
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Gardenia vs Odysseus:

Turtwig LV20 vs Hermes LV20, wing attack, razor leaf, wing attack kills.

Cherrim LV20, magical leaf, wing attack, safe guard, wing attack, super potion on cherrium, magical leaf, wing attack, wing attack kills.

Rosearade LV22, switch to Artemis, stun spore miss, wing attack, sitrus berry, magical leaf, wing attack kills and Hermes to LV21 and learns confuse ray.

I win the Forest badge, get TM Grass Knot and level limit is set to 26.

I travel back to the forest and go to the old Chateau now that I can cut. I go to one of room upstairs and there is a tv glowing. I look at it and it attacks! My encounter is Rotom LV20 I catch and name it Nyx.

I forgot  about Rotom but glad I found him. I also find a dread plate, TM Substitute, old gateau and a rare candy. Artemis gets to LV21. I go back  and heal up then got to the galactic headquarters and find TM Thief.


Zubat LV17, Zubat LV17 vs Ceto LV20, Ares LV20, flame wheel kills, water pulse crit kills. call out stunky and glameow, mach punch, scratch, smokescreen, mud bomb miss, mach punch miss, scratch, poison gas, mud bomb, mach punch kills, mud bomb kills.


Croagunk LV19 vs Ceto LV20, mud bomb crit kills and gets to LV21.


Stunky LV16 vs Ares LV22, flame wheel, poison gas miss, fury swipes kills.

Crogunk LV16, flame wheel, pursuit, mach punch kills and gets to LV21.

Glameow LV16, mach punch kills.

I find x-special and x-speed.


Glameow LV19 vs Bia LV20, faint attack, hidden power crit, scratch, rock smash kills.


Kadabra LV20 vs Bia LV20, switch to Artemis, x-special, wing attack nearly kills, confusion down to 13HP, quick attack kills.

I find a blue shard and a revive. I go heal and then come back and run into the bike guy. I find an up-grade. I banter with Jupiter then battle.

Commander Jupiter:

Zubat LV21 vs Persephone LV20, stun spore, para, switch to Hermes, wing attack, bite, wing attack crit down to 9HP, I heal with super potion, para, wing attack, wing attack, wing attack kills.

Skuntank LV23, night slash kills Hermes, ...(NO!) I call out Ceto, mud bomb lowers accuracy, screech, night slash crit kills Ceto! (WHAT THE HELL NOOOOO!) I call out Artemis, intimidate activates, poison gas miss, wing attack, poison gas miss, wing attack, sitrus berry, screech, wing attack, night slash down to 5HP (WTF), wing attack crit kills the tank and gets up to LV21. I win but lose two mon. 

I leave the tower after saving the town. But sadly I lay both Hermes and Ceto down after that hard fought battle.

I meet Cynthia and she gives me an Egg. I wait to add pokemon until my next two encounters. I get a bike and I go biking south into Route 207.


Pikacu LV21 vs Persephone LV20, cut, thundershock, double team, growth, slam, mega drain, quick attack, cut kills.


Starly LV18 vs Persphone LV20, switch to Artemis, quick attack, quiak attack, quick attack, quick attack kills.

Staravia LV20, endeavor, wing attack, I heal up, wing attack, wing attack, double team, wing attack kills.


Pikachu LV21 vs Bia LV26, quick attack, confusion, T-wave, para, slam, confusion, double team, confusion kills.

I get to the end of the cyling part of the road and head into the grass. I find 2 Razz berries. My first encounter is machop and therefore doupes clause. My next first encounter is Gligar and I catch and name it Apollo.

Next I scoot back to the hidden part of the cave in the back. I go inside and head down the stairs to the left. My first encounter is Zubat (doupes) so I continue on I walk thre steps and find GIBLE! As I'm trying to catch it 4 balls break and gible unleashes a dragon rage and kills Persephone! (NOOOOOOO! so close to evolving) Then I call out Bia at 47HP, I forget sandstorm is active from gible and after a dragon rage and sand damage Bia collapses in death. But in the end I catch and name it Athena.

