
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Sunday, May 17, 2020


It starts with a double battle.

Brains and Braun:
Machoke LV28, Mr. Mime LV26 vs Zante LV26, Apis LV26, razor leaf, foresight, aerial ace, psybeam, razor leaf, foresight, aerial ace kills, psybeam crits me down to red, razor leaf kills. Zante gets to LV27 and then Apis gets to LV27.

I go back and heal. I battle wild mon and Felis gets to LV27. I enter a reflection cave. My first encounter is Solosis. I catch and name it Gallus ( part of scientific name for chicken embryo)
Linoone LV26 vs Zendra LV26, headbutt, draining kiss, headbutt, swift crit to red, quick attack kills.

Battle Girl:
Throh LV25 vs Zendra LV26, draining kiss, bulldoze (x2), draining kiss to red, quick attack kills. Then he gets to LV27
Hawlucha LV26, aerial ace, draining kiss, aerial ace, draining kiss kills.

Ace Trainer:
Doduo LV24 vs Ursus LV26, body slam kills.
Helioptle LV25, razor wind, body slam kills.
Granbull LV24, intimidate, switch to Zante, charm, poison powder, bite, venoshock kills. Ursus gets to LV27.

I find a moon stone. I find a rest woman.

Nidorina LV26 vs Dendro LV27, water pulse, confusion, poison sting, water pulse, poison sting, quick attack kills. Dendro gets to LV28.

I find a blackbelt. Tierno shows up and gives me TM Flash. I find an escape rope.

Sawk LV28 vs Zante LV27, retaliate, poison powder, retaliate down to 11HP, venoshock near kill, i switch to Zerda, bulldoze, quick attack, retaliate, poison kills. Zerda and Zante get to LV28.

I heal up.

Chimecho LV24 vs Felis LV27, fake out, flash, covet, uproar, disarming voice, uproar, psybeam, uproar, psychic kills.
Golett LV24, switch to Zante, mud slap, razor leaf kills.

NIdorino LV26 vs Felis LV27, fake out, flinch, psyshock kills. Felis to LV28.

I find a hyper potion.

Vespiquen LV26, Combee LV26 vs Apis LV27, Ursus LV27, quick claw body slam, gust, aerial ace kills, gust, aerial ace kills. Apis is up to LV28.

I find an iron.

Absol LV26 vs Ursus LV27, taunt, body slam, bite, body slam kills.
Pnsir LV25, brick break, body slam, switch to Zerde, brick break, swift, revenge, brick break, swift kills, Ursus gets to LV28.

I fend an earth plate. I find TM Gyro Ball. Then, I battle a wild mon and get Dendro to LV29.

Sandile LV22 vs Zante LV28, razor leaf kills.
Diggersby LV24, leech seed, double kick, leech, mud slap, razor leaf, leech, double kick, razor leaf crit kill. Zante gets to LV29
Dwebble LV23, rock polish, leech seed, leech, rock polish, razor leaf, leech, smack down, razor leaf kills.

I finally leave the cave and get to Shalour City. I heal, buy TM Dig and Poison Jab, and find evolite. I give evolite to Dendro. I get sooth bell and a stardust too. I  run into Teirno and Trevor. Teirno gives me an intriguing stone. Next I go east and enter Route 12. My first encounter is Chatot LV23. I catch and name it Aramacao ( the full scientific name for macaw)
I go back into Shalour City and plan my next day...

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