
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Sunday, May 10, 2020


A new day begins! We begin a new Nuzlocke journey in the Kalos region. Our hero trudges into a new generation after the bitter defeat at the hands of Iris in Black 2. 

(The rules for this run is listed on the main page. The theme for this run is scientific names/ or parts of them. Also there are level limits throughout the game based on gym leaders and the final elite 4. The first level limit is LV12)

I wake up in Vaneville Town suddenly remembering my name as I get dressed. SAPIEN (part of scientific name of humans) I go talk to my mom and meet two friends out front. I talk to the houses and people in town, then head to Aquacorde City. Once I arrive I meet up with more friends and we have a hang-sesh they nickname me HO-MO. (for obvious part of human scientific name) After the poor naming chat I get to select my starter. Before I got to town I checked my trainer number: 09297. That means with the last number of 7, I get Froakie! I get it and name it Dendro (part of the scientific name for dart poison frogs). 
I also get the pokedex and professor letter telling me to visit Lumoise City. Afterwards all the friends head out but I get to battle Shauna.

Fennekin LV5 vs Dendro LV5, tail whip, bubble, bubble kills LV6

She heals me. I go see mom and she gives me clothes and a town map. I go back to Aquacrode City and get a potion. I buy 4 pokeballs and head north to Route 2. I get there and my first encounter is Pidgey. I catch and name it Aquila (part of the scientific name for golden eagle)
I train some and get Dendro to LV7. I run into Serena and Shauna and they show me how to catch pokemon and then give me 5 pokeballs. I train a little bit Aquila LV4 and LV5 then learns sand attack. Then I accidently run into a trainer.

Zigzagoon LV5 vs Aquila LV5, growl, tackle, growl, tackle crits me, but my tackle kills it back and then he gets to LV6.

I go heal and take a break before I head into Santelune Forest. My first encounter is Panpour I catch and name it Macaca. (based on scientific name of snow monkey)
Shauna is with me and heals. Aquila gets to LV7. I find pokeball and antidote. Macaca nearly dies from a crit by a wild fletchling. Macaca gets to LV5 and LV6. Dendro gets to LV8 and learns quick attack. Aquila gets to LV8 I get paralyze heal. Macaca gets to LV7 and learns lick.

Scatterbug LV3 vs Macaca LV7, string shot, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.
Fletchling LV3, scratch, growl, scratch kills.

Pikachu LV5 vs Macaca LV7, thundershock, para, lick, tail whip, scratch, thundershock, switch to Dendro, thundrshock, quick attack kills. (thank god cause my whole team could have got wrecked!)
Dendro gets to LV9 and Macaca gets to LV8.

Weedle LV2 vs Macaca LV8, scratch, string shot, scratch kills.
Bunnelby LV4, scratch, leer, scratch kills.

I find a pokeball and potion. All my friends and I get through the forest and into the next area. Route 3 the first encounter is Burmy LV5 I catch and name it Psychidae (part of scientific name for bag worm, its at LV5 and only know protect...)
Caterpie LV2 vs Macaca LV8 string shot, scratch, tackle, scratch kills.
Azurill LV4, water gun, scratch, tail whip, scratch crit kills.

I continue on and get to Santelune City. I heal, purchase a new hat and pants. I'm given a great ball, I find an antidote. I'm not allowed to go north. I go back to route 3 and battle trainers.

School girl:
Pichu LV5 vs Macaca LV8, scratch, ststic ability, scharm, para, tail whip, scratch kills and gets to LV9.

School girl:
Bidoof LV6 vs Aquila LV8, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle kills the bidoof.

I go heal and then come back. I find super potion.

School boy:
Pansage LV3 vs Aquila LV8, tackle, leer, tackle kills.
Pansear LV3, tackle, play nice, tackle kills. and gets to LV9 and learns gust.
Panpour LV3, switch to Dendro, play nice, quick attack, play nice, quick attack, scratch, quick attack kills.

I head back to town and visit the trainer school. I'm given x-attack and x-defense. Then I find a roller skater and she will give me skates after the battle.

Roller Skater:
Zigzagoon LV7 vs Dendro LV9, bubble, growl, bubble, tail whip, quick attack kills and gets to LV10 and learns lick.

I go heal then prepare for the eastern route...

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