I head south back to Oreburgh town to lay my mon to rest. Thanks for the fights Persephone and Bia. 

I'm so pissed about the mon I've lost and I need to re-focus because I have some dum losses. So I take time and talk to Ares and Artemis about who needs to join the team...

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Ponyta LV14 sv Ares LV14, mach punch, tackle, mach punch, tackle, mach pumch kills and gets to LV15

Aroma Lady:

Roselia LV14 vs Artemis LV15, wing attack kills and gets to LV16.


Bidoof LV12 vs Hermes LV15, bite, tackle, bite, flinch, bite kills.

Pachirisu LV12, switch to Ares, bide, bide, taunt, unleashed but failed, ember, mach punch, quick attack, mach punch kills.

I find a heal ball, oran berry, and a pecha berry. I go heal and I go back to the honey tree in Floaroma town and find my encounter to be a Cherubi. I catch and name it Silvanus.


Aipom LV14 vs Hermes LV15, sand attack, bite, tail whip, bite, astonish, bite, astonish, bite kills.


Onix LV14 vs Persephone LV15, rock throw, mega drain kills.

I find repel, and a super potion.

Battle Girl:

Machop LV15 vs Hermes LV15,astonish, leer, astonish, focus energy, astonish, leer, astonish, foresight, astonish crit, leer, astonish kills and gets to LV16.

I rest in a house.


Piplup LV14 vs Ceto LV15, mud bomb miss, peck, mud bomb, peck, mud bomb, peck, mud bomb, peck miss, mud bomb kills.

I enter Eterna Forest and walk around with this lady named Cheryl. my first encounter is Silcoon and I name it Apate.

I get an antidote.

Las and Bug Catcher:

Pachirisu LV16, Wurmple LV11 vs Ceto LV15, Chansey LV20, spark, egg bomb, waterpulse kills, wurmple, silcoon called out, switch to Zeus, spark, egg bomb, poison sting, bide, egg bomb, string shot,, spark, biding, spark kills silcoon, egg bomb, they call out beautifly, unleash energy, tackle, egg bomb, spark kills Beautifly, Zeus to Lv16, spark, egg bomb kills pachirisu and Ceto gets to LV16, and learns hidden power.

I find a paralyze heal.


Abra LV17, Abra LV17 vs Artemis LV16, Chansey LV20, quick attack, hidden power, hidden power, egg bomb, quick attack kills, hidden power, egg bomb kills another Abra.

We sneak through the forest and get to the end. She gives me a soothe bell that I immediately give to Persephone. I walk out to the north part of 205 and into Eterna City. I heal up and then go back to the forest to train, I find a green shard and a potion.


Medatite LV17, Psyduck LV17 vs Persephone LV16, Ares LV16, switch to Zeus, mega drain, confusion crit on Persephone, water gun, switch to Ceto, spark kills. meditate, spark, meditate, hidden power kills.

While trainig Persephone gets to LV17.

Bug Catchers:

Wurmple LV11, Burmy LV14 vs Hermes LV16, Ares LV16, ember kills wurmple, astonish, flinch, protect, ember, astonish blocked, call out Dustox, confusion drit down to 3 HP! switch to Zeus, protect, ember, kills Dustox, Zeus LV17, cascoon called out, ember kill burmy, spark, string shot, calls out burmy, ember kills burmy, Ares gets to LV17, spark kills cascoon.

I leave the forest and Hermes gets to LV17 against wild mon adn learns wing attack. I find pecha x2, oran berry x2 and guard specs.


Goldeen LV17 vs Persephone LV17, mega drain, supersonic, mega drain kills.


Magikarp LV8, LV10, LV12, LV14, LV16 vs Persephone LV17, mega drain kills all and gets to LV18.


Magikarp LV14 vs Zeus LV17, splash, spark kills.

Goldeen LV16, spark kills and gets to LV18 learns bite.

