
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Monday, September 14, 2020


Olympia vs Sapien:

Sigilyph LV44 vs Apis LV49, reflect, power gem, air slash crit! down to 39 HP, power gem kills.

Slowking LV45, full restore, power gem to 25HP! switch to Dendro, power gem, night slash, yawn, night slash kills, then sleep.

Meowstic LV48, fake out, sleep, sleep, calm mind, sleep, shadow ball, night lash kills.

I win! I get the paychic badge, LV90 will obey, TM Calm Mind, and level limit is 51.

A holo clip of Lysandre comes up. He says he will defeat all people. I fly to Lumiose City to fight in the secret cafe base.

Team Flare:

Scrafty LV46 vs Ursus LV48, switch to Zerde, bulk up, moonblast kills.

Team Flare:

Liepard LV46 vs Ursus LV48, scary face, rock smash, night slash, rock smash kills.

I heal then re-enter the café and go to the back room and run into Lysandre. (not ready)

Lysandre vs Sapien:

Meinfoo LV45 vs Ursus LV48, switch to Apis, swords dance, acrobatics down to 10HP!, air slash kills.

Pyroar LV47, switch to Dendro, howl, water shuriken to red, hyper voice, surf kills.

Gyrados LV49, switch to Zante, outrage, leech seed, outrage, leech, venoshock, crit, himself, leech, venoshock kills.

Murkrow LV45, switch to Ursus, aerial ace, aerial ace, body slam kills.

I win. Lysandre walks to a locked elevator.

Team Flare:

Swalot LV46 vs Ursus LV48, stock pile, yawn, switch to Felis, spit up, sleeptime, psychic kills.

Team Flare Admin Aliana:

Mightyena LV46 vs Ursus LV48, taunt, rock smash, embargo, body slam, crunch, body slam kills to LV49 and learns crunch.

Druddigon LV48, dragon claw, yawn, switch to Zerda, immune to dragon claw, sleep time, moonblast kills.

Team Flare:

Swalot LV45 vs Felis LV49, psychic kills.

Liepard LV46, switch to Zerde, slash, slash, moonblast kills and gets to LV50.

I find a bed and rest in it. I get TM Taunt.

Team Flare:

Liepard LV44 vs Felis LV49, fake out, flinch, switch to Apis, night slash, hone claws, attack order kills.

Apis and Felis get to LV50

Mightyena LV44, swagger, hitslef, assurance, attack order kills.

Team Flare:

Houndoom LV44 vs Zante LV49, switch to Ursus, embargo, fire fang, rock smash, feint attack, rock smash kills.

Toxicroak LV44, sucker punch fail, yawn, sucker punch, strength, sleep time, sleep, strength kills.

Team Flare:

Manectric LV43 vs Zante LV49, petal dance kills.

Scrafty LV45, petal dance, scary face, facade, petal dance kills LV50 and learns petal blizzard.

I find a hyper potion.

Team Flare:

Golbat LV46 vs Ursus LV49, air cutter, strength, quick claw, strength kills.

Team Flare:

Toxicroak LV44 vs Ursus LV49, switch to Zante, venoshock, sucker punch, petal blizzard, sucker punch, venoshock, sucker punch, venoshock kills. Ursus LV50 and learns heavy slam.

Liepard LV44, night slash, petal blizzard kills.

I rest in the bed and continue on...

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