
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Clair vs Albert
Gyarados LV38 (not a great level to start) vs Dondarrion LV 38, dragon rage, spark, hyper potion, spark, dragon rage, spark kills
Dragonair LV38 vs Valyrian LV37, fire blast, ice fang, switch to Shaggy Dog (to absorb the fire move) but dragon pulse, slam misses, fire blast does very little but she switchs to Kingdra LV 41 ( I knew it!) fire blast does little to nothing but I get the burn. I switch to Loras, hydro pump, smokescreen, burn, synthesis, hydro pump misses, burn, dragon pulse, petal dance, she switches again and petal dance kills the injured Dragonair. (wooo two down)
Dragonair LV38 (a new one) vs Arya LV38, dragon pulse, fly, dragon pulse miss, fly takes it down to half health, dragon pulse now I'm down to 13HP. I fly, pulse misses, then... fly takes it down to 1HP! Aqua tail kills Arya!!!! (NOOOOOOO ARYA!) I put Selmy in and aerial ace kills dragonair.
Kingdra LV 41 (burned and down to 1/3HP vs Selmy LV37, hydro pump take me below half health but then close combat crushes kingdra.

OMG I DID IT I WON! But sadly at the cost of ARYA (togetic) As the battle ends and I cry for the loss of my mon. Clair says... wait what...excuse me??? She wont concede me my badge, saying I'm not ready for the Elite 4. (F U CLAIR!) She says I have to take on the dragon challenge first. (WHY!) I beat her fair and square and I'm hold my dead mon as she whines. She says I have lazy ideals and undeserving. What the hell? I storm out angrily.

(To Recap: Arya is dead, Dondarrion 74HP, Shaggy Dog 33HP, Loras 28HP, Valyrian 25HP, Selmy 45HP. That was nearly a catastrophe!) I enter the center and lay Arya down forever, crying in game. I can feel the sad music.

I take time and select a new mon to avenge Arya. I choose Crakehall my swinub. Named after one of the families that help the Lannisters get revenge in several battles in game of thrones. He is pretty low levels so I will be switch training him. I pop out to the wild and get Crakehall and Selmy up a level each. Then I head into the dragon den.

( I wont be listing the constant switch training for my new team member, but its happening)

Ace Trainer:
Dragonair LV37 vs Valyrian LV37, surf puts me below half health, ice fang, frozen solid but shed skin heals it (fudge). I switch to Dondarrion, it surf's me then blizzard kills.

My first encounter pops up and its... magikarp. Luckily I have a no doubles clause since I already caught Tully so I keep looking. Seven more magikarp pop up, then I find a max potion.\

Ace Trainer:
Horsea LV33, Horsea LV33 vs Valyrain LV37, strength crit kills both horsea.
Seadra LV35 vs Dondarrion LV38, spark, leer, spark kills. Crakehall gets to LV23

Dratni LV35& Dratini LV35 vs Valyrian LV37 & Loras LV38, headbutt near kill, ice fang kills, headbutt does basically nothing to Loras, then headbutt from Loras kills.

 I get to the shrine but find out I need WHIRLPOOL! ARRGGHHH! I go back to town and switch Shaggy Dog out for Pyke. So that I can use whirlpool. I run into four more magikarp. Then a Dratini! I catch it and name it Drogon! (I know people will complain about me passing up 11 magikarp for dratini because the no doubles clause helped me get out of first encounter but for now I wont use Dratini in my team, Just to be fair. Also Dratini is super low LV15)

Its sent back to the PC. Then I find dragon fang.

I enter the shrine. The old guy in the back wants to test me... sigh... ok lets go. I pass the questions. Clair walks in and assumes that I didn't pass. When the old guy tells her I did she is shocked.(So me kicking you as with mon mostly below your lowest level didn't prove to you that I deserve the badge! SCREW YOU!) Luckily old dude tells her that I'm impeccable in skill and spirit. He warns her to give me a badge or he will call Lance. Also he tells her to compare my abilities to her's to see what she is lacking as a trainer. I receive the Rising Badge... FINALLY! Then she leaves quickly.

As I leave the den I see her near the entrance. She apologizes and give me TM Dragon Pulse. I leave the den and get a call from Elm. He wants me to come to his lab. So I heal my mon then begin to walk to new bark town. (no fly atm with Arya dead) I switch out my whirlpool mon to get Shaggy Dog back (sure would like a fire stone anytime now).

I get to Prof. Elm and receive the master ball. He mentions I should visit the Kimono girls before I head to the league. NOPE I"M GOOD THEY CAN WAIT. I check on Crakehall to see how close to the leveling up he is and then begin to walk over. Lyra calls me over and asks what I'm doing? I try agin three more times but I guess I have to go visit the Kimono girls. I walk all the back to Cherrygrove city and take out Rolly (farfetch'd) and teach them fly. I then Land in Ecruteak City...

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