Magikarp LV14, splash, spark kills.

I go back to Eterna City, I find a super potion, and TM Recycle. I buy 10 poke balls, 1 premier balls, 3 potions, 1 super potion, and 2 nest balls. I go for a bike but he isn't around. I get Pal Pad and an Explorer Kit. I run into Scylla, we look at a statue together, then see Cyrus. He complains and then leaves. My rival runs off. I head East to Route 211 and my first encounter is Medatite I catch and name her Bia

I find a great ball.

Ninja Boy:

Zubat LV14 vs Artemis LV17, quick attack, bite, quick attack kills.

Zubat LV14, quick attack, bite, quick attack kills and Artemis to LV18 and learns endeavor.

Zubat LV14, quick attack, bite, quick attack, kills.

I head back to the center and run into Cynthia and she gives me HM Cut. I heal up and go into the gym after chatting with Gardenia out front/


Cherubi LV17 vs Ares, ember (doesn't kill)leech seed, (I think I need to train), another kills and gets to LV18

Roselia LV17, switch to Hermes, stun spore, poison sting, wing attack, mega drain, wing attack kills.

Aroma Lady:

Budew LV15 vs Hermes LV17, wing attack kills.

Budew LV16, wing attack kills.

Budew LV17, wing attack kills LV18.

I go back and heal then east again for some training.


Geodude LV14 vs Ceto LV17, water pulse kills.

Onix lV18, rock throw miss, water pulse kills.

I see rock smash and a cave ahead. I go back and grab Jormungander and some repels to hunt for items without encounters until later.

Bird Keeper:

Starly LV17 vs Hermes LV18, bite crit kills.

Hoothoot LV17, bite flinch, bite, reflect, bite, peck, bite kills.

I get TM taunt, ice heal and a stardust.

Aroma Lady:

Roselia LV19 vs Hermes LV18, poison sting, wing attack and to LV19.

Ares training to LV19 and learns flame wheel. While I continue training I take a crit confusion from a Meditite on Zeus and he dies. (NOOOOOOOOOO!!! fudge)

I lay him down to rest, then I take time off and when I come back. I chose Bia (meditite) to fill the slot caused by its brothren mon's murder! I train up the mon to LV20 and enter the gym.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


I get TM Pluck, oran berry, cheri berry, sprayduck, and pecha berry. I but 10 poke balls, premier ball and 3 potions. I travel east and find the Valley Windworks. my first encopunter is a Shellos LV11 I catch and name it Ceto.

I go back to Floaroma and heal, I add Ceto to the team and go north to the Floraroma meadow for Honey but have to help the Honey guy. Team galactic attacks.


Stunky LV13 vs Ceto LV11, fury swipes, water pulse, confusion, poison gas miss, mud bomb, focus energy, mud bomb kills.


Zubat LV11 vs Ceto LV11, astonish, water pulse (confusion), LL, water pulse crit kills.

Zubat LV11, astonish crit, water pulse, LL, water pulse, LL, water pulse kills.

I find a wind works key and the honey guy gives me honey. I put honey on the tree and then go back heal and train but accidently run into twins.


Pachurisu LV11, Pachurisu LV11 vs Hermes LV12, Ceto LV13, switch to Zeus, quick attack, quick attack, mud bomb, quick attack, quick attack, mud bomb kills, tackle, quick attack, tackle, mud bomb, quick attack, mud bomb kills. Hermes to LV13 and learns bite.

I battle some wild mon and Ares gets to LV14 and evolves into Monferno! Then Ares learns mach punch.

I heal up and head to Valley Windworks to save them from Team Galactic.


Glameow LV13 vs Artemis LV14, wing attack crit kills.


Zubat LV13 vs Artemis LV14, quick attack, LL, quick attack kills.


Glameow LV11 vs Artemis LV14, wing attack, growl, wing attack kills and gets to LV15.

Stunky LV11, switch to Ceto, fury swipes, mud bomb, fury swipes miss, mud bomb kills.

