
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


So I last left off  training and battling people on Route 8. Cuniculus finds an antidote. Then I battle some wild mon and Cuniculus gets to LV20 and learns double kick.

WHAT?!? Cuniculus evolves into Diggersby!
I go back to town and heal then move forward in the plot because I'm getting close to level limit 25. So we travel through coastal Route 8. I find a pecha berry, ultra ball and the dowsing machine.

Wingull LV19 vs Felis LV19, psybeam, peck, psybeam kills.
Psyduck LV21, psybeam, tackle, psybeam kills.

Cuniculus finds super potion.

Tentacool LV19 vs Felis LV19, psybeam, acid, psybeam kills and Felis gets to LV20.
Tentacool LV19, switch to Ursus, acid, chip away, acid, chip away kills.
Tentacool LV19, bubblebeam, chip away, bubble beam, chip away kills.

Shellder LV20 vs Ursus LV19, chip away, icicle spear, chip away, withdraw, chip away, icicle spear, chip away kills. Ursus gets to LV20 and learns yawn.
Staryu LV20, switch to Zante, rapid spin, rapid spin, razor leak kills.

Masquerain LV22 vs Apis LV20, quick attack, gust, gust down to 1HP! switch to Dendro, gust, quick attack, return, quick attack, return kills, Dendro gets to LV21.

I train on Route 8 some more. Zante gets to LV21. Apis gets to LV21.

WHAT?!? Apis evolves into Vespiqueen and learns slash.
I arrive at Cyllage City. I find whipped dream, ether, and a dozen soda pops. I also buy a new t-shirt and switch back my pants. Then I find a destiny knot, TM Rest, TM Sleep Talk, pearl, x-speed, HM Strength, and lastly x-special attack.

So now that I'm at the next gym town I pick my best 6 mon against him to train: Zante LV21, Ursus LV20, Dendro LV21, Cuniculus LV20, Popotamus LV16 and Glaber LV17.
I head out side and get my town encounter. I smash a rock and find my first encounter which is dwebble. I catch and name it Paguro. (referencing the scientific name for hermit crab)
I train against wild mon in Route 9 and in glittering cave. Zante, and Dendro gets to LV24 so I continue training by battling gym.

Rising Star:
Dwebble LV21 vs Cuniculus LV24, mud shot, rock blast, mud shot, rock blast, quick attack kills
Relicanth LV23, double kick, rock tomb, double kick, rock tomb, double kick, yawn, switch to Glaber, yawn, karate chop crit kills. Cuniculus gets to LV25

Rising Star:
Solrock LV22 vs Dendro LV24, water pulse, tackle water pulse kills. He gets to LV25
Lunatone LV22, switch to Ursus so I don't over level, psywave, rock smash, hypnosis miss, psywave, yawn, psywave, rock smash, sleep, fast asleep, rock smash, rock throw, rock smash kills.

Roggenrola LV24, Ursus LV23, rock smash, mud slap, rock smash, smack down, rock smash kills.

Rhyhorn LV21 vs Ursus LV24, rock smash, tackle, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash, stomp, rock smash kills.
Nosepass LV21, switch to Glaber, thunder wave, karate chop, rock throw, karate chop, seismic toss kills.
Onix LV21, switch to Popotamus, tackle, tackle, dig, tackle miss, dig, tackle, dig gown, tackle, dig up rock throw, bite kills.

I finish the trainers, I go back and heal and then prep my team. Alright my team is ready to fight: Dendro LV25, Zante LV25, Cuniculus LV25, Ursus LV24, Glaber LV23, and Popotamus LV20. My plan is to start Ursus and rock smash to lower defense with a fighting move. I have Glaber and Popotamus on the team as back up to absorb hits and chip away damage. I walk into the gym and climb to the top to battle Grant...

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