
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


We meet up on Route 7 and find a snorlax. They send us to the palace to find and get the poke flute. I find a heal ball and then head back to Route 6. I enter the route but I can't get to the grass for my encounter. Wait... trainers I start forward... wait I can avoid them by walking on the furthest point away. The bushes are dark and shaky! (OMG) I don't want those encounters so I avoid them too. I go down the lane bobbing and weaving. I get to the end and go to the right side. I enter the tall grass and my first encounter is Espurr! I catch it and name it Felis. ( part of the scientific name of a Scottish fold cat)
I go back to Camphier Town. I re-deposit Ario into the Bank for Felis. I teach TM Thief to Macaca. I head to Route 5 and battle people I passed.

School Boy:
Pansage LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, lick, confusion, leer, confusion kills.

I heal.

Sentret LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, tackle, confusion kills.

Rising Star:
Bidoof LV12 vs Felis LV12, confusion, defense curl, confusion, tackle, confusion kills. Felis gets to LV13 and learns light screen.
Oddish LV10, confusion, absord crit, confusion kills.

Roller Skater:
Bunnelby LV9 vs Felis LV13, confusion, tackle, confusion kills.
Skiddo LV11, confusion, tail whip, confusion kills.

I battle more wild mon and get Felis to LV14.

Roller Skater:
Doduo LV12 vs Felis LV14, confusion crit kills.

I find TM Hone Claws. I battle more wild mon and Felis gets to LV15. I heal and then go to Route 6.

Pikachu LV11 vs Apis LV15, switch to Cuniculus, thundershock, mud slap, play nice, quick attack, growl, return crit kills. Apis gets to LV16
Pidgey LV11, return, tackle, return kills.
Psyduck LV11, return crit, disable, quick attack kills. Cuniculus gets to LV16.

Zigzagoon LV11 vs Zante LV15, leech seed, tail whip, growl, vine whip, headbutt, leech, vine whip kills.
Ralts LV11, switch to Felis, confusion, covet crit kills.
Gulpin LV11, confusion kills.

Poke Family:
Furfou LV14, Furfou LV14 vs Zante LV15, Macaca LV15, water gun, headbutt crit on Zante, headbutt, leech seed, switch to Dendro, headbutt, tail whip, water gun, water pulse, growl, tail whip, water gun leech kills. Zante gets to LV16, water pulse, growl, play nice, water pulse, growl, water gun, water pulse kills. Dendro gets to LV17 Macaca gets to LV16 and Zante also gets to LV17.

WHAT!?! Zante evolves into Ivysaur!
I go back and heal and then find a super repel.

Espurr LV12 vs Felis LV15, covet, growl, covet, scratch, covet, leer, covet kills.
Butterfree LV12, covet, stun spore, switch to Apis, confusion, gust, poison powder, gust, Apis gets to LV17 and Felis to LV16.

I find an awakening and a guav berry.

Venipede LV12 vs Cuniculus LV16, quick attack, screech, quick attack, screech, return kills.
Scraggy LV12, switch to Macaca, scratch, water gun, faint attack, water gun, faint attack, water gun kills.

Bunnelby LV14 vs Cuniculus LV16, return crit kills.

I battle wild mon Cuniculus gets to LV17. I go back and heal. I buy 2 super potions, 10 potions, 3 paralyze heals. I go back through Route 6 to Parfum Palace. I get oran berry and find ether. We pay a dum entrance fee, then head inside...

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