I go heal and go back to Valley Windworks to take on the Admin.

Mars vs Odysseus:

Zubat LV15 vs Hermes LV14, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite, bite down to 2HP but my next bite kills.

Purugly LV17, switch to Artemis for the intimidate ability, fake out, scratch, wing attack crit oran beery on purugly, scratch down to 9HP, switch to Ares, faint attack, mach punch, scratch, mach punch kills.

I win but almost 2 deaths. I save the Windworks. I talk to Looker out front. I go heal and go to Route 205. I find x-defense.


Geodude LV10 vs Zeus LV14, switch to Ceto, mud sport, water pulse kills.

Geodude LV11, water pulse kills.

Geodude LV12, water pulse kills.

My first encounter is Pachurisu and I name her Quora.

Then Zeus gets to LV15 and evolves into Luxio!

I continue on...

Saturday, September 26, 2020


Roark vs Odysseus:

Geodude LV12 vs Hestia LV12, rock smash, stealth rock, quick claw rock smash, rock throw, rock smash, rock smash, rock throw, potion on geodude, rock smash, rock throw crit kills Hestia! (NNOOO!) I call out Persephone, absorb kills.

Onix LV12, screech, absorb, rock throw, absorb kills and gets to LV13. Also learns Mega Drain!

Cranidos LV14, pursuit crit kills down to 2 HP, mega drain, potion on Cranidos, mega drain crit kills! and gets to LV14. 

I win, get the Coal Badge, TM Stealth Rock and level limit to 22.

I go back to the center and lay Hestia to rest.

Thanks for your help friend. I grab Jormungander for rock smash to get to the next town. I go leave town and Scylla runs into me (wait! I don't want to battle). He blabs further on and runs ahead. I travel ahead into Oreburgh Gate cave. I go to one of the back rooms and run into a LV10 Golbat (???) and almost kills Zeus. I find TM Flash and big Pearl. I get back to Jubilife City and run into Looker. Then find Team Galactic bothering Professor and Dawn.

Galactic Grunts:

Starly LV11, Glameow LV11 vs Artemis LV13, Turtwig LV13, scratch, poison gas miss, tackle, quick attack kills, switch to Artemis, tackle, wing attack, fury swipes, tackle kills and gets to LV14. Artemis to LV14 and evolves into Staravia!

Aroma Girl:

Budew LV9 vs Ares LV12, ember, water sport, ember kills

Cherubi LV11, ember, tackle, ember kills and gets to LV13.

I find awakening.

Bird Catcher:

Wurmple LV10 vs Hermes LV12, astonish, tackle, astonish, string shot, astonish, tackle, astonish, tackle, astonish kills.

Kricketot LV11, bide, astonish, biding, supersonic, unleash damage, astonish, bide, astonish, switch to Zeus, biding, unleash energy, tackle, bide, spark kills.

I find TM Bullet Seed and then get to Floaroma Town...

 DAY 3


Bidoof LV4 vs Hermes LV7, LL, tackles, super sonic, tackle, LL, tackle, LL, tackle, LL, tackle miss, LL, tackle, LL kills.

Abra LV4, switch to Hestia because  out of PP, teleport fail, teleport fail, tackle, teleport fail, tackle kills and gets to LV9 and learns Defense curl.

Budew LV4, switch to Zeus, absorb, tackle, absorb, tackle, absorb, tackle kills.

Starly LV4, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle miss, tackle kills and gest to LV9 and Zeus learns charge.

I find repel and x-defend.

I enter Oreburgh Gate. I get HM Rock Smash and teach it to Hestia to help at the rock gym. My first encounter is Geodude and I name him Atlas.

I go back to heal.


Psyduck LV8 vs Persephone LV8, absorb, scratch, absorb, scratch, absorb and gets to LV9.


Starly LV7 vs Hermes LV8, switch to Ares, growl, ember, tackle, ember kills.

Shinx LV7, ember crit kills and gets to LV10.


