
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Saturday, April 11, 2020

DAY 11

Watchhog LV25 vs Archangel LV26, air cutter, confuse ray, hiself, hypnosis, switch to Polaris, super fang, protect, hypnosis, razor leaf, confuse ray, hitslef, super fang, and razor leaf kills.

Scraggy LV24, Scraggy LV24 vs Archangel LV26, Polaris LV26, bug bite, air cutter kills, payback, quick attack, bug bite kills. Archangel and Polaris get to LV27.

Liepard LV25 vs Colossus LV26, fury swipes, bug bite, fury swipes misses, bug bite LV27.

I find TM Payback and tiny mushroom.

Whirlipede LV25 vs Warpath LV26, razor shell, poison tail crit and poison, but razor shell kills.

I'm given freshwater. Then I travel to Forlorn forest.

Tranquil LV24 vs Warpath LV26, quick attack, razor shell, razor shell kills and get to LV27.
Liepard LV24 switch to Polaris, fake out and bug bite kills.

Poke Ranger:
Emolga LV26 vs Polaris LV27, cut, double team, switch to Dust, double team and power gem kills.

I get TM Snarl. I beat up wild mon and Polaris gets to LV28. Dust to LV28. I go back and heal at Nimbasa City. I head to Route 5 to battle. I find a hyper potion.

Sunkern LV24 vs Beast LV27, fire punch kills
Combee LV24, fire punch kills.

Scraggy LV25 vs Beast LV27, fire punch kills.

I battle some wild mon and Beast gets to LV28.

Sigilyph LV25 vs Colossus LV27, light screen, pursuit, switch to DUst, psybeam crits down to 16HP. I heal with lemonade, air cuter, air cutter, power gem, psybeam down to 6 HP. I switch to Arch angel, air cutter, quick attack, psybeam take s me down to half health but quick attack kills. (OOF nearly a couple deaths)

I bike back and heal my mon then I come back to Route 5. I find a super repel.

Poke Ranger:
Budew LV25 vs Colossus LV27, worry seed, bug bite, mega drain, bug bite kills.
Roselia LV25 vs Colossus LV27, bug bite, leech seed, magic leaf, bug bite, magic leaf, bug bite kills and he reaches LV28. Then he leans venoshock.

Maractus LV25 vs Warpath LV27, switch to Arch angel, needle arm, air cutter, mega drain, air cutter kills.

Minccino LV24, Minccino LV24 vs Warpath LV27 & Beast LV28, razor shell kills, fire punch kills.

I battle some wild mon. Warpath gets to LV28 and learns Revenge. Archangel gets to LV28 too. I heal then go to the gym. I get fresh water.

Elekid LV27 Polaris LV28, razor leaf misses, light screen, bug bite kills, but static ability paralyzes.
Flaffy LV27, cotton spore, para, cotton spore, bug bite, electro ball. bug bite kills. I heal Polaris.

Flaffy LV27 vs Polaris LV28, bug bite, electro ball, bug bite kills, and she gets to LV29. Then she learns slash.
Blitzle LV27, I switch to DUst, spark, flame charge, smack down, spark, smack down kills.

Blitzle LV27 vs Dust LV28, spark, power gem, then quick claw to use power gem to kill.
Elekid LV27, shock wave, power gem, ight screen, smack down kills and Dust gets to LV29.

I'm now done with the trainers in the gym. I go back and heal my mon. I keep Dust in front to possibly deal with emolga. I walk back, enter the gym and head to the main stage...

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