
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


Clefairy LV16 vs Warpath LV20, razor shell, growl, razor shell.

Pansage LV14 vs Warpath LV20, I switch to Archangel, air cutter, oran berry, fury swipes, air cutter.
Panpour LV14 is next, air cutter, oran berry, water gun, air cutter, water gun, quick attack.
Pansear LV14 is I switch to Dust LV21, incinerate, rock blast kills.

I go back to heal then hit the next skyscraper. I get TM Rest.

Growlithe LV16 vs Warpath LV20, razor shell and he hits LV21.

I get quick balls.

Budew LV16 vs Polaris LV20, bug bite kills.

I get guard specs.

Pidove LV17 vs Polaris LV20, cut, leer, cut crit kills.

Marill LV16 vs Polaris LV20, razor leaf kills.

I get timer balls, ether and scope lens.

School Kid:
Eevee LV17 vs Polaris LV20, razor leaf, growl, quick attack, razor leaf crit kills. She gets to LV21.
Herdier V17 vs switch to Dust LV20, rock smash, tackle, bite, rock smash, tackle, rock smash.

WHAT?! Polaris is evolving... again... into Leavanny!

I get to Route 4

Growlithe LV16 vs Gambit LV20 sand tomb, bite, sand tomb.
Herdier LV16, assurance, tackle, sand tomb, tackle, assurance, tackle, sand tomb.

I beat up wild mon and Gambit gets to LV21.

Basculin LV17 Archangel LV20, air cutter, bite, air cutter, bite, quick attack. He gets to LV21.

WHAT?! Archangel is evolving as well!!!! I get Tranquil.

Psyduck LV16 Polaris LV21 razor leaf kills.
Basculin LV16 Polaris LV21 razor leaf kills and gets to LV22.

I go back and heal. Then I head to the gym, I'm given a fresh water.

Sewaddle LV20 vs Dust LV20, bug bite, rock blast hit 4 times and kills.
Sewaddle LV20, quick claw lets rock blast hits first, tackle, rock blast kills.

Combee LV20 vs Warpath LV21, razor shell kills.
Swadloon LV20, switch to Archangel, razor leaf, protect, air cutter blocked, air cutter, protect, air cutter blocked, air cutter kills.

Sewaddle LV19 vs Warpath LV21, razor shell, bug bite, razor shell, tackle, razor shell kills.
Combee LV19, razor shell kills and Warpath reaches LV22
Dwebble LV19, razor shell puts it down to 1HP with sturdy, smackdown, razor shell kills.

Dwebble LV20 vs Archangel LV21, switch to Dust, faint attack twice, rock smash, sand attack, rock smash, smack down, tackles me down to 6HP, rock smash, switch to gambit, faint attack, and sand tomb kills.
Swadloon LV20 I switch to Arch angel, string shot, air cutter kills.

I use freshwater on Dust. I go back to Relic Passge that I just remembered about. I beat up wild mon and Archangel gets to LV22.

Venipede LV17 vs Gambit LV21, x defend on venipede, sand tomb, protect, blocks sand tomb, sand tomb, pursuit, sand tomb kills
Koffing LV17, smoke screen, assurance miss,  assurance, smokescreen, smog, assurance kills. I find a hard stone. Gambit gets to LV22.

Gambit LV18 vs Dust Lv21, x spdef, mudslap, rock blast, disable, strength. Dust hits LV22
Herdier LV18, I switch to Polaris LV22, razor leaf, tackle, razor leaf kills.

I find a dead end in relic passage. I find yellow shard. Polaris gets  LV23. There is no more to explore so I use escape rope out of the passage. I heal and put Archangel back in front. I go back to the gym and get to the room with Burgh...

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