Bidoof LV9 vs Hermes LV8, supersonic, hitself, LL, hitself, LL, hitself, LL, tackle, LL, tackle, LL, tackle crit (bidoof again!) but LL kills.

I train Hermes to LV9 and learn Astonish. I get to Oreburgh City. I get a dusk ball, net ball, 2 poke balls and given a great ball. I go North to 207. I find a poke ball and my first encounter is Machop and I name him Satyr.

I go back to town and get Dire Hit, yellow shard, super potion. Then I go to Oreburgh Mine and my first encounter is Onix and I catch and name it Jormungander and nearly run out of balls.


Geodude LV9 vs Zeus LV9, switch to Hestia, defense curl, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, mud sport, rock smash kills.

I find a potion and escape rope.


Geodude LV6 vs Hestia LV9, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, mud sport, rock smash kills gets to LV10

Machop LV8, switch to Artemis, focus energy, wing attack, leer, quick attak kills and next LV10.

I take time to train the team to LV11.I go heal and go to the gym.


Geodude LV11 vs Persephone LV11, absorb kills and gets to LV12.


Geodude LV9 vs Hestia LV11, rock smash, tackle, rock smash, defense curl, rock smash kills.

Onix LV9, quick claw rock smash, harden, rock smash, rock throw, rock throw down to 6HP, switch to Zeus, rock throw miss, harden, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle, harden, tackle, harden, tackle kills.

I go heal train the whole team to LV12 and heal again then walk into the gym...

Friday, September 25, 2020

 DAY 2

On Route 204 I get Budew and name her Persephone.

Artemis nearly dies to poison because I have no antidotes but I get back to the center on 3HP. I heal, buy 2 antidotes and now I'm out of money.

I go to Route 218 and get Magikarp and name it Neptune.

I train up Persephone to LV7. I heal and go to the trainers school. I find x-attack.

School Kid:

Starly LV6 vs Hestia LV7, x-attack, tackle, quick attack, tackle, quick attack, down to 3HP and quick attack kills.

School Kid:

Bidoof LV6 vs Persephone LV7, absorb, tackle, poison point ability. absorb, tackle crit, poison, absorb, tackle, poison, potion, absorb, poison, absorb, tackle down to 2HP, poison, switch to Ares, tackle, poison, ember kills.

I go heal and train Persephone and Hestia to LV8. I head back to the trainer school. I give Scylla the Parcel. We both get town maps. He leaves without a battle. I get a poke-etch. I head to Route 203 and now Scylla shows up to battle.

Scylla vs Odysseus:

Starly LV7 vs Artemis LV8, quick attack, quick attack, quick attack, growl, quick attack kills and gets to LV9 and learns wing attack.

Piplup LV9, quick attack, growl, switch to Persephone, growl, absorb, pound, absorb, growl, absorb kills. I win

I go heal and then head back. My first encounter is 203 and its


Zubat, I catch and name him Hermes.

I switch mon and put Hermes on the team. I go to Route 204.


Shinx LV7 vs Hermes LV4, switch to Ares, tackle, ember, leer, ember kills.


Magikarp LV8 vs Hermes LV4, switch to Ares, splash, scratch, splash, scratch, splash, scratch kills. Hermes get to LV5 and learns supersonic and then Ares to LV9 and learn taunt.

I get to Ravaged Path and my encounter is Psyduck I name it Cronos.

I travel back down because I dont have rock smash or a badge.


Budew LV7 vs Hermes LV5, supersonic miss, growth, leechlife, absorb, leech life, absorb, LL. water sport, LL, growth, LL, supersonic, hitself, LL, water sport, LL growth, LL, absorb, growth, LL, absorb, supersonic, hitself, LL, LL win and he gets to LV6.

I go heal, and head east to 204 and get a poke ball.


Kriketot LV7 vs Hermes LV6, switch to Hestia, growl, bide, tackle, bide, growl, unleach damage, growl, tackle, growl, tackle, growl, bide, switch back to Hermes, bide, unleach, supersonic miss, LL, growl, bide, LL, bide, LL, switch back to Hestia, tackle kills.

