
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Gardenia vs Odysseus:

Turtwig LV20 vs Hermes LV20, wing attack, razor leaf, wing attack kills.

Cherrim LV20, magical leaf, wing attack, safe guard, wing attack, super potion on cherrium, magical leaf, wing attack, wing attack kills.

Rosearade LV22, switch to Artemis, stun spore miss, wing attack, sitrus berry, magical leaf, wing attack kills and Hermes to LV21 and learns confuse ray.

I win the Forest badge, get TM Grass Knot and level limit is set to 26.

I travel back to the forest and go to the old Chateau now that I can cut. I go to one of room upstairs and there is a tv glowing. I look at it and it attacks! My encounter is Rotom LV20 I catch and name it Nyx.

I forgot  about Rotom but glad I found him. I also find a dread plate, TM Substitute, old gateau and a rare candy. Artemis gets to LV21. I go back  and heal up then got to the galactic headquarters and find TM Thief.


Zubat LV17, Zubat LV17 vs Ceto LV20, Ares LV20, flame wheel kills, water pulse crit kills. call out stunky and glameow, mach punch, scratch, smokescreen, mud bomb miss, mach punch miss, scratch, poison gas, mud bomb, mach punch kills, mud bomb kills.


Croagunk LV19 vs Ceto LV20, mud bomb crit kills and gets to LV21.


Stunky LV16 vs Ares LV22, flame wheel, poison gas miss, fury swipes kills.

Crogunk LV16, flame wheel, pursuit, mach punch kills and gets to LV21.

Glameow LV16, mach punch kills.

I find x-special and x-speed.


Glameow LV19 vs Bia LV20, faint attack, hidden power crit, scratch, rock smash kills.


Kadabra LV20 vs Bia LV20, switch to Artemis, x-special, wing attack nearly kills, confusion down to 13HP, quick attack kills.

I find a blue shard and a revive. I go heal and then come back and run into the bike guy. I find an up-grade. I banter with Jupiter then battle.

Commander Jupiter:

Zubat LV21 vs Persephone LV20, stun spore, para, switch to Hermes, wing attack, bite, wing attack crit down to 9HP, I heal with super potion, para, wing attack, wing attack, wing attack kills.

Skuntank LV23, night slash kills Hermes, ...(NO!) I call out Ceto, mud bomb lowers accuracy, screech, night slash crit kills Ceto! (WHAT THE HELL NOOOOO!) I call out Artemis, intimidate activates, poison gas miss, wing attack, poison gas miss, wing attack, sitrus berry, screech, wing attack, night slash down to 5HP (WTF), wing attack crit kills the tank and gets up to LV21. I win but lose two mon. 

I leave the tower after saving the town. But sadly I lay both Hermes and Ceto down after that hard fought battle.

I meet Cynthia and she gives me an Egg. I wait to add pokemon until my next two encounters. I get a bike and I go biking south into Route 207.


Pikacu LV21 vs Persephone LV20, cut, thundershock, double team, growth, slam, mega drain, quick attack, cut kills.


Starly LV18 vs Persphone LV20, switch to Artemis, quick attack, quiak attack, quick attack, quick attack kills.

Staravia LV20, endeavor, wing attack, I heal up, wing attack, wing attack, double team, wing attack kills.


Pikachu LV21 vs Bia LV26, quick attack, confusion, T-wave, para, slam, confusion, double team, confusion kills.

I get to the end of the cyling part of the road and head into the grass. I find 2 Razz berries. My first encounter is machop and therefore doupes clause. My next first encounter is Gligar and I catch and name it Apollo.

Next I scoot back to the hidden part of the cave in the back. I go inside and head down the stairs to the left. My first encounter is Zubat (doupes) so I continue on I walk thre steps and find GIBLE! As I'm trying to catch it 4 balls break and gible unleashes a dragon rage and kills Persephone! (NOOOOOOO! so close to evolving) Then I call out Bia at 47HP, I forget sandstorm is active from gible and after a dragon rage and sand damage Bia collapses in death. But in the end I catch and name it Athena.

I head south back to Oreburgh town to lay my mon to rest. Thanks for the fights Persephone and Bia. 

I'm so pissed about the mon I've lost and I need to re-focus because I have some dum losses. So I take time and talk to Ares and Artemis about who needs to join the team...

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