powder. I go back and heal. I receive a quick claw, timer and quick balls. I find Serena next to a café. We go inside and meet Diatha and Lysandre again.

Then I head to Route 5 and I run into Corrine and Lucario. She talks to me about mega evolution. Corrine heads out. Then I find a super potion.

Minum LV11, Plusle LV11 vs Zante LV13, Cuniculus LV14, helping hand, mud slap, vine whip, growl, helping hand, quick attack, mud slap, vine whip kill. Zante gets to LV14. Quick attack, return, poison powder, quick attack, thunder wave, vine whip kills. Cuniculus to LV15. Friends show up and I battle Tierro.

Corphish LV12 vs Zante LV14, leech seed, vice grip, poison powder, vice grip, leech, vine whip, poison, leech kills and he gets to LV15.

I'm given a honey. I enter some purple flowers and my first encounter is Gulpin. I catch it and name it Ario. (part of the scientific name for banana slug)
I find x-attack, and an oran berry. After battling some wild mon Apis gets to LV15. I find a super potion.

Rising Star:
Kadabra LV13 vs Macaca LV14, confusion hits hard and im into red, fury swipes (jeez) I switch to Apis, confusion puts me into red again (WHAT?!) I switch to Aquila, confusion doesn't do half, I quick attack, confusion crits and kills... (NOOOOO da hell kadabra!) I send out Dendro and his quick attack kills. Dendro gets to LV16 from revenge! The battle ends...

WHAT?!? Dendro evolves into Frogadier.
I run back to Lumiose City and lay Aquila to rest. Thanks for everything little buddy. You saved so many of your friends with your sacrifice.

I begrudgingly bring Ario out of the box to join the team for the rest of the route. I sneak through it dodging trainers. Macaca gets to LV15 against some wild mon and then I get to Camphrier Town. I get a pecha berry. Then I find or get a sweetheart, full heal, ultra ball, and TM Theif. I go into the Shabbareau Castle. I talk with Shauna and the castle dude. Then I find an escape rope. Next I have to meet up with Shauna and the castle dude on Route 7. I heal up and head out...

Viola vs Sapien
Surskit LV10 vs Macaca LV11, quick attack, scratch, bubble, scratch, bubble, scratch, bubble, scratch kills.
Vivillon LV12, tackle, scratch, infestation, double slap, infestation down to 3HP (can't be suited.) super potion, tackle, quick attack, infestation, super potion on vivillon, tackle , infestation, double slap, infestation, then freed from infestation! I switch to Aquila, infestation, tackle, gust, infestation, gust, infestation, and finally gust kills. Aquila LV13 and learns quick attack, Macaca gets to LV12.

I get the Bug Badge, TM Infestation and the level limit rises to LV25.
I go heal and go to the north exit of town. I'm given exp share from the gym leader's sister. I enter Route 4. I find repel, honey, antidote, super potion, and great ball. My first encounter is... Combee female LV8! I catch and name it Apis (part of scientific name for queen honey bee).
I go heal and then come back.

Corphish LV10 vs Dendro LV12, quick attack, vice grip, quick attack, bubble, quick attack.

I battle wild mon and Macaca gets to LV13. Then it learns fury swipes. Aquila to LV14, Psychidae to LV6. I find honey.

Roller Skater:
Fletchling LV10 vs Dendro LV12, bubble, tackle, bubble, growl, bubble kills and gets to LV13.

I battle wild mon and Apis gets to LV9.

Roller Skater:
Pidgey LV10 vs Cuniculus LV12, double slap, gust, double slap.

Wild mon switch training gets Psychidae to LV7. (still only protect). I go back and heal. I find poison barb.

Burmy LV7 vs Cuniculus LV12, protect, double slap blocked, double slap, tackle, protect, agility, double slap, tackle, double slap, tackle, super potion, quick attack, protect, quick attack kills.
Burmy LV7, leer, tackle, leer, tackle, quick attack kills.
Burmy LV7, leer, tackle crit down to 9HP, quick attack, tackle, quick attack kills. He gets to LV13 and learns mud slap.