Zubat LV6, supersonic miss, tackle, quick claw, tackle, LL, LL, tackle, LL, tackle kills.


Shinx LV8 vs Hermes LV6, switch to Hestia, leer, leer, tackle, tackle crit, leer, tackle kills and Hermes gets to LV7.


Machop LV8 vs Hermes LV7, supersonic, hitself, LL, leer, LL, hitself, LL, low kick, LL, leer, LL, low kick, LL, leer, supersonic, hitself, LL, hitself, LL kills!


 DAY 1

Another amazing journey begins! This journey will take me through Sinnoh. 

(Up until now my Nuzlockes have gone well with several close calls. I have marched through Hoenn, barely survived Alola, battled through Jhoto and won on the last move. Then tragedy struck in a loss in Unova. Afterwards I took time to crush Kalos in my best nuzlocke run and then victoriously won the OG Kanto. My record stands at 5-1)

My theme will involved ancient gods and monster from Greek, Roman, and maybe Norse.

I start out and my name is Odysseus. My rival is Scylla. My trainer number is 16584 which means my starter is Chimchar and I name him Ares.

Scylla vs Odysseus:

Piplup LV5 vs Ares LV5, scratch, growl, scratch, pound, scratch, pound, scratch, growl, scratch, growl, scratch, pound, scratch, pound down to 4HP but scratch kills. Up to LV6

I travel home to heal up, I get running shoes,  and Scylla and I head to the lake. We run into Cyrus. We hear the legendary lake mon cry out. Then we head to see the Professor and then gets to LV7. Then I get pokedex. Dawn is given turtwig. I'm given TM Return. I buy 10 pokeballs and get a premier ball.

Route 201 encounter is Starly, I catch and name it Artemis.

My Lake Variety encounter is Bidoof and name her Hestia.

I heal up at home and get parcel for myself and Scylla. I get a potion on my way back to Sandgem Town. South is 219, I find an antidote but I can't do anything else without surf. I heal up and head north to Route 202. Dawn shows me how to catch pokemon. She gives me 5 balls.

My encounter is Shinx and I name it Zeus.

Artemis nearly dies while trainig on a crit from a bidoof. (1HP) I heal up.


Starly LV5 vs Artemis LV7, quick attack, growl, quick attack, growl, quick attack.


Bidoof LV5 vs Artemis LV7, quick attack, growl, quick attack, tackle crit (again), quick attack kills and gets to LV8


Burmy LV5 vs Zeus LV7, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle, tackle kills and gets to LV8.

I get to Jubilife City and talk to Dawn. We run into Looker. I find stardust and two potions. I heal up. I go to the mart and buy 3 potions and two heal balls.

I go west and find an old rod dude. I'm given quick claw give it to Hestia. I go North...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Special thanks to my killer team for helping complete my 5th Nuzlocke!

Also respect to my fallen team members that were killed in the battlefields.

R.I.P. Banksy (caterpie) - tackle crit from Pidgey.

R.I.P. Rembrandt (rattata) - thundershock crit from Magnemite.

R.I.P. Audubon (zubat) - quick attack crit from Rattata.

R.I.P. Sargent (mankey) - ember from Rival Van Dykes Charmander.

R.I.P. Eakins (spearow) - water gun from a Squirtle.

R.I.P. Saville (pideotto) - sludge from a Weezing.

R.I.P. Mangold (beedrill) - high jump kick crit from a Hitmonlee.

R.I.P. Caravaggio (kadabra) - future sight from a Slowbro.

R.I.P. Vitali (persian) - poison residual damage from Nidorina.

R.I.P. Twombly (venusaur) - thrash from Rival Van Dyke's Gyrados.


Van Dyke vs Redfield:

Pidgeot LV59 vs Su LV56, aerial ace, blizzard, full restore, ancient power, feather dance, blizzard kills.

