
I'm an avid Pokemon player and I recently defeated my 6th run at nuzlocke. (currently 6-1) So I decided to blog about my future nuzlocke quests. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions or leave fun comments.

1) fainted mon count as dead and can't be used
2) only the first mon on each routes counts
3) no doubles, species clause, and can always catch shiny pokemon
4) if the first encounter dies or flees. I can't catch another on the route and it counts as that specific pokemon and I can't re-catch it on a later route.
5) ID # selects which starter, ends in 1-3 gras, 4-6 fire, 7-9 water, and zero is dealers choice
6) all caught mon get a nickname.
7) choose one- either no items during battle or set game to no auto switches between turns/ with 3 items for battles
8) no legendries in the team
9) level limits are set to the highest gym leader or Elite 4 members up next

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Magneto vs Xavier
Servine vs Dust, switch to Archangel, leaf blade, fly, leaf blade misses, fly kills.
Simisear, fly, leer misses, fly kills.
Tranquil, switch to Dust, air cutter twice, rock slide kills.

I win round 1! (it auto heals me after the match)

Cheren vs Xavier
Stoutland vs Dust, work up, power gem, work up, rock smash, bite, flinch, bite, flinch, quick claw activates and rock smash kills.
Cinccino, work up, rock smash, sing, wake up slep puts me down to 1HP! I switch to Archangle, work up, quick attacck kills.
Watchog, fly, work up, fly kills.

I win round 2! (auto heal)
Colress vs Xavier
Magneton, vs Dust, quick claw rock smash, supersonic misses, rock smash, supersonic, rock smash kills.
Klink, hit myself, charge, hit myself, gear grind, switch to warpath, gear grind, water pulse, thundershock, charge, water pulse kills.
Elgyen, heal block, water pulse, psybeam, razor shell kills.

I win the tournament!

We go outside and Clay talks to us about being great runts. Cheren says he can't believe how much we have grown since Gym 1. Suddenly Team Plasma runs by, Magneto and Cheren chase after. Colress walks out and says we are dum for trying to stop them. I follow after them to try yo help. We find a weird ship.

Koffing LV30 vs Colossus LV32, bug bite, gyro ball crit, smooth to Beast, sludge bomb, fire punch kills.

Trubbish LV30 vs Colossus LV30. switch to Dust, take down, take down, power gem, quick claw strength, sludge bomb, sludge bomb, strength, Dust gets to LV33.

Grunt x2 vs Cheren & Xavier:
Grimer LV29, Golbat LV29 vs Colossus LV32, stoutland LV33, bug bite, kills, air cutter, they call out Krokorok, bug bite, take down, called out Liepard, bug bite kills again. crunch kills. Colossus gets to LV33.

Grunt x2 vs Magneto & Xavier:
Grimer LV29, Koffing LV29 vs Servine LV33, Warpath LV33, slam, razor shell kills, sludge, calls out watchdog, leaf blade, razor shell kills, sludge bomb, poisons Warpath. I switch to Archangel, and fly, hypnosis misses sludge bomb hits servine and fly kills. Raticate gets called out , fly, sucker punch, leaf blade, fly kills.

Zinzolin shows up and yells at us then has the shadow triad throw us off the ship. The ship sails off. I head back and heal my mon. I buy 4 more super potions, 2 antidotes, 2 paralyze heals and 3 full heals. I'm on Route 6 and heading to chargeston cave. I run into Cheren again and he gives me HM Surf. I teach surf to Warpath. I find pp up, big mushroom, and heart scale.

KAWBRA!!! Suddenly Cobalion shows up. Then I talk to Rood as he shows up. He tells me to find Cobalion to battles what's up ahead. I head out and start surfing. I find TM Fling and then I find Milstration Cave and first encounter is... boldore, I run because of the no doubles clause. Next encounter is... boldore… again. OK next encounter is Aron! I catch it and name it Xorn.

I go back to Route 6 and battle mon and Archangel gets to LV34. I find yellow, and two hyper potion.

Ace Trainer (triple battle):
Klink LV33, Unfezant Lv33, Sandslash LV33 vs Beast LV33, Warpath Lv33, Havok LV33, detect, seed bomb seed bomb, razor shell kills, fire punch kills, air slash, faint attack, return, headbutt, razor shell kills. Beast gets to LV34.

I continue through the cave..

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