I battle wild mon Apis gets to LV10. I go back and heal, buy 10 pokeballs, free premier ball, two super potions, 4 regular potions. I find a great ball.

Magikarp LV9 vs Dendro LV9, quick attack, splash, quick attack kills.

Budew LV9 vs Dendro LV13, quick attack, absorb, quick attack, gets to LV14 and learns water pulse.

I battle wild mon Psychidae to LV8 (no attacking move...) I find honey. Apis gets to LV11.

Corphish LV10 vs Cuniculus LV13, double slap, bubble, quick attack, mud sport, quick attack, bubble, quick attack, bubble into red but quick attack kills.

Poke Fan:
Pichu LV7 vs Macaca LV13, fury swipes, static paralyzes, tail whip, super potion on pichu, para, thundrshock, fury swipes kills.
Pikachu LV9, switch to Apis, tail whip, play nice, gust, tail whip, gust, thundershock, switch to Cuniculus, tail whip, quick attack, thundrshock, mudslap kills Apis gets to LV12, Macaca gets to LV14.

I battle wild mon and Aquila gets to LV15, Psychidae to LV9. I go heal and I'm done with this Psychidae, it's a useless mon atm.

Corphish LV10 vs Cuniculus LV13, quick attack, mud sport, quick attack, vice grip, quick attack, bubble, quick attack kills and he gets to LV14.

I find a super potion and ether. then I exit the route to the north. I run into the two kids that help sycamore. they give me TM Return. Then I walk into Lumiose City...
DAY 2:

I go to Route 22.

Psyduck LV6 vs Aquila LV9, gust, tail whip, gust, tail whip, gust, scratch, gust kills and geat to LV10.
Litleo LV7, switch to Macaca, ember, scratch, ember, leer, scratch, ember, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.

My first encounter is Bunnelby LV6. I catch and name it Cuniculus. (part of the scientific name for french lop rabbit)
I go back to town and heal then train Cuniculus to LV7 and learns quick attack, Macaca gets to LV10 and learns water gun. Cuniculus to LV8 and LV9. I heal and go to the gym.

Ledyba LV10 vs Cuniculus LV9, quick attack, comet punch, quick attack, supersonic, quick attack, comet punch, switch to Dendro, comet, bubble, super sonic, and quick attack kills.

Spewpa LV10 vs Cuniculus LV9, quick attack, tackle, quick attack, harden, quick attack, tackle, quick attack, tackle, switch to Macaca, tackle, water gun, tackle, water gun crit kill and he gets to LV10 and learns double slap.

Kakuna LV7 vs Aquila LV10, gust, harden, gust kills and gets to LV11.
Combee LV9, gust, gust, switch to Dendro, gust, quick attack, gust, quick attack. Dendro gets to LV11.

I leave the gym, heal and then go back to Route 22.

Goldeen LV6 vs Macaca LV10, scratch, tail whip, scratch, water sport, scratch kills.
Marill LV6, scratch, tackle, scratch, water gun, scratch kills and Macaca LV11.

Rising Star:
Riolu LV9 vs Cuniculus LV10, double slap, gust, quick attack, gust, quick attack kills.
Metapod LV5, switch to Aquila, tackle, gust, harden, gust kills.

I battle wild mon and Cuniculus gets to LV11. Aquila gets to LV12. Dendro gets to LV12.

School girl:
Bunnelby LV8 vs Macaca LV11, play nice, water gun, leer, water gun, play nice, water gun kills.

I find super potion.

Flabebe LV8 vs Macaca LV11, scratch, vine whip, water gun, vine whip, water gun, fairy wind, water gun kills.

I go back and heal. Finally I head to the gym because most of my mon are LV12 which is my level limit. I get to the back of the gym ready to battle...

Sunday, May 10, 2020


A new day begins! We begin a new Nuzlocke journey in the Kalos region. Our hero trudges into a new generation after the bitter defeat at the hands of Iris in Black 2. 

(The rules for this run is listed on the main page. The theme for this run is scientific names/ or parts of them. Also there are level limits throughout the game based on gym leaders and the final elite 4. The first level limit is LV12)

I wake up in Vaneville Town suddenly remembering my name as I get dressed. SAPIEN (part of scientific name of humans) I go talk to my mom and meet two friends out front. I talk to the houses and people in town, then head to Aquacorde City. Once I arrive I meet up with more friends and we have a hang-sesh they nickname me HO-MO. (for obvious part of human scientific name) After the poor naming chat I get to select my starter. Before I got to town I checked my trainer number: 09297. That means with the last number of 7, I get Froakie! I get it and name it Dendro (part of the scientific name for dart poison frogs). 
I also get the pokedex and professor letter telling me to visit Lumoise City. Afterwards all the friends head out but I get to battle Shauna.

Fennekin LV5 vs Dendro LV5, tail whip, bubble, bubble kills LV6

She heals me. I go see mom and she gives me clothes and a town map. I go back to Aquacrode City and get a potion. I buy 4 pokeballs and head north to Route 2. I get there and my first encounter is Pidgey. I catch and name it Aquila (part of the scientific name for golden eagle)
I train some and get Dendro to LV7. I run into Serena and Shauna and they show me how to catch pokemon and then give me 5 pokeballs. I train a little bit Aquila LV4 and LV5 then learns sand attack. Then I accidently run into a trainer.

Zigzagoon LV5 vs Aquila LV5, growl, tackle, growl, tackle crits me, but my tackle kills it back and then he gets to LV6.

I go heal and take a break before I head into Santelune Forest. My first encounter is Panpour I catch and name it Macaca. (based on scientific name of snow monkey)
Shauna is with me and heals. Aquila gets to LV7. I find pokeball and antidote. Macaca nearly dies from a crit by a wild fletchling. Macaca gets to LV5 and LV6. Dendro gets to LV8 and learns quick attack. Aquila gets to LV8 I get paralyze heal. Macaca gets to LV7 and learns lick.

Scatterbug LV3 vs Macaca LV7, string shot, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.
Fletchling LV3, scratch, growl, scratch kills.

Pikachu LV5 vs Macaca LV7, thundershock, para, lick, tail whip, scratch, thundershock, switch to Dendro, thundrshock, quick attack kills. (thank god cause my whole team could have got wrecked!)
Dendro gets to LV9 and Macaca gets to LV8.

Weedle LV2 vs Macaca LV8, scratch, string shot, scratch kills.
Bunnelby LV4, scratch, leer, scratch kills.

I find a pokeball and potion. All my friends and I get through the forest and into the next area. Route 3 the first encounter is Burmy LV5 I catch and name it Psychidae (part of scientific name for bag worm, its at LV5 and only know protect...)
Caterpie LV2 vs Macaca LV8 string shot, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.
Azurill LV4, water gun, scratch, tail whip, scratch crit kills.

I continue on and get to Santelune City. I heal, purchase a new hat and pants. I'm given a great ball, I find an antidote. I'm not allowed to go north. I go back to route 3 and battle trainers.

School girl:
Pichu LV5 vs Macaca LV8, scratch, ststic ability, scharm, para, tail whip, scratch kills and gets to LV9.

School girl:
Bidoof LV6 vs Aquila LV8, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle kills the bidoof.

I go heal and then come back. I find super potion.

School boy:
Pansage LV3 vs Aquila LV8, tackle, leer, tackle kills.
Pansear LV3, tackle, play nice, tackle kills. and gets to LV9 and learns gust.
Panpour LV3, switch to Dendro, play nice, quick attack, play nice, quick attack, scratch, quick attack kills.

I head back to town and visit the trainer school. I'm given x-attack and x-defense. Then I find a roller skater and she will give me skates after the battle.

Roller Skater:
Zigzagoon LV7 vs Dendro LV9, bubble, growl, bubble, tail whip, quick attack kills and gets to LV10 and learns lick.

I go heal then prepare for the eastern route...

Friday, May 8, 2020


So for the first time I have lost a nuzlocke I have attempted. But I will get REVENGE! For now I will thank the Pokémon throughout the play through and vow to crush it next time!

Thanks to these 21 Pokémon in the graveyard each one was with me through thick and thin. Hopefully we will see them return for revenge.

So long my friends!

Next up is Pokémon X (Gen 6). Hopefully I'm able to improve my record in Nuzlockes (3-1)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Iris vs Xavier
Hydreigon LV57 vs Beast LV58, super power kills.
Aggron LV57, switch to Cyclops, rock slide, rock slide, iron head, full restore aggron, full restore on Cyclops, rock slide, reversal, rock slide reversal kills.
Druddigon LV57, switch to Beast, focus blast miss, roar ...

drags out Lapras...

Lapras LV57, I switch to Iceman, surf, sing miss, heal Iceman, surf, super power crit kills! She calls out Druddigon, it uses dragon tail ...

and calls out Beast...

fire punch, rock slide brings me DOWN TO 1HP!

(now for the hardest choice I have this game. Do I use flare blitz and guarantee kill  but kamikaze? If I do this can I beat the last two mon with a weakened Cyclops and Iceman or do I risk the super power does enough to kill and save Beast???)

I use super power and it kills! (SWEATING)
Haxorus LV59, I heal, earthquake kills Beast ( ...sigh... NO!) I call out Iceman, earthquake, icicle crash, I heal Iceman, dragon dance (SWEATING) earthquake, but icicle crash kills! (JEEZ SO STRESSED)
Archeops LV57, rock slide kills Iceman! (NOOOOOOOO!) I call out Cyclops who is down to 54HP, I use my last healing item (3 limit), rock slide, iron head, rock slide im in red, iron head also to red! (SO CLOSE), full restore on Archeops, iron head, ...there is nothing I can do... it uses rock slide …Cyclops dies.

I lose the Nuzlocke.

(I take awhile in between the battle and the typing of this)

I want to thank all my mon from this Nuzlocke! My final Pokémon in the championship came so close! Thank you to Beast. My oldest remaining mon my definite MVP of this run. You put the team on your back and came so close! Good bye my friend!
Next is Iceman, Dude you were another corner stone of the team. You almost helped push us over the edge. Thank you so much for everything!

Lastly Cyclops, you hopped on the team at the end but did so much in victory road and elite 4. You were so buff and almost got the win for everyone. I hope to see you again in the future!
That's it. I look forward to the next one. (I'LL BE BACK)

Shauntal vs Xavier
Confagrious LV56 vs Cyclops LV58, shadow ball, iron head, wil-o-wisp miss, iron head, full restore on confagrious, iron head, wil-o-wisp, iron head, shadow ball, iron head, I heal Cyclops, shadow ball, shadow ball, iron head kills. Cyclops gets to Lv59.
Chandelure LV58, switch to Psylocke, fire blast, shadow ball down to 1/3 health sitrus berry activates, fire blast crit kills Psylocke! (NOOOO! uggggh maybe crit didn't matter but still) I call out Wolverine, earthquake destroys!
Golurk LV56, shadow claw, earthquake from Golurk, I watch … the health ...bar slowly... fall to zero and it crit kills Wolverine! (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! WHAT! NO! WHAT! @$%#!) ...

I take a moment...

I call out Iceman, brick break, but shadow claw kills.
Drifblim LV56, acrobatics, icicle crash kills. Iceman gets to LV59.

The fourth member is done but at what cost!!! (SO ANGRY/SAD!)

Thank you so much Psylocke for everything you have held up so well and fought hard. Thanks my friend!

Also.... good bye Wolverine you hit so hard and I was so pumped to have you on the team. The world did you wrong (on a back to back crit kill! @%$#) Thank you for your help!

I heal and elixir my mon I teach roar to Beast, and give leftovers from Psylocke to Beast, and metal coat to Cyclops. I continue on...