Rhydon LV59, surf kills.

Exeggutor LV59, switch to Frankenthaler, giga drain, flamethrower crit kills!

Gyrados LV61, switch to Twombly, dragon rage, toxic, dragon rage, giga drain, thrash, giga drain, thrash, giga drain puts it down to like 1HP!! but thrash kills Twombly (NOOO!) and poison kills gyrados.

Charizard LV63 vs Kehinde LV58, fire blast, hydro pump kills.

Alakazam LV57, psychic, shadow ball, full restore, shadow ball, full restore again, shadow ball, psychic, shadow ball kills. 

I win!!!!! I'm Nuzlocke CHAMP!


Lance vs Redfield:

Gyrados LV58, vs  Su LV56, dragon rage, blizzard, FREEZE!, froze, ancient power, froze, ancient power kills.

Dragonair LV54, blizzard kills.

Dragonair LV54. blizzard miss, safegaurd, blizzard miss, outrage, switch to Kehinde, outrage, ice beam, outrage, full restore on dragonair, shadow ball (sp-def drop), ice beam kills.

Dragonite LV60, ice beam kills.

Aerodactyl LV58, wing attack, hydro pump kills!

I win and heal up.


Agatha vs Redfield:

Gengar LV54 vs Kehinde LV57, shadow ball, double team, shadow ball kills.

Golbat LV54, ice beam, air cutter, full restore on golbat, ice beam, ice beam kills.

Arbok LV56, switch to Monet, bite, eq kills.

Haunter LV57, rock tomb, hypnosis, switch to SU, dream eater miss, bite kills.

Gengar LV58, hypnosis miss, shadow ball, sleep, shadow ball, sleep, nightmare, switch to SU, nightmare, bite, sitrus berry, hypnosis miss, bite, full restore on gengar, bite, hypnosis, switch to Kehinde, shadow ball, hypnosis, sleep, sludge bomb, sleep, nightmare, awake shadow ball kills.

I win and heal up. Then I teach Su blizzard.

 Elite FOUR

Bruno vs Redfield:

Onix LV51 vs Twombly LV57, giga drain kills.

Hitmonchan LV53, toxic, sky uppercut, return, sky uppercut, return kills.

Hitmonlee LV53, toxic, mega kick miss, giga drain, mega kick, return kills.

Onix LV54, giga drain kills.

Machamp LV56, toxic, bulk up, return, scary f, cross chop, giga drain, sitrus berry, cross chop, frenzy plant kills.

I crush the victory and heal up


Lorelei vs Redfield:

Dewgong LV52 vs Klimt LV56, brick break, surf, brick break kills.

Slowbro LV52, switch to Twombly, amnesia, giga drain, amnesia, giga drain, ice beam, giga drain (miss?), ice beam, switch to Kehinde, ice beam, shadow ball, yawn, shadow ball.

Cloyster LV51, switch to Klimt, hail, protect, brick break, hail, brick break miss(?), dive, hail, brick break miss, hail, dive hits, hail stopped, brick break, hail, brick break kills.

Jynx LV54, switch to Frankenthaler, ice punch, flame thrower, lovely kiss, sleep, hail, full restore on jynx, sleep, hail, sleep, ice punch, sleep, ice punch, full restore on Frankenthaler, ice punch, hail, flamethrower, ice punch, im FROZEN! (really), flamethrower thaws and kills.

Lapras LV54, confuse ray, hit-self, flamethrower, surf down to 31HP, switch to Klimt, hit-self, sitrus berry, hi jump kick kills.

I win and heal up.


Giovanni vs Redfield:

Rhyhorn vs Twombly LV50, giga drain kills.

Dugtrio LV42, giga drain kills.

Nidoqueen LV44, return, eq, giga drain, eq, hyper potion on nido, giga drain, return, eq, hyper potion on venusaur, return, eq, return kills.

Nidoking LV50, giga drain, eq, frenzy plant kills.

Rhyhorn LV50, recharge, scary face, frenzy plant kills.

