
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Friday, September 18, 2020

 DAY 24

I begin my quest through Victory Road.


Ace Trainer:

Weavile LV60 vs Ursus LV60, low kick down to 9HP (yikes!) but heavy slam kills.


I forgot to heal before that battle. I switch him out of front as I go to leave the cave. My first encounter is Druddigon LV58. I catch it and name it Vitticeps ( after part of the scientific name for bearded dragon) 

I go heal and come back.

Ace Trainer:

Steelix LV56 vs Felis LV60, fake out, flinch, switch to Zante, eq, petal blizzard, eq, leech seed, iron tail, leech, petal blizzard, leech, petal blizzard kills.

Kangaskan LV57, poison powder, outrage, leech seed, outrage, leech, switch to zerda outrage immune, leech, moonblast kills.

Electrode LV56, switch to Ursus, light scree, screech, screech, heavy slam, thunder miss, strength, thunder, strength kills.


I go back and heal then walk back again.



Machamp LV60 vs Felis LV60, psychic, stone edge, , psychic kills and gets to LV61.


I find a dusk ball.


Battle Girl:

Hawlucha LV57 vs Apis LV60, acrobatics, air slash kills.

Meinshao LV58, switch to Zante, it bounces up, (crap), I switch again to Zerda, bounce hits, high jump kick, moon blast kills.


I find a hyper potion.


Haxorus LV58 (!) vs Dendro LV61, return, dragon claw, switch to Zerda, immune to dragon claw, assurance, moonblast kills.

I go back and heal again and buy an additional 12 hyper potions.

Battle Girl:

Medicham LV60 vs Dendro LV61, switch to Apis, thunderpunch crit down to 25HP, switch to Zerda, ice punch, zen headbutt, moonblast kills.


Espeon LV58 vs Felis LV61, fake out, flinch, sucker punch, future sight, sucker punch kills.


Pangoro LV57 vs Felis LV61, switch to Apis, crunch, rock slide ( WAIT NOOOO!) and Apis dies. I switch to Zerda, moonblast and kill.

Heracross lV58, eq, moonblast, stone edge, draining kiss kills.

I go back and lay Apis in the box and remember the memories of constant awesomeness that she had during this epic run.

I select the newly caught Vitticeps to join the squad for battle.

Brains and Brawn:
Medicham LV58, Gallade LV60 vs Felis LV62, Zerda LV63, fake out, flinch, moonblast kills gallade, zen headbutt, psychic, moonblast kills and gets to LV62.

I find a rare candy.

Fairy Girl:
Azumarill LV56 vs Ursus LV62, yawn, rollout, heavy slam, rollout, sleep, heavy slam kills.
Florges LV56, flash, heavy slam kills.

Hex Maniac:

Gourgeist LV58 vs Vitticeps LV62, trick or treat, night slash, flamethrower, night slash kills.

I find quick balls and get healed by a lady. Then Serena shows up.

Serena vs Sapien:

Meowstic LV57 vs Vitticeps LV62, fake out, flinch, psychic, night slash, psychic, night slash kills.

Altaria LV58, switch to Dendro, dragon pulse, ice beam, dazziling gleam (ugg) ice beam kills and Vitticeps gets to LV63.

Chesnaught LV61, switch to Zerda, seen bomb, moonblast kills.

Vaporeon LV57, moonblast, muddy water, draining kiss, muddy water, swift, muddy water, swift kills.

Absol LV59, switch to Zante, quick attack, leech seed, swords dance, leech, petal blizzard, night slash, leech kills. I win!

I go back to the lady and heal.

Ace Trainer:

Slowbro LV57 vs Vitticeps LV63, night slash, psychic, switch to Dendro, flamethrower, night slash kills.

Altaria LV57, ice beam kills.


Banette LV57 vs Vitticeps LV63, shadow ball, night slash kills.

Leafeon LV59, switch to Zante, petal dance, sludge bomb kills.


Trevanant LV57 vs Vitticeps LV63, curse, night slash kills.

Gigalith LV59, switch to Zante, protect fail, leech seed, eq, petal blizzard kills, and Vitticeps gets to LV64.


Glaceon LV57 vs Dendro LV63, night slash, blizzard, night slash kills and gets to LV64.

Snorlax LV59, switch to Zante, body slam, leech seed, body slam, leech, sludge bomb, heavy slam, leech, switch to Vitticeps, body slam, leech, superpower kills.


Skarmorary LV55 vs Felis LV63, fake out, flinch, T-bolt kills.

Alakazam LV57, sucker punch, shadow ball, sucker punch kills.

Umbreon LV63, switch to Vitticeps, quick attack, foul play, super power kills.

I get to the Pokemon League's pokecenter. I heal up and grab more potions. Then I train my mon to LV65 level limit before the Elite Four.

Team results:

Felis LV65 (fake out, sucker punch, T-bolt, psychic)

Zante LV65 (sludge bomb, return, leech seed, petal blizzard)

Zerda LV65 (draining kiss, swift, moonblast, hidden power ghost)

Vitticeps LV65 (night slash, outrage, rock climb, superpower)

Ursus LV65 (heavy slam, yawn, crunch, strength)

Dendro LV65 (ice beam, night slash, surf, water shuriken)

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