
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Ponyta LV14 sv Ares LV14, mach punch, tackle, mach punch, tackle, mach pumch kills and gets to LV15

Aroma Lady:

Roselia LV14 vs Artemis LV15, wing attack kills and gets to LV16.


Bidoof LV12 vs Hermes LV15, bite, tackle, bite, flinch, bite kills.

Pachirisu LV12, switch to Ares, bide, bide, taunt, unleashed but failed, ember, mach punch, quick attack, mach punch kills.

I find a heal ball, oran berry, and a pecha berry. I go heal and I go back to the honey tree in Floaroma town and find my encounter to be a Cherubi. I catch and name it Silvanus.


Aipom LV14 vs Hermes LV15, sand attack, bite, tail whip, bite, astonish, bite, astonish, bite kills.


Onix LV14 vs Persephone LV15, rock throw, mega drain kills.

I find repel, and a super potion.

Battle Girl:

Machop LV15 vs Hermes LV15,astonish, leer, astonish, focus energy, astonish, leer, astonish, foresight, astonish crit, leer, astonish kills and gets to LV16.

I rest in a house.


Piplup LV14 vs Ceto LV15, mud bomb miss, peck, mud bomb, peck, mud bomb, peck, mud bomb, peck miss, mud bomb kills.

I enter Eterna Forest and walk around with this lady named Cheryl. my first encounter is Silcoon and I name it Apate.

I get an antidote.

Las and Bug Catcher:

Pachirisu LV16, Wurmple LV11 vs Ceto LV15, Chansey LV20, spark, egg bomb, waterpulse kills, wurmple, silcoon called out, switch to Zeus, spark, egg bomb, poison sting, bide, egg bomb, string shot,, spark, biding, spark kills silcoon, egg bomb, they call out beautifly, unleash energy, tackle, egg bomb, spark kills Beautifly, Zeus to Lv16, spark, egg bomb kills pachirisu and Ceto gets to LV16, and learns hidden power.

I find a paralyze heal.


Abra LV17, Abra LV17 vs Artemis LV16, Chansey LV20, quick attack, hidden power, hidden power, egg bomb, quick attack kills, hidden power, egg bomb kills another Abra.

We sneak through the forest and get to the end. She gives me a soothe bell that I immediately give to Persephone. I walk out to the north part of 205 and into Eterna City. I heal up and then go back to the forest to train, I find a green shard and a potion.


Medatite LV17, Psyduck LV17 vs Persephone LV16, Ares LV16, switch to Zeus, mega drain, confusion crit on Persephone, water gun, switch to Ceto, spark kills. meditate, spark, meditate, hidden power kills.

While trainig Persephone gets to LV17.

Bug Catchers:

Wurmple LV11, Burmy LV14 vs Hermes LV16, Ares LV16, ember kills wurmple, astonish, flinch, protect, ember, astonish blocked, call out Dustox, confusion drit down to 3 HP! switch to Zeus, protect, ember, kills Dustox, Zeus LV17, cascoon called out, ember kill burmy, spark, string shot, calls out burmy, ember kills burmy, Ares gets to LV17, spark kills cascoon.

I leave the forest and Hermes gets to LV17 against wild mon adn learns wing attack. I find pecha x2, oran berry x2 and guard specs.


Goldeen LV17 vs Persephone LV17, mega drain, supersonic, mega drain kills.


Magikarp LV8, LV10, LV12, LV14, LV16 vs Persephone LV17, mega drain kills all and gets to LV18.


Magikarp LV14 vs Zeus LV17, splash, spark kills.

Goldeen LV16, spark kills and gets to LV18 learns bite.

Magikarp LV14, splash, spark kills.

I go back to Eterna City, I find a super potion, and TM Recycle. I buy 10 poke balls, 1 premier balls, 3 potions, 1 super potion, and 2 nest balls. I go for a bike but he isn't around. I get Pal Pad and an Explorer Kit. I run into Scylla, we look at a statue together, then see Cyrus. He complains and then leaves. My rival runs off. I head East to Route 211 and my first encounter is Medatite I catch and name her Bia

I find a great ball.

Ninja Boy:

Zubat LV14 vs Artemis LV17, quick attack, bite, quick attack kills.

Zubat LV14, quick attack, bite, quick attack kills and Artemis to LV18 and learns endeavor.

Zubat LV14, quick attack, bite, quick attack, kills.

I head back to the center and run into Cynthia and she gives me HM Cut. I heal up and go into the gym after chatting with Gardenia out front/


Cherubi LV17 vs Ares, ember (doesn't kill)leech seed, (I think I need to train), another kills and gets to LV18

Roselia LV17, switch to Hermes, stun spore, poison sting, wing attack, mega drain, wing attack kills.

Aroma Lady:

Budew LV15 vs Hermes LV17, wing attack kills.

Budew LV16, wing attack kills.

Budew LV17, wing attack kills LV18.

I go back and heal then east again for some training.


Geodude LV14 vs Ceto LV17, water pulse kills.

Onix lV18, rock throw miss, water pulse kills.

I see rock smash and a cave ahead. I go back and grab Jormungander and some repels to hunt for items without encounters until later.

Bird Keeper:

Starly LV17 vs Hermes LV18, bite crit kills.

Hoothoot LV17, bite flinch, bite, reflect, bite, peck, bite kills.

I get TM taunt, ice heal and a stardust.

Aroma Lady:

Roselia LV19 vs Hermes LV18, poison sting, wing attack and to LV19.

Ares training to LV19 and learns flame wheel. While I continue training I take a crit confusion from a Meditite on Zeus and he dies. (NOOOOOOOOOO!!! fudge)

I lay him down to rest, then I take time off and when I come back. I chose Bia (meditite) to fill the slot caused by its brothren mon's murder! I train up the mon to LV20 and enter the gym.

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