
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


The guy in charge has lost his dog. Shauna and I go look for it. I find an amulet coin and give it to Dendro for now. I go through the whole palace and then go to the courtyard. Shauna and I find the dog very easily. He is excieted we found it. We leave the courtyard and ill be back later. We head to the balcony and watch fireworks. Afterwards we get the Poke flute and TM Protect. we go heal, then head to Route 7. We get there and use poke flute and I get my first encounter on Route 7 (yes im counting it this time!) I almost knock it out on a crit but I catch it and name it Ursus LV15 (part of the scientific name for an asian black bear)
Zante gets to LV18 after the fight. Yet again I go back to town and drop off Macaca for Ursus. Then I visist the berry farm. I find a miracle seed. I head back to Route 7. I run into my friends and they tell me about the daycare. I battle wild mon and Ursus gets to LV16.

Smeargle LV 16 vs Felis LV16, confusion, vine whip, confusion, vine whip, confusion kills , then gets to LV17 and learns psybeam.

Smeargle LV16, Smeargle LV16 vs Ursus LV16, Apis LV17, quick claw tackle, confusion, gust, gust, helping hand, gust, gust kills, tackle crit kills.

I battle more wild mon and Ursus gets to LV17 and learns chip away. Cuniculus finds and antidote. Apis gets to LV18 against wild mon. Then I find the battle chateau.

Smeargle LV16 vs Felis LV17, psybeam, tackle, psybeam kills.

Then we do I friend group battle.

Teirno & Trevor vs Serena & Sapien:
Corphish LV16, Pikachu LV14 vs Dendro LV17, Flethling LV15, quick attack, return kills Pikachu and I get to LV18, swords dance, they send out flabebe, I switch to Urus, quick attack, vice grip, quick attack, swords dance again, gust, chip away, peck, vice grip kills fletchling, chip away kills corphish. We win

Cuniculus finds a super potion and Apis finds a honey. I enter the connecting cave.

Ducklett LV12 vs Ursus LV17, quick attack, chip away, wing attack, water sport, then tackle kills.
Litleo LV12, leer, chip away crit kills.
Oddish LV12, quick attack, chip away, sweet scent, chip away kills.
Pikachu LV12, quick attack, chip away kills, then Ursus gets to LV18.

My first encounter is... a zubat horde! (GEEEZ) I knock four of them out and then catch one and name her Ontinae. (after part of the name for vampire bat)
I leave the cave since it is a dead and go around to the next entrance area. I find a persim berry and tiny mushroom. While battling wild mon Felis gets to LV18. I find the second entrance and go inside. A random lady heals me and I get through the cave and I enter Route 8. I'm given a coastal pokedex update by the kids that know Prof. Sycamore. I find a super potion and hp up.

Rising Star:
Axew LV19 vs Cuniculus LV17, scary face, return, assurance, return, assurance, return kills.

Then I find my first encounter is a Zangoose LV14 I catch and name it Herp ( part of the scientific name for mongoose)
I find a leaf stone. Then I get to Anbelle Town. I find a heart scale and TM Rock Smash. I teach it to Ursus and Cuniculus. I also find TM Nature Power. I visit the fossil lab and aquarium. I get the old rod. I go back to Route 8 the shore. I find two pearls, star piece, and max either. I battle wild mon ans Cuniculus gets to LV18 and learns mud shot. I head back to town and heal up. Then I head to Route 8 top of the cliff to battle trainers I skipped...

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