
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, May 15, 2020


I continue on in Route 10.

Solosis LV22 vs Apis LV23, snatch, infestation, snatch, bug bite kills.
Skiploom LV19, Apis LV23, sleep powder, sleep, fairy wind, aerial ace, Apis gets to LV24.
Dunsparce LV20, swift to Zerde, ancient power, switch, pursuit, draining kiss, yawn, draining kiss kills.
Azumarill LV20, sleep from yawn, rollout, draining kiss, rollout, swift, rollout, swift kills and Zerde reaches LV24.

I battle wild mon Dendro and Zante to LV26. Felis nearly dies to a horde of yanma and he gets to LV24. Ursus reaches LV25 and learns body slam. I find a mind plate and give it to Felis. Next I find x-accuracy and paralyze heal. Suddenly Team Flare is there.

Flare Grunt:
Houndour LV21 vs Felis LV24, fake out, flinch, disarming voice, odor sleuth, disarming voice, roar switch me to Dendro, quick attack kills.
Golbat LV23, switch to Felis, bite, to 4HP! (o jeez I nearly fudged up), Then I switch to Ursus, confuse ray miss, confuse ray hits, hit myself, wing attack, body slam,, bite, body slam kills. Dendro gets to LV27.

Afterwards I find a burn heal. I heal my mon and find a thunderstone. Felis gets to LV25 against some wild mon and learns psyshock.

WHAT?!? Felis evolves into Meowstic (male)!
Meditite LV19 vs Apis LV24, mud power, aerial ace kills. Apis gets to LV25 and learns power gem.
Kirlia LV21, bug bite kills.

Flare Grunt:
Electrike LV23 vs Zendra LV23, swift, leer, swift kills.
Croagunk LV21, swift crit kills.

I battle some more wild mon as I travel and Zerda gets to LV25.

Team Flare:
Gulpin LV24 vs Ursus LV25, sludge, body slam, amnesia, body slam kills.

Drifblim LV19 vs Ursus LV25, I cant attack, I switch to Felis, psybeam kills.
Hippoptas LV19, psyshock, dig, psyshock miss, dig hit, psyshock kills.
Pachurisu LV19, psysock kills.

I enter Geosenge town. I find a timer ball, TM Payback, soft sand, and an everstone. I run into Korrina at the eat exit and she shows up with her two Lucarios. She says they want to battle. I completely forgot this battle.

Lucario LV25 vs Ursus LV25, I imeadatly switch to Felis, swords dance, fake out, flinch but it activates steadfast?? (oooo NO!) metal sound, psyshock, feint, psyshock barely kills and Felis gets to LV26
Lucario LV25, psyshock, power up punch puts me nearly red, psyshock kills. I win!

She reminds me that I battle her in Shalour city and she wishes me luck. Then she skates away. I go back and heal and then I enter Route 11. I find a sitrus berry. I walk into the grass and right away my first encounter is Sawk LV23! I catch and name it Rillus (part of the scientific name for mandrill)
Solosis LV24 vs Apis LV25, bug bite kills.
Sigilyph LV24, air cutter, power gem, switch to Zerda, air cutter, swift, whirlwind switches me to Ursus. quick claw activates body slam kills. Apis gets to LV26.

Battle Girl:
Mienfoo LV28 vs Zerda LV25, draining kiss kills.

I battle a couple wild mon and Zerda gets to LV26. I walk further then Prof. Sycamore calls. He mentions that to continue my training I need to visit the guru in Shalour City and talk to him about mega evolution. I find TM Rock Polish and hyper potion.. I continue on...

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