
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


On Route 8 training.

Rising Star:
Pancham LV15 vs Dendro LV18, water pulse, leer, water pulse kills.
Skiddo LV16, switch to Apis, razor leaf, bug bite, tackle kills. Dendro gets to LV19.
Goldeen LV17, bug bite, supersonic, gust, peck, switch to Zante, super sonic, vine whip, kills.

Cuniculus finds an antidote.

Machop LV20 vs Zante LV18, poison powder, foresight, vine whip, karate chop, vine whip, karate chop, vine whip, poison kills it.

I battle wild mon and APis gets to LV19. Zante gets to LV19. I go back and heal. Then I go to Route 9 to visit glittering cave. I'm given a rocky helmet. I hop on a rhyhorn and then start traversing the route. My first encounter is hippotas LV16 I catch and name it Popotamus. (a reference to scientific name for hippo)
I find a dusk ball and fire stone. I get healed at the end of the route and then find a super repel. I enter the glittering cave. My first encounter is Machop LV19. I catch her name her Glaber (a part of scientific name for naked mole rat)
I find a hard stone. While exploreing I battle wild mon and Felis gets to LV19 and learns fake out. Cuniculus finds an escape rope. Apis finds honey. Next I find TM Shadow Claw. I make it to the back of the cave. I run into Team Flare.

Flare Grunt:
Houndaour LV18 vs Cuniculus, mud shot, bite, mud shot, bite, return kills.
Zubat LV18, switch to Ursus, bite, chip away, kills. Cuniculus gets to LV19.

I battle a few wild mon and Ursus gets to LV19.

Flare Grunt:
Gulpin LV18 vs Dendro LV19, return, tackle, water pulse, yawn quick attack kills.
Electrike LV18, switch to Zante, howl, vine whip, howl, vine whip, tackle, vine whip, static ability gets me, leer, then one more vine finish's the job.

I find an old amber. Serena shows up to help me battle team Flare.

Flare Grunts:
Scraggy LV20, Croagunk LV20 vs Dendro LV19, Espeon LV18, return, faint attack, brick break, scratch, super potion on Dendro, light screen, faint attack, faint attack, return kills Dendro to LV20, faint attack kills espeon, Absol called out, I switch to Apis, quick attack, brick break crit kills absol, Quilladen called out rollout, gust, brick break, rollout but gust kills.

I find an escape rope. I talk to a scientist and do heads or tails to see which fossil I get. (heads- tyrunt, tails-amaura) I get heads and get the jaw fossil for tyrunt. I battle wild mon on my way out of the cave and get Apis to LV20 I take the fossil back to town. They revive the fossil and I get Tyrunt for my encounter. I name it Ranno (part of scientific name of t-rex)
I leave it in the box for now because it has a high evolution level. I go back to route 9. Zante gets to LV20 against wild mon and learns razor leaf. I continue on...

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