I win! BOOM! I get the Earth Badge, all mon listen to me, I get TM Earthquake, level limit is set at 59 (which is the middle of Elite Four levels 52-63)

I heal and go back to the island to train and battle. I'm there awhile then leave and go to the power plant. My first encounter is Magnimite and I name it Hopper.

Next I decide to head and train in victory road. I run into my rical who I forget about but I win easily. My Victory Road encounter is Marowak and I name it Dahli.

during hours and hours of training Su evolves into Omastar!

I call it quits on the training and heal.

My team:

Klimt LV56, Rock slide, hi jump kick, brick break, mega punch

Frankenthaler LV57, quick attack, wil-o-wisp, confuse ray, flamethrower

Twombly LV57, return, toxic, giga drain, toxic, frenzy plant

Monet LV57, brick break, strength, EQ, Rock Tomb

Kehinde LV57, surf, shadow ball, hydro pump, ice beam

Su LV56, mud shot, bite, surf, ancient power


Blaine vs Redfield:

Growlithe LV42 vs Kehinde LV48, surf kills.

Ponyta LV40, surf kills.

Rapidash LV42, surf kills.

Arcanine, surf kills and Kehinde gets to LV49

I win and get the Volcano Badge, TM Fire Blast, and level limit is 50.

Bill is out side the gym and invites me on a trip to islands. I heal and we go to Island One. Bill helps his buddy Celio and asks me to deliver a package to his friend on Island Two. I get a Tri-pass and go to Island Two but his friend needs me to find someone on Island Three. They are too distraught to do anything else. On Island Three I beat up all th4e bikers who are bothering people. I save the friend Losiette. I go back to Island tqo and give package. Then I go back to Island One. I have my first non doupes encounter in Kindle Road. It's a Rapidash and I name it Kollwitz.

Then Bill and I leave the islands. I go to Viridian Gym but while I'm battling some trainers Vitali dies from residual poison damage! (NOOO, I'm pissed) I lay Vitali to rest.

I select SU (omanyte) to join the team. I train up all the other mon to LV50, Su is at LV22 at that point I heal up and walk in to battle for my final gym badge...

Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Sabrina vs Redfield:

Kadabra LV38 vs Vitali LV43, faint attack, future sight, hyper potion, bite, bite kills.

Mr. Mime LV37, future sight misses(?), faint attack, barrier, faint attack kills.

Venomoth LV38, aerial ace, confusion, aerial ace kills.

Alakazam LV43, bite, flinch, bite, flinch (again!), hyper potion, bite, faint attack, psychic down to 3HP, but bite kills.

I win the Marsh Badge, I get TM Calm Mind, level limit is now 48.

I grab a quick encounter on Route 21, tangelo which I name Robinson.

I do a quick training session to get my pokemon to the level limit of 48 before my match against Blaine.



Koga vs Redfield:

Koffing LV37 vs frakenthaler LV40, flamethrower kills.

Muk LV39, switch to Monet, minimize, dig, minimize, dig hit and crit kills.

Koffing LV37, strength, toxic, strength kills.

Weezing LV43, strength, smokescreen, strength, sludge, switch to twombly, sludge, giga drain (miss click), sludge, return, hyper potion on weezing, return, lemonade on twombly, smokescreen, return, sludge, return, sludge, switch to Kehinde, hyper potion onweezing, water peulse, smokescreen, miss, sludge, water pulse kills (finally).

I win the Soul Badge, TM Toxic, I can use surf outside battle and my level limit is 43.

I do a little traveling before the Sabrina fight. My Rout 19 encounter is Tentacool and I name it Abbot.

Seafoam Island encounter is Slowpoke, I catch and name it Rotheko.

My Pokémon Mansion encounter is Grimer and I name it Dekoonig.

My Cinnabar Island encounter is my fossil Omanyte which I name Su.

I finish training before Sabrina and I fly to the gym with all LV43 pokes. I heal up